American Sheet Music: ca. 1820-1860


David Arbury (Digital Conversion Specialist, Music Division) assisted with database editing.

Martha Anderson (Project Manager, Office of Strategic Initiatives) provided technical advice and overall project support throughout.

Ardith Bausenbach (Senior Automation Planning Specialist, Automated Planning and Liaison Office) provided consulting on issues related to cataloging, bibliographic systems, digital identifiers, and data conversion.

Morgan Cundiff (Senior Network and Standards Specialist, Network Development and MARC Standards Office) served as initial team leader coordinating project planning, file system management, database design, and data conversion to MARC.

Jeni Dahmus (Digital Conversion Specialist, Music Division) designed the database and assisted with database editing.

Debra Fulmore (Library Technician, Music Division) assisted with image quality review.

Jurretta Jordan Heckscher (Digital Reference Specialist, Digital Reference Team) provided editorial support for all the narrative text.

Thadas Jeffers (Information Technology Specialist, Office of Strategic Initiatives) produced the hard coded links for the Special Presentation material.

Susan Manus (Digital Media Coordinator, Office of Strategic Initiatives) served as project leader and coordinated the final production of the site including web design, data conversion, and editorial work.

Jon Newsom (Chief, Music Division) provided administrative support, subject expertise, and much information about the history of the collection and the Division.

Christopher Pohlhaus (Information Technology Specialist, Information Technology Services) assisted with workflow tracking and image receipt.

Andrea Matles Savada (Program Coordinator, Public Service Collections) provided editorial support for all the narrative text.

Barak Stussman (Information Technology Specialist, Information Technology Services) provided consulting on data conversion to USMARC format.

David Sommerfield (Senior Cataloger, Special Material Cataloging Division) assisted with data conversion and provided consulting on issues related to the USMARC format and music cataloging.

Tamara Swora (Digital Conversion Projects Coordinator, National Digital Library) and provided project management support including management of the scanning contract (Preservation Resources), and served as consultant on issues related to microfilm and digital imaging.

Tracey Salley (Information Technology Specialist, Office of Strategic Initiatives) was responsible for Website design and construction including graphic design and HTML programming.

Wayne Shirley (Music Specialist, Music Division) provided subject expertise and served as author of the narrative text.

Liza Vick (Digital Conversion Specialist, Music Division) performed scanning pre-production work and file system maintenance, created derivative images, and tracked workflow. She assisted with MARC conversion of database, oversaw image quality review, and wrote some of the accompanying text.

David Woodward (Computer Specialist, Information Technology Services) provided programming support and was responsible for all issues related to the online bibliographic database, including indexing, search and retrieval, and displays.