The Hotchkiss Map Collection


This project could not have taken place without the invaluable assistance of the Geography and Map Division specialists, reference staff, cataloging staff, and collection maintenance team. These staff, as well as members of the Digital Conversion Group, contributed time and effort to help locate, catalog, and preserve the items shown in this presentation. The Conservation Division, Preservation Directorate, also contributed by stabilizing numerous deteriorating items.

Colleen R. Cahill, digital conversion coordinator, Geography and Map Division, was responsible for overall project production.

Sharon Ann McCarthy, digital conversion specialist, Geography and Map Division, and staff from Systems Integrations Group, Inc. of Lanham, Maryland, especially Calvin Chase, prepared items for scanning and processing.

From the Geography and Map Division: Iris Wallace Taylor, cartographic material cataloger; Sharon Ann McCarthy, digital conversion specialist, and Colleen R. Cahill, created and updated the bibliographic records. Elizabeth U. Mangan, technical services section head, and Gene E. Roberts, digital conversion coordinator, were responsible for production coordination.

Colleen R. Cahill and Lisa M. Cope, automated reference technician, Geography & Map Division; as well as Anton R. Pierce, Automation Planning and Liaison Office, edited and converted the bibliography into MARC format.

George I. Barnaj, processing technician, Library Services, prepared items for scanning.

Clara Egli LeGear, head, Reference and Bibliographic Section, prepared the bibliography and wrote the essay on the Hotchkiss Map Collection.

Andrea Matles Savada, Collections and Services, edited the framework text.

Colleen Byrne Wallace designed the Web pages.

David Woodward, Information Technology Services, was the primary programmer/analyst, for this collection.
