@prefix rdf: . @prefix madsrdf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix ri: . madsrdf:adminMetadata [ ri:languageOfCataloging ; ri:recordChangeDate "2002-12-09T00:00:00"^^ ; ri:recordContentSource ; ri:recordStatus "new"^^ ; a ri:RecordInfo ], [ ri:languageOfCataloging ; ri:recordChangeDate "2010-03-19T12:58:53"^^ ; ri:recordContentSource ; ri:recordStatus "deprecated"^^ ; a ri:RecordInfo ] ; madsrdf:deletionNote "This authority record has been deleted because it is covered by the subdivisions {Film adaptations} (sh2010004769) and {Television adaptations} (sh2010004770)."@en ; madsrdf:elementList ([ madsrdf:elementValue "Film and video adaptations" ; a madsrdf:GenreFormElement ] ) ; madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSCollection ; madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme ; madsrdf:useInstead , ; madsrdf:variantLabel "Film and video adaptations"@en ; a madsrdf:DeprecatedAuthority, madsrdf:GenreForm, madsrdf:Variant ; owl:sameAs , . madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Film adaptations"@en ; a madsrdf:Authority, madsrdf:GenreForm . madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Television adaptations"@en ; a madsrdf:Authority, madsrdf:GenreForm .