MADS/RDF Namespace Document

Status: Published

Updated: 10 May 2012


MADS/RDF (Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF) is a knowledge organization system (KOS) designed for use with controlled values for names (personal, corporate, geographic, etc.), thesauri, taxonomies, subject heading systems, and other controlled value lists. It is closely related to SKOS, the Simple Knowledge Organization System and a widely supported and adopted RDF vocabulary. MADS/RDF has been fully mapped to SKOS. It is presented as an OWL ontology.

The MADS/RDF is designed as a data model for authority and vocabulary data used within the library and information science (LIS) community, which is inclusive of museums, archives, and other cultural institutions. For example, MADS/RDF provides a means to record data from the Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC) Authorities format in RDF for use in semantic applications and Linked Data projects.

MADS/RDF Schema Overview

The following is a non-normative overview of MADS/RDF classes and properties. This document can be referenced directly ( or indirectly by content negotiation from the MADS/RDF namespace URI ( There are three normative variants, all of which can be accessed directly also:

MADS/RDF Namespace Document - RDF/XML

MADS/RDF Namespace Document - n-triples

MADS/RDF Namespace Document - n3/turtle

A related text, the MADS/RDF Primer, provides additional details about the design and intent of MADS/RDF. There are also numerous examples.

Class List

Address     Affiliation     Area     Authority     CitySection     City     ComplexSubject     ComplexType     ConferenceName     Continent     CorporateName     Country     County     DateNameElement     DeprecatedAuthority     Element     ExtraterrestrialArea     FamilyNameElement     FamilyName     FullNameElement     GenreFormElement     GenreForm     Geographic     GeographicElement     GivenNameElement     HierarchicalGeographic     Island     LanguageElement     Language     MADSCollection     MADSScheme     MADSType     MainTitleElement     NameElement     Name     NameTitle     NonSortElement     Occupation     Identifier     PartNameElement     PartNumberElement     PersonalName     Province     RWO     Region     SimpleType     Source     State     SubTitleElement     TemporalElement     Temporal     TermsOfAddressNameElement     Territory     TitleElement     Title     TopicElement     Topic     Variant    

Property List

adminMetadata     affiliationEnd     affiliationStart     authoritativeLabel     citationNote     citationSource     citationStatus     city     classification     code     componentList     country     definitionNote     deletionNote     deprecatedLabel     editorialNote     elementList     elementValue     email     exampleNote     extendedAddress     extension     fax     fieldOfActivity     hasAbbreviationVariant     hasAcronymVariant     hasAffiliation     hasAffiliationAddress     hasBroaderAuthority     hasBroaderExternalAuthority     hasCloseExternalAuthority     hasEarlierEstablishedForm     hasExactExternalAuthority     hasExpansionVariant     hasHiddenVariant     hasIdentifier     hasLaterEstablishedForm     hasMADSSchemeMember     hasMADSCollectionMember     hasNarrowerAuthority     hasNarrowerExternalAuthority     hasCorporateParentAuthority     hasReciprocalAuthority     hasReciprocalExternalAuthority     hasRelatedAuthority     hasSource     hasTopMemberOfMADSScheme     hasTranslationVariant     hasVariant     hiddenLabel     historyNote     hours     idScheme     idValue     identifiesRWO     isIdentifiedByAuthority     isMemberOfMADSCollection     isMemberOfMADSScheme     hasCorporateSubsidiaryAuthority     isTopMemberOfMADSScheme     natureOfAffiliation     note     organization     phone     postcode     scopeNote     see     state     streetAddress     useFor     useInstead     variantLabel    


Class: madsrdf:Address

Label: Address
Type(s): owl:Class    
Used With: madsrdf:hasAffiliationAddress    
Properties Include: madsrdf:postcode     madsrdf:streetAddress     madsrdf:extendedAddress     madsrdf:city     madsrdf:state     madsrdf:country    
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Class: madsrdf:Affiliation

Label: Affiliation
Comment: A resource that describes an individual's affiliation with an organization or group, such as the nature of the affiliation and the active dates.

