Not for the Acrophobic: Painting the Capitol Dome

Painting the Capitol Dome, Washington, D.C. Photo by National Photo Company, August 26, 1922.

Painting the Capitol Dome, Washington, D.C. Photo by National Photo Company, August 26, 1922.

Here’s a job that’s not for the acrophobic — painting the outside of the Capitol dome! In fact, this 1922 photograph from our National Photo Company Collection may bring on a bit of vertigo in our heights-sensitive readers when they realize how high up in the air this painter is suspended. If this thought hasn’t yet got to you, then just imagine the position the fearless camera operator must be in to capture the image!

Tarzan Paints the Senate Flagpole, Washington, D.C. Photo by Harris & Ewing, July 11, 1939.

Tarzan Paints the Senate Flagpole, Washington, D.C. Photo by Harris & Ewing, July 11, 1939.

As for this second image from Harris & Ewing taken during the summer of 1939, their original caption says it all: “Tarzan paints the Senate flagpole. Washington, D.C., July 11. There comes a time each year when things around Capitol Hill need a bit of fresh paint, flagpoles no exception. Here is the flagpole over the Senate Office Building getting its new paint job, curiously enough, from a steeple-jack named Tarzan–Jack Tarzan.”

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