Pic of the Week: Contemplative Caruso Edition

E. Caruso. Bain News Service. Prints and Photographs Division

Iconic tenor Enrico Caruso was born on February 25, 1873 in Naples, Italy.   Over a career spanning 25 years, he performed at the world’s great opera houses, including nearly 900 appearances at New York’s Metropolitan Opera alone.  In this age of the mp3 we take recorded music for granted, but Caruso was one of the first classical performers to make recordings, 176 examples of which can be heard on the National Jukebox.

Caruso died in 1921 at the young age of 48 . Celebrate his birthday with Albert Piantadosi’s tribute, “Goodbye Mister Caruso.”  Browse the many photos of Caruso in the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog. Finally, serenade your sweetie with a lip-sync to Caruso’s passionate rendition of Friedrich von Flotow’s  ”M’appari,”  which movie buffs might remember from the 1979 coming of age film Breaking Away.

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