Type(s): owl:Class    
Used With: madsrdf:hasAffiliation    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hasAffiliationAddress     madsrdf:affiliationStart     madsrdf:natureOfAffiliation     madsrdf:affiliationEnd     madsrdf:hours     madsrdf:email     madsrdf:phone     madsrdf:fax     madsrdf:organization    
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Class: madsrdf:Area

Label: Area Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a non-jurisdictional geographic entity.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:Authority

Label: Authority
Comment: A concept with a controlled label.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: owl:Thing     skos:Concept         
Used With: madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority     madsrdf:hasTopMemberOfMADSScheme     madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hasVariant     madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority     madsrdf:hasHiddenVariant     madsrdf:identifiesRWO     madsrdf:classification     madsrdf:authoritativeLabel    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority     madsrdf:MADSCollection     madsrdf:MADSScheme     madsrdf:Variant    
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Class: madsrdf:CitySection

Label: City Section Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a smaller unit within a populated place, e.g., a neighborhood, park, or street.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:City

Label: City Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is an inhabited place incorporated as a city, town, etc.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:ComplexSubject

Label: Complex Subject Type
Comment: The label of a madsrdf:ComplexSubject is the concatenation of labels from two or more madsrdf:SimpleType descriptions, except that the combination of madsrdf:SimpleType labels for the madsrdf:ComplexSubject does not meet the conditions to be the label of a madsrdf:NameTitle resource or madsrdf:HierarchicalGeographic resource.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:ComplexType         
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Class: madsrdf:ComplexType

Label: Complex Type
Comment: madsrdf:ComplexType is a resource whose label is the concatenation of labels from two or more Authority descriptions or two or more Variant descriptions or some combination of Authority and Variant descriptions, each of a madsrdf:SimpleType.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:MADSType         
Equivalent Class: :
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:HierarchicalGeographic     madsrdf:NameTitle     madsrdf:ComplexSubject    
Properties Include: madsrdf:componentList    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:SimpleType    
Disjoint Union Of: madsrdf:HierarchicalGeographicmadsrdf:ComplexSubjectmadsrdf:NameTitle
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Class: madsrdf:ConferenceName

Label: Conference Name Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a conference name.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Name         
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Class: madsrdf:Continent

Label: Continent Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is one of seven large landmasses on Earth. These are: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:CorporateName

Label: Corporate Name Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is the name of a corporate entity, which may include political or ecclesiastical entities.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Name         
Used With: madsrdf:hasCorporateSubsidiaryAuthority     madsrdf:hasCorporateParentAuthority    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hasCorporateSubsidiaryAuthority     madsrdf:hasCorporateParentAuthority    
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Class: madsrdf:Country

Label: Country Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a country, i.e. a political entity considered a country.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:County

Label: County Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is the largest local administrative unit, e.g. Warwickshire, in a country, e.g. England.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:DateNameElement

Label: Date Name Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:NameElement         
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Class: madsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority

Label: Deprecated Authority
Comment: A former Authority.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: owl:Thing         
Properties Include: madsrdf:deprecatedLabel    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:Authority     madsrdf:MADSCollection     madsrdf:MADSScheme    
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Class: madsrdf:Element

Label: Element
Comment: madsrdf:Element types describe the various parts of labels.

Type(s): owl:Class    
Equivalent Class: :
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:GeographicElement     madsrdf:TitleElement     madsrdf:TemporalElement     madsrdf:LanguageElement     madsrdf:GenreFormElement     madsrdf:TopicElement     madsrdf:NameElement    
Properties Include: madsrdf:elementValue    
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Class: madsrdf:ExtraterrestrialArea

Label: Extraterrestrial Area Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is any extraterrestrial entity or space, including a solar system, a galaxy, a star system, and a planet, including a geographic feature of an individual planet.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:FamilyNameElement

Label: Family Name Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:NameElement         
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Class: madsrdf:FamilyName

Label: Family Name Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a family name.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Name         
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Class: madsrdf:FullNameElement

Label: Fullname Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:NameElement         
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Class: madsrdf:GenreFormElement

Label: Genre/Form Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
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Class: madsrdf:GenreForm

Label: Genre/Form Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a genre or form term. Genre terms for textual materials designate specific kinds of materials distinguished by the style or technique of their intellectual contents; for example, biographies, catechisms, essays, hymns, or reviews. Form terms designate historically and functionally specific kinds of materials as distinguished by an examination of their physical character, characteristics of their intellectual content, or the order of information within them; for example, daybooks, diaries, directories, journals, memoranda, questionnaires, syllabi, or time sheets. In the context of graphic materials, genre headings denote categories of material distinguished by vantage point, intended purpose, characteristics of the creator, publication status, or method of representation.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
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Class: madsrdf:Geographic

