Selected Bibliography

Bibliographies: National Parks | Acadia | Grand Canyon | Great Smoky Mountains

Grand Canyon National Park

Anderson, Michael F. North and South Bass Trails: Historical
Research Study
. Grand Canyon, Ariz: National Park Service, 1991.

Barnes, William C. Arizona Place Names. Tucson: University of
Arizona Press, 1960.

Bartlett, Richard A. Great Surveys of the American West. Norman Okla.:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1962.

Burrus, Ernest J. Kino and the Cartography of Northwestern New
. Tucson: Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society, 1965.

Goodwin, Cardinal. The Trans-Mississippi West (1803-1853): A
History of its Acquisition and Settlement
. New York: Russell &
Russell, 1967.

Hughes, J. Donald. In the House of Stone and Light: A Human
History of the Grand Canyon.
N.p.:Grand Canyon Natural History
Association, 1978.

Mundy, Barbara E. The Mapping of New Spain: Indigenous
Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geograficas
. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Radlauer, Ruth. Grand Canyon National Park. Chicago: Children's
Press, 1977.

Reinhartz, Dennis, and Charles C. Colley, eds. The Mapping of the
American Southwest
. College Station, Tex.: Texas A & M University
Press, 1987.

Ristow, Walter W. American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial
Cartography in the Nineteenth Century
. Detroit: Wayne State
University Press, 1985.

Seavey, Charles A. " ... the most sublime of all earthly
spectacles.' Exploration and Mapping of the Grand Canyon." In
Exploration and Mapping of the National Parks, edited by
Jenny Marie Johnson.pp. 148-181. American Library Association, Map
and Geography Round Table, Occasional Paper no.4. Winnetka, Il.:
Speculum Orbis Press, 1994.

Seavey, Charles A. Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540-1861:
An Index to the Cartobibliography.
American Library Association,
Map and Geography Round Table, Occasional Paper no.3. Winnetka,
Il.: Speculum Orbis Press, 1992.

Schmidt, Jeremy. A Natural History Guide: Grand Canyon National
. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.

Schwartz, Seymour I., and Ralph E. Ehrenberg. The Mapping of
New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1980.

Spamer, Earle E. Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the Lower
Colorado River ,1540-1980
. Grand Canyon, Ariz.: Grand Canyon Natural
History Association, 1981.

Sutphen, Debra L. Sinews of Dirt and Stone: Grand Canyon's
Backcountry Trails System, an Historic Summary.
Grand Canyon, Ariz.:
National Park Serivce, 1992.

Thompson, Morris M. Maps for America: Cartographic Products of
the U.S. Geological Survey and Others
. [Reston, VA.]: U.S.
Geological Survey, 1929.

Tooley, R.V. The Mapping of America. London: Holland Press, 1980.

Vance, James E. The North American Railroad: Its Origin,
Evolution, and Geography.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1995.

Wachholtz, Florence, comp. Arizona, the Grand Canyon State: A
History of Arizona
. Westminster, Colo: Western States Historical
Publishers, 1975.

Wells, Alex. Grand Canyon National Park. New York: Macmillan USA,

Wheat, Carl I. Mapping the Transmississippi West , 1540-1861. 5
vols. in 6. San Francisco: Institute of Historical Cartography,

Yandell, Michael D., and John F. Hoffman. National Parkways, A
Photographic and Comprehensive Guide to Grand Canyon
. Casper, Wy.:
World-Wide Research and Publishing Co., National Parks Division,

U.S. Department of the Interior. Report of the Director of the
National Park Service to the Secretary of the Interior for the
Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1919
. Washington, D.C: Government
Printing Office, 1919.

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