A View of the Parliamentary Library of Québec – Pic of the Week

The following is a guest post by Janice Hyde, Supervisory Program Specialist at the Law Library of Congress.

After enduring weeks of Washington’s sweltering summer heat, I decided to head north in search of cooler climes and spent several days in Québec City, Canada.  While there, I took a tour of the provincial Parliament and then wandered over to the Parliamentary Library of Québec where I encountered this beautiful stained-glass window.

The window was designed by Guido Nincheri, a Canadian artist renowned for his stained-glass work and frescoes.  The window depicts the waterfall on the Ouiatchouane River in the historical village of Val-Jalbert in the Chambord municipality, which is about 155 miles northwest of Québec City.  Although the scene portrays an actual place, the design is allegorical.  The waterfall and pond at its foot represent the inexhaustible pool of knowledge that one can gain from books found in libraries.

"Québec City Parliamentary Library Window" photo by Janice Hyde

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