Label: Geographic Authority
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a geographic place or feature, especially when a more precise geographic determination (City, Country, Region, etc.) cannot be made.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:Region     madsrdf:CitySection     madsrdf:City     madsrdf:State     madsrdf:County     madsrdf:Country     madsrdf:Territory     madsrdf:Continent     madsrdf:Area     madsrdf:Island     madsrdf:ExtraterrestrialArea     madsrdf:Province    
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Class: madsrdf:GeographicElement

Label: Geographic Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
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Class: madsrdf:GivenNameElement

Label: Given Name Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:NameElement         
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Class: madsrdf:HierarchicalGeographic

Label: Hierarchical Geographic Type
Comment: A madsrdf:HierarchicalGeographic indicates that its label is the concatenation of labels from a sequence of madsrdf:Geographic types taken from one of the madsrdf:Geographic sub-classes such as madsrdf:City, madsrdf:Country, madsrdf:State, madsrdf:Region, madsrdf:Area, etc. The madsrdf:Geographic resources that constitute the madsrdf:HierarchicalGeographic should have a broader to narrower hierarchical relationship between them.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:ComplexType         
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Class: madsrdf:Island

Label: Island Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent but is not itself a separate country.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:LanguageElement

Label: Language Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
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Class: madsrdf:Language

Label: Language Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a language.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
Equivalent Class: dcterms:LinguisticSystem
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Class: madsrdf:MADSCollection

Label: MADS Collection
Comment: A madsrdf:Collection is an organizational unit, members of which will have some form of intellectually unifying theme but not to the extent that it defines an independent knowledge organization system. It aggregates madsrdf:Authority descriptions or other madsrdf:MADSCollection resources.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: skos:Collection         
Used With: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSCollection    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hasMADSCollectionMember    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:Authority     madsrdf:MADSScheme     madsrdf:Variant    
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Class: madsrdf:MADSScheme

Label: MADS Scheme
Comment: MADS Scheme is an organizational unit that describes a knowledge organization system. It aggregates madsrdf:Authority descriptions and/or madsrdf:MADSCollection resources included in the knowledge organization system. Including a madsrdf:MADSCollection within a madsrdf:MADSScheme should be done with care; when a madsrdf:MADSCollection is part of a madsrdf:MADSScheme, then any madsrdf:Authority within that madsrdf:MADSCollection is effectively also in the madsrdf:MADSScheme.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: skos:ConceptScheme         
Used With: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme     madsrdf:isTopMemberOfMADSScheme    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hasTopMemberOfMADSScheme     madsrdf:hasMADSSchemeMember    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:Authority     madsrdf:MADSCollection     madsrdf:Variant    
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Class: madsrdf:MADSType

Label: MADS Type
Type(s): owl:Class    
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:ComplexType     madsrdf:SimpleType    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:MADSCollection     madsrdf:MADSScheme    
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Class: madsrdf:MainTitleElement

Label: Main Title Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:TitleElement         
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Class: madsrdf:NameElement

Label: Name Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:GivenNameElement     madsrdf:DateNameElement     madsrdf:FullNameElement     madsrdf:FamilyNameElement     madsrdf:TermsOfAddressNameElement    
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Class: madsrdf:Name

Label: Name Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a name, especially when a more precise Name type (madsrdf:ConferenceName, masdrdf:FamilyName, etc.) cannot be identified.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:CorporateName     madsrdf:FamilyName     madsrdf:PersonalName     madsrdf:ConferenceName    
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Class: madsrdf:NameTitle

Label: Name/Title Type
Comment: The label of a madsrdf:NameTitle resource is the concatenation of a label of a madsrdf:Name description and the label of a madsrdf:Title description. Both description types (madsrdf:Name and madsrdf:Title) are of madsrdf:SimpleType types.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:ComplexType         
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Class: madsrdf:NonSortElement

Label: Non-sort Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:TitleElement         
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Class: madsrdf:Occupation

Label: Occupation Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents an occcupation.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
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Class: madsrdf:Identifier

Label: Other Identifier
Comment: A madsrdf:Identifier resource describes an identifier by associating the identifier value with its type. To be used to record identifiers for a resource in the absence of URIs.

