@prefix rdf: . @prefix madsrdf: . @prefix owl: . @prefix ri: . madsrdf:adminMetadata [ ri:languageOfCataloging ; ri:recordChangeDate "2010-08-16T13:34:19"^^ ; ri:recordContentSource ; ri:recordStatus "revised"^^ ; a ri:RecordInfo ], [ ri:languageOfCataloging ; ri:recordChangeDate "2010-03-19T00:00:00"^^ ; ri:recordContentSource ; ri:recordStatus "new"^^ ; a ri:RecordInfo ] ; madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Film adaptations"@en ; madsrdf:elementList ([ madsrdf:elementValue "Film adaptations" ; a madsrdf:GenreFormElement ] ) ; madsrdf:exampleNote "Reference under the heading {Film adaptations}" ; madsrdf:hasBroaderAuthority ; madsrdf:hasEarlierEstablishedForm [ madsrdf:elementList ([ madsrdf:elementValue "Film and video adaptations" ; a madsrdf:GenreFormElement ] ) ; madsrdf:variantLabel "Film and video adaptations"@en ; a madsrdf:GenreForm, madsrdf:Variant ] ; madsrdf:hasVariant [ madsrdf:elementList ([ madsrdf:elementValue "Film and video adaptations" ; a madsrdf:GenreFormElement ] ) ; madsrdf:variantLabel "Film and video adaptations"@en ; a madsrdf:GenreForm, madsrdf:Variant ] ; madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSCollection , , , , , , ; madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme ; madsrdf:note "Use as a form subdivision under names of individual persons for collections of television adaptations of their creative works. Also use under individual literatures, individual literary works entered under title, and types and forms of musical compositions for collections of television adaptations of those works." ; a madsrdf:Authority, madsrdf:GenreForm ; owl:sameAs , .