The Conspirators of the Lincoln Assassination – Pic of the Week

President Abraham Lincoln was shot on the night of April 14, 1865.  He died the next day, 146 years ago today.  This picture is from one of our digitized books on the trial of assassination conspirators.

The Conspirators David E. Herold, Mary E. Surratt, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Edward Spangler, Samuel A. Mudd, Samuel Arnold, Michael O'Laughlin

We have twenty-two digitized items on our Lincoln and the Law site, many of which are books.  The site is broken into three sections: Lincoln the Lawyer, Habeas Corpus and the War Powers of the President, and The Assassination: TrialsKurt went into more detail on our Presidents Day post, Lincoln the Lawyer.

And if you are really interested, I hear there is a movie coming out this weekend called, what else, The Conspirator.  The movie premiered recently at Ford’s Theatre.


  1. Ronald Baro
    April 15, 2011 at 10:57 am

    If only the truth can be really found out for J.F.K. Because there are too many versions and no real explanations and some if not all the perpetrators are still alive destroying this country.

  2. Barbara Dillon Hillas
    April 15, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    Thanks for highlighting some interesting material! Keep at it. Don’t know how many followers you have… Still, what you are doing, highlighting what’s available on the Internet, is wonderful, and it will yield fruits…

  3. Pedro Buitrago
    April 16, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    Los grandes hombres de nuestra era que no han sido asesinados, han sido humillados y olvidados. La idiosincrácia humana ha sido revelada por Hobbes así: “El hombre es lobo para el hombre”, factores como la envidia y el odio excecrable han proporcionado esos desastres, si así podemos llamarlos, desde Julio Cesar, Cristo y en nuestros días J.F.K., Mahatma Gandi, Martin Luther King y en nuestro país Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, Alvaro Gomez Hurtado y muchos otros, revelan y confirman ese sino de la humanidad.

  4. oswaldo sanviti
    April 18, 2011 at 10:58 am

    al visitar el museo de dallas,, me di con una gran cantidad de similitudes entre jfk y lincoln, eran mas de 20 coincidencias, son curiosos los hechos no?

  5. Theresa Kirkland
    August 16, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    I have an original death warrant issued for the conspirators signed by Andrew Johnson in 1865. My mother and father in laws were conservators of Marie Seward (daughter in law of William Seward) Ms Seward died in 1960s and my mother in law found the warrant in Ms Seward’s belongings. No one claimed them. I am now looking for more information on Marie Seward who lived in Marysville, CA when she passed away. Our local historian is also looking for information re: the death warrant we have in our possession. For this reason I am looking forward to seeing Redford’s “The Conspirator” 2010 film re: Mary Surrat. Please feel free to comment on my email. Theresa Kirkland
    Marysville, CA

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