Type(s): owl:Class    
Used With: madsrdf:hasIdentifier    
Properties Include: madsrdf:idValue     madsrdf:idScheme    
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Class: madsrdf:PartNameElement

Label: Part Name Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:TitleElement         
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Class: madsrdf:PartNumberElement

Label: Part Number Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:TitleElement         
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Class: madsrdf:PersonalName

Label: Personal Name Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a personal name.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Name         
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Class: madsrdf:Province

Label: Province Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a first order political division, e.g. Ontario, within a country, e.g. Canada.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:RWO

Label: Real World Object
Comment: A madsrdf:RWO is an abstract entity and identifies a Real World Object (RWO) identified by the label of a madsrdf:Authority or madsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: owl:Thing         
Used With: madsrdf:identifiesRWO    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hasAffiliation     madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority     madsrdf:fieldOfActivity    
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Class: madsrdf:Region

Label: Region Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is an area that has the status of a jurisdiction, usually incorporating more than one first level jurisdiction.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:SimpleType

Label: Simple Type
Comment: madsrdf:SimpleType is a resource with a label constituting a single word or phrase.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:MADSType         
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:Occupation     madsrdf:Temporal     madsrdf:GenreForm     madsrdf:Topic     madsrdf:Language     madsrdf:Name     madsrdf:Geographic     madsrdf:Title    
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Class: madsrdf:Source

Label: Source
Comment: A resource that represents the source of information about another resource. madsrdf:Source is a type of citation.

Type(s): owl:Class    
Used With: madsrdf:hasSource    
Properties Include: madsrdf:citationStatus     madsrdf:citationSource     madsrdf:citationNote    
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Class: madsrdf:State

Label: State Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a first order political division, e.g. Montana, within a country, e.g. U.S.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:SubTitleElement

Label: Subtitle Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:TitleElement         
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Class: madsrdf:TemporalElement

Label: Temporal Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
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Class: madsrdf:Temporal

Label: Temporal Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a time-based notion.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
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Class: madsrdf:TermsOfAddressNameElement

Label: Terms of Address Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:NameElement         
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Class: madsrdf:Territory

Label: Territory Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label is a geographical area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Geographic         
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Class: madsrdf:TitleElement

Label: Title Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
Has SubClasses: madsrdf:NonSortElement     madsrdf:MainTitleElement     madsrdf:PartNameElement     madsrdf:PartNumberElement     madsrdf:SubTitleElement    
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Class: madsrdf:Title

Label: Title Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a title.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
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Class: madsrdf:TopicElement

Label: Topic Element
Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:Element         
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Class: madsrdf:Topic

Label: Topic Type
Comment: Describes a resource whose label represents a topic.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: madsrdf:SimpleType         
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Class: madsrdf:Variant

Label: Variant
Comment: A resource whose label is the alternate form of an Authority or Deprecated Authority.

Type(s): owl:Class    
SubClass Of: owl:Thing     skosxl:Label         
Used With: madsrdf:hasVariant     madsrdf:hasHiddenVariant    
Properties Include: madsrdf:hiddenLabel     madsrdf:variantLabel    
Disjoint With: madsrdf:Authority     madsrdf:MADSCollection     madsrdf:MADSScheme    
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Property: rdfs:comment

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty    
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Property: madsrdf:adminMetadata

Label: Administrative Metadata
Comment: This relates an Authority or Variant to its administrative metadata, which is, minimimally, a Class defined outside of the MADS/RDF namespace. The RecordInfo Class from the RecordInfo ontology is recommended.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:DeprecatedAuthoritymadsrdf:Variant    
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Property: madsrdf:affiliationEnd

Label: Affiliation Ended
Comment: The date an individual ceased to be affiliated with an organization.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:DatatypeProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
Range: xsd:date         
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Property: madsrdf:affiliationStart

Label: Affiliation Started
Comment: The date an individual established an affiliation with an organization.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:DatatypeProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
Range: xsd:date         
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Property: madsrdf:authoritativeLabel

Label: Authoritative Label
Comment: A lexical string representing a controlled, curated label for the Authority.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: rdfs:label     skos:prefLabel         
Domain: madsrdf:Authority         
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Property: madsrdf:citationNote

Label: Citation Note
Comment: A note about how the madsrdf:Source relates to the resource about which the madsrdf:Source is the information source.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Source         
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Property: madsrdf:citationSource

Label: Citation Source
Comment: The cited resource.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Source         
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Property: madsrdf:citationStatus

Label: Citation Status
Comment: Should use a standard term - such as 'found' or 'not found' - to indicate whether the cited resource yielded information about the resource related to the madsrdf:Source.

