American Memory | Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection

Building the Digital Collection

Creating the Digital Images: Scanning the Original Items

Most of the flutes and wind instruments in the Dayton C. Miller Collection were scanned in 3-D or "portrait style." They were supported on dowels of wood or plexiglas, of various diameters, placed in a wooden base. Mounted against a pale gray paper or gray cloth backdrop, the instruments were scanned digitally with the camera facing them directly, just as a sitter might pose for a portrait before a view camera. Instruments that could not be placed on dowels were laid flat on a blue paper or gray cloth background and scanned digitally from above. The art works and photographs were also scanned from above in the same manner.

The equipment used was a Linhof Master Technika 4 x 5 camera body with a 180mm Rodenstock lens; attached to this was a PhaseOne FX camera scan back fire-wired to a Mac G-4. The entire assembly was supported by a large Bogen camera stand and illuminated by two Disisti CDM lights. The instruments and photographs were scanned in color (RGB) at 300dpi. The art works were scanned in color (RGB) at 600dpi. Mild sharpening was used occasionally, and the dowel supports were sometimes removed in Adobe Photoshop. The images were processed in Adobe Photoshop. The archival TIFF, jpg and GIF files are stored on the RS6000 World Wide Web server at the Library of Congress.

Please note: About 90 instruments were not digitally scanned for this Web site. The instruments not represented online will be evident when one searches the Title Index which is organized by the Dayton C. Miller (DCM) numbers. However, complete descriptions for all the instruments in the Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection can be found in a searchable PDF document made available here.

Master image:
Scanning resolution: 300dpi
Iconography (only) scanned resolution: 600dpi
File format: Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
Tonal (pixel depth) resolution: 16 bits per pixel (RGB)
Image enhancement: Adobe Photoshop
Compression: None

The derivatives t.gif, r.jpg and v.jpg were created using an alchemy script on a Unix-based server.

Reference image:
Scanning resolution: 300dpi
File format: jpg
Compression of color images: 20-1

Page-viewer image:
Viewing resolution: 72 dpi
File Format: GIF
Compression: None

Thumbnail image:
Viewing Resolution: 72dpi
Viewing Image: GIF
Compression: None

American Memory | Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection