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The World is Our Laboratory No matter where discovery takes place, IBM researchers push the boundaries of science, technology and business to make the world work better. Today, IBM researchers are redefining where discovery happens by stepping outside of the laboratory and challenging the status quo to solve some of the world's most complex problems. From monitoring energy and water desalinization in the deserts of the Middle East to using nanopolymers to fight bacteria, IBM Research is a global community of forward-thinkers working towards a common goal: progress.

The Global Technology Outlook

Picture of Michael Barborak at a computer

The Global Technology Outlook (GTO) is an annual study conducted by IBM Research that identifies significant technology trends. It looks for high impact disruptive technologies that will lead to game-changing products and services over a 3-10 year horizon. Technology thresholds identified in the GTO demonstrate their influence on clients, enterprises, and industries and have high potential to create new businesses.

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