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Source         
Range: xsd:string         
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Property: madsrdf:city

Label: City
Comment: The city component of an address.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:classification

Label: Classification
Comment: The classification code associated with a madsrdf:Authority.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: skos:semanticRelation         
Domain: madsrdf:Authority         
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Property: madsrdf:code

Label: Code
Comment: A code is a string of characters associated with a the authoritative or deprecated label. It may record an historical notation once used to uniquely identify a concept.

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: skos:notation         
Domain: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority    
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Property: madsrdf:componentList

Label: Component List
Comment: madsrdf:componentList organizes the madsrdf:SimpleType resources whose labels are represented in the label of the associated madsrdf:ComplexType resource.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:ComplexType         
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Property: madsrdf:country

Label: Country
Comment: Country associated with an address.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:definitionNote

Label: Definition Note
Comment: An explanation of the meaning of an Authority, DeprecatedAuthority, or Variant description.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Equivalent Property: skos:definition
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:note         
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Property: madsrdf:deletionNote

Label: Deletion Note
Comment: A note pertaining to the deletion of a resource.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:changeNote         
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Property: madsrdf:deprecatedLabel

Label: Deprecated Label
Comment: A label once considered authoritative (controlled and curated) but which is no longer.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:AnnotationProperty    
SubProperty Of: rdfs:label     skos:hiddenLabel         
Domain: madsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority         
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Property: madsrdf:editorialNote

Label: Editorial Note
Comment: A note pertaining to the management of the label associated with the resource.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Equivalent Property: skos:editorialNote
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:note         
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Property: madsrdf:elementList

Label: Element List
Comment: The madsrdf:elementList property is used to organize the various parts of labels.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
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Property: madsrdf:elementValue

Label: Element Value
Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Element         
Range: xsd:string         
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Property: madsrdf:email

Label: Email
Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:exampleNote

Label: Example Note
Comment: A example of how the resource might be used.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Equivalent Property: skos:example
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:note         
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Property: madsrdf:extendedAddress

Label: Extended Address
Comment: The second address line, if needed.

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:extension

Label: Extension
Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
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Property: madsrdf:fax

Label: Fax
Comment: Fax number

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:fieldOfActivity

Label: Field of Activity
Comment: The field of activity associated with an individual.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:RWO         
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Property: madsrdf:hasAbbreviationVariant

Label: Has Abbreviation Variant
Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasVariant         
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Property: madsrdf:hasAcronymVariant

Label: Has Acronym Variant
Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasVariant         
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Property: madsrdf:hasAffiliation

Label: Has Affiliation
Comment: Property to associate an individual, such as a foaf:Agent, to a group or organization with which an individual is or has been affiliated.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:RWO         
Range: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:hasAffiliationAddress

Label: Has Affiliation Address
Comment: The address of the group or organization with which an individual is associated.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
Range: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:hasBroaderAuthority

Label: Has Broader Authority
Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority     skos:broader         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasNarrowerAuthority         
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Property: madsrdf:hasBroaderExternalAuthority

Label: Has Broader External Authority
Comment: Creates a direct relationship between an Authority and a more broadly defined Authority from a different MADS Scheme.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasBroaderAuthority     skos:broadMatch         
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Property: madsrdf:hasCloseExternalAuthority

Label: Has Close External Authority
Comment: Records a relationship between an Authority and one that is closely related from a different MADS Scheme.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property     owl:SymmetricProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority     skos:closeMatch         
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Property: madsrdf:hasEarlierEstablishedForm

Label: Has Earlier Established Form
Comment: Used to reference a resource that was an earlier form. This is Related type='earlier' in MADS XML.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:see         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasLaterEstablishedForm         
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Property: madsrdf:hasExactExternalAuthority

Label: Has Exact External Authority
Comment: Records a relationship between an Authority and one to which it matches exactly but from a different MADS Scheme.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property     owl:SymmetricProperty     owl:TransitiveProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasCloseExternalAuthority     skos:exactMatch         
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Property: madsrdf:hasExpansionVariant

