Office of E-Government & Information Technology: Strategies and Guides

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  • Digital Government Strategy (May 23, 2012) PDF (17 pages, 0.8 mb)
    This document provides the Federal Government with the strategies to innovate more with less, and enable entrepreneurs to better leverage government data to improve the quality of services to the American people.
  • Federal Information Technology Shared Services Strategy (May 2, 2012) (17 pages, 0.8 mb)
    This document provides organizations in the Executive Branch of the United States Federal Government (Federal Agencies) with policy guidance on the full range and lifecycle of intra- and inter-agency information technology (IT) shared services, which enable mission, administrative, and infrastructure-related IT functions.
  • Federal Cloud Computing Strategy (February 8, 2011) (43 pages, 0.9 mb)
    This document provides information to help agencies modify their IT portfolios to fully take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing in order to maximize capacity utilization, improve IT flexibility and responsiveness, and minimize cost.
  • 25 Point Implementation Plan To Reform Federal Information Technology Management (December 9, 2010) (40 pages, 0.6 mb)
    This document is divided into two sections: Achieving Operational Efficiency and Managing Large-Scale IT Programs Effectively. The first section outlines the steps being taken to adopt cloud solutions and leverage shared services. The second section covers the structural areas that impact the success rates of large IT programs across government.


Guides (Archive)
  • FY13 Guidance for Exhibit 300 A-B
    This document provides budget justification and reporting requirements for major IT investments.
  • FY13 Guidance for Exhibit 53 A-B
    This document provides reporting requirements for an agency's IT Investment Portfolio.
  • Agency Public Exhibit 300s FY10 & FY09
    These documents are the Agency Public Exhibit 300s posted by the Major Federal Agencies.Section 300 of the Circular provides background information regarding what should be included and provides the structure for the Exhibit 300s, to be submitted by agencies to OMB. Each year within two weeks of the release of the President's Budget, agencies are required to make public version of the Exhibit 300s available on the agency's website (Section 300.7).
  • Exhibit 300 Schema, Version 3.07 (for BY11)
    This document is used to describe and define the type of content including the entities, attributes, elements and notation used for the submission of Exhibit 300s for the BY11 budget cycle.
  • Exhibit 300 Schema, Version 3.07 – Field List (for BY11)
    This document is used to describe and define the type of content including the entities, attributes, elements and notation used for the Exhibit 300 Schema for the BY11 budget cycle.
  • Exhibit 53 Template (for BY2011)
    This document is used to describe and define the type of content including the entities, attributes, elements and notation used for the Exhibit 53 for the BY11 budget cycle.
  • Launch of the IT Investment Dashboard
    The purpose of this document is to provide information on the launch of the IT Investment Dashboard.
  • IT Web - Quick Reference Guide (Version 1.5.01)
    The purpose of this document is to provide users of IT Web with screenshots and instructions for common activities when preparing their IT budget submissions on the IT Web system.

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