Active Legislation

113th Congress (2013-2014)
Updated January 16, 2013

Bills are arranged alphabetically by popular title or subject so they're easy to find. Bill numbers are provided to facilitate research in THOMAS.

AppropriationsAgency AuthorizationsPublic Laws, 113th Congress (selected)
Popular DocumentsProgram Authorizations 

Popular Titles and Subjects
H — Active Legislation
Hurricane Sandy, increase Flood Insurance borrowing authority
(Signed by President on Sunday, January 6, 2013.)
S — Active Legislation
Senate rules, change S.Res.4, S.Res.5, S.Res.6, S.Res.7 

Agency Authorizations

Program Authorizations

Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2014, 113th Congress, 1st Session
More information available on the appropriations web page.
FY 2013 Supplemental appropriations, Hurricane Sandy disaster assistance  H.R.152

Appropriations and Budget for Fiscal Year 2015, 113th Congress, 2nd Session
More information available on the appropriations web page.

Popular Documents
(You will leave the Senate server when using these links; use the "back" button to return to Active Legislation from these sites.)

Public Laws, 113th Congress (selected)

indicates a public law *Many bills exist, but this bill is currently receiving legislative attention.
Bills in ITALICS received attention in the last week or may receive floor action this week.BOLD bill numbers indicate advanced legislative action.
Bills that did not pass have been struck through.V indicates a veto.