Label: Has Expansion Variant
Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasVariant         
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Property: madsrdf:hasHiddenVariant

Label: Has Hidden Variant
Comment: Use for variants that are searchable, but not necessarily for display.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: skosxl:hiddenLabel         
Domain: madsrdf:Authority         
Range: madsrdf:Variant         
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Property: madsrdf:hasIdentifier

Label: Has Identifier
Comment: Associates a resource with a madsrdf:Identifier.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
Range: madsrdf:Identifier         
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Property: madsrdf:hasLaterEstablishedForm

Label: Has Later Established Form
Comment: Use to reference the later form of a resource. This is Related type='later' in MADS XML.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:see         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasEarlierEstablishedForm         
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Property: madsrdf:hasMADSSchemeMember

Label: Has MADS Scheme Member
Comment: Associates an Authority or Collection with a madsrdf:MADSScheme.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:MADSScheme         
Range: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:MADSCollection    
Inverse Of: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme         
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Property: madsrdf:hasMADSCollectionMember

Label: Has MADSCollection Member
Comment: Associates an Authority or other Collection with a madsrdf:MADSCollection.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: skos:member         
Domain: madsrdf:MADSCollection         
Range: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:MADSCollection    
Inverse Of: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSCollection         
[back to property list] [back to top]

Property: madsrdf:hasNarrowerAuthority

Label: Has Narrower Authority
Comment: Creates a direct relationship between an Authority and one that is more narrowly defined.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority     skos:narrower         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasBroaderAuthority         
[back to property list] [back to top]

Property: madsrdf:hasNarrowerExternalAuthority

Label: Has Narrower External Authority
Comment: Creates a direct relationship between an Authority and a more narrowly defined Authority from a different MADS Scheme.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasNarrowerAuthority     skos:narrowMatch         
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Property: madsrdf:hasCorporateParentAuthority

Label: Has Parent Organization
Comment: Establishes a relationship between a CorporateName Authority and one of the same that is more broadly defined.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority         
Domain: madsrdf:CorporateName         
Range: madsrdf:CorporateName         
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Property: madsrdf:hasReciprocalAuthority

Label: Has Reciprocal Authority
Comment: Establishes a relationship between two Authority resources. It is reciprocal, so the relationship must be shared. This is Related type='equivalent' in MADS XML.

Type(s): owl:SymmetricProperty     rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority     skos:related         
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Property: madsrdf:hasReciprocalExternalAuthority

Label: Has Reciprocal External Authority
Comment: Establishes a relationship between an Authority and one from a different MADS Scheme. It is reciprocal, so the relationship must be shared.

Type(s): owl:SymmetricProperty     rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasReciprocalAuthority     skos:relatedMatch         
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Property: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority

Label: Has Related Authority
Comment: Unless the relationship can be more specifically identified, use 'hasRelatedAuthority.'

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: skos:semanticRelation         
Domain: madsrdf:Authority         
Range: madsrdf:Authority         
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Property: madsrdf:hasSource

Label: Has Source
Comment: Associates a resource description with its Source.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
Range: madsrdf:Source         
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Property: madsrdf:hasTopMemberOfMADSScheme

Label: Has Top Member of MADS Scheme
Comment: Identifies an Authority that is at the top of the hierarchy of authorities within the MADS Scheme.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasMADSSchemeMember     skos:hasTopConcept         
Domain: madsrdf:MADSScheme         
Range: madsrdf:Authority         
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Property: madsrdf:hasTranslationVariant

Label: Has Translation Variant
Comment: A Variant whose label represents a translation of that of the authoritative label.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasVariant         
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Property: madsrdf:hasVariant

Label: Has Variant
Comment: Associates a Variant with an Authority or Deprecrated Authority. Unless the variant type can be more specifically identified, use 'hasVariant.'

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: skosxl:altLabel         
Domain: madsrdf:Authority         
Range: madsrdf:Variant         
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Property: madsrdf:hiddenLabel

Label: Hidden Label
Comment: A label entered for discovery purposes but not shown.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:DatatypeProperty    
SubProperty Of: skosxl:literalForm         
Domain: madsrdf:Variant         
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Property: madsrdf:historyNote

Label: History Note
Comment: A note pertaining to the history of the resource.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty    
Equivalent Property: skos:historyNote
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:note         
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Property: madsrdf:hours

Label: Hours
Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:idScheme

Label: Identifier Scheme
Comment: The scheme associated with the identifier. For example, "LCCN" would be used when the Identifier Value (madsrdf:idValue) is a LC Control Number.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Identifier         
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Property: madsrdf:idValue

Label: Identifier Value
Comment: The value of the identifier conforming to the Identifier Scheme syntax.

