FY 2010 Agency Financial Report (AFR)
November 15, 2010

Full Document download files PDF (16.2MB)

Message from the Secretary download files PDF (44K)

Management's Discussion and Analysis download files PDF (300K)

Financial Details download files PDF (1.9M)

Report of the Independent Auditors download files PDF (14.6M)

Other Accompanying Information download files PDF (384K)

  • Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 Reporting Details download files PDF (228K)
  • Summary of Financial Statement Audit and Management Assurances download files PDF (140K)
  • Memorandum From the Office of Inspector General download files PDF (192K)
  • Office of Inspector General's Management Challenges for Fiscal Year 2011 download files PDF (176K)

Appendix download files PDF (212K)

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Last Modified: 11/23/2010