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Identifier         
Range: xsd:string         
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Property: madsrdf:identifiesRWO

Label: Identifies RWO
Comment: Associates a madsrdf:Authority with the Real World Object that is the subject of the authority's label.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: foaf:focus         
Domain: madsrdf:Authority         
Range: madsrdf:RWO         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority         
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Property: madsrdf:isIdentifiedByAuthority

Label: Is Identified By Authority
Comment: Associates a Real World Object with its Authority description.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:RWO         
Range: madsrdf:Authority         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:identifiesRWO         
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Property: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSCollection

Label: Is Member Of MADSCollection
Comment: Associates a Collection with a madsrdf:Authority or another madsrdf:MADSCollection.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:MADSCollection    
Range: madsrdf:MADSCollection         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasMADSCollectionMember         
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Property: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme

Label: Is Member of MADS Scheme
Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: skos:inScheme         
Domain: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:MADSCollection    
Range: madsrdf:MADSScheme         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasMADSSchemeMember         
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Property: madsrdf:hasCorporateSubsidiaryAuthority

Label: Is Parent Organization Of
Comment: Establishes a relationship between a CorporateName Authority and one of the same that is more narrowly defined.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:hasRelatedAuthority         
Domain: madsrdf:CorporateName         
Range: madsrdf:CorporateName         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasCorporateParentAuthority         
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Property: madsrdf:isTopMemberOfMADSScheme

Label: Is Top Member of MADS Scheme
Comment: Identifies a MADS Scheme in which the Authority is at the top of the hierarchy.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme     skos:topConceptOf         
Domain: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:MADSCollection    
Range: madsrdf:MADSScheme         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:hasTopMemberOfMADSScheme         
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Property: madsrdf:natureOfAffiliation

Label: Nature of Affiliation
Comment: Records the individual's role or position in the organization with which the individual is affiliated. A "job title" might be appropriate.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:AnnotationProperty    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:note

Label: Note
Comment: A note about the resource.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:AnnotationProperty    
Equivalent Property: skos:note
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Property: madsrdf:organization

Label: Organization or Group
Comment: The group or organization with which an individual is associated.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:phone

Label: Phone
Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Affiliation         
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Property: madsrdf:postcode

Label: Post Code / Zip Code
Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:scopeNote

Label: Scope Note
Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Equivalent Property: skos:scopeNote
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:note         
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Property: madsrdf:see

Label: See Also
Comment: Denotes a relationship between an Authority and/or DeprecatedAuthority. The relationship may or may or may not be reciprocated and there is no certainty that the related resource will further illuminate the original resource.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: rdfs:seeAlso         
Domain: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority    
Range: madsrdf:Authoritymadsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority    
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Property: madsrdf:state

Label: State
Comment: The state associated with an address.

Type(s): owl:AnnotationProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:streetAddress

Label: Street Address
Comment: First line of address. For second line, use madsrdf:extendedAddress.

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
Domain: madsrdf:Address         
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Property: madsrdf:useFor

Label: Use For
Comment: "Use [This Resource] For." Traditional "USE FOR" reference.

Type(s): rdf:Property     owl:ObjectProperty    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:see         
Inverse Of: madsrdf:useInstead         
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Property: madsrdf:useInstead

Label: Use Instead
Comment: "Use [This Other Resource] Instead." Traditional "USE" reference.

Type(s): owl:ObjectProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: madsrdf:see         
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Property: madsrdf:variantLabel

Label: Variant Label
Comment: The lexical, variant form of an authoritative label.

Type(s): owl:DatatypeProperty     rdf:Property    
SubProperty Of: skosxl:literalForm         
Domain: madsrdf:Variant         
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The MADS/RDF to SKOS/RDF mapping was done by Antoine Isaac. The MADS/RDF model and ontology benefited significantly as a result of the fruitful discussions surrounding his effort to map the MADS/RDF ontology to SKOS.