10 Tips & Tricks for Capturing Awesome Motion Blurs

ife is motion! So we thought it would be useful to share some tips & tricks on how to capture those vibrant motion blurs. Whether you're in a car, on a bike, stuck in traffic, on a bridge or at the gym - there's always a way to create dramatic ...

A Recap of the EyeEm Lisbon Meetup

On a sunny Sunday afternoon just before Christmas, 10 mighty shooters for the first EyeEm Meetup in the centre of Lisbon, Portugal. Their mission: roaming through the city and capturing its vibrant life while taking photos together.

Shut up and shoot – Q&A with Richard Koci Hernandez

Richard Koci Hernandez is a national Emmy Award winning visual storyteller and multimedia photo journalist. Currently situated in Hanoi, Vietnam, for shooting a documentary film we've asked Richard a few questions. Read on to get to know more about his work, his vision about a new era of social photography ...

New Weekly Mission: Life in Motion

Welcome to your new weekly mission: Life in Motion. Capture life at full speed in all its colorful glory, random madness and striking motion blurs!

Weekly Mission Recap: Get Close

Last week we asked you to get close and boy, you did take that serious! Receiving a total of 1213 photos from 582 contributors, it wasn't easy to limit our selection to just 25 of our favorite shots.

Our promise to you

After the discussions about ownership and copyright in the past couple of weeks, we felt like it was time for a statement: your photos will always remain yours and nothing will EVER be done with them without your consent.

New Weekly Mission: Get close

Dare to get close. And when you think you are close enough, go even closer.

Server hiccups. We’re on it!

You might experience longer loading times in the app and on the web right now. We're really sorry for that! A ton of new members are joining us at the moment and our servers are running at maximum capacity. We're working hard to scale and get things to speed up ...

Weekly Mission Recap: Nightcall

Curating these blog posts is getting more and more difficult! Last week's Nightcall mission brought in 2342 photos contributed by 1102 people from night owls all around the world.

Shooting the Streets of New York City with Shel Serkin

"Don't put your phone away - have it ready to go at all times - and most certainly do not use it to make or answer calls." When talking about the decisive moment, Shel Serkin has definitely a thing or two to say. We've asked him a few questions.

New Weekly Mission: Nightcall

Welcome to your new weekly mission: Nightcall. What makes the rhythm of the night? Submit your shots and get featured on our blog!

Weekly Mission Recap: Fresh and clean

We're ready to start off this year with a fresh and clean slate with you. The 1465 photos contributed by 802 people from all around the world, made us feel like we just jumped into the icy Atlantic Ocean with the Polar Bear Club.

A Recap of the EyeEm Bangkok Meetup

Sunday, 23rd December 2012: it's a hot sunny afternoon at Hualampong Station, Bangkok's Grand Central station. 11 mighty shooters gather for the first ever EyeEm Meetup in the capital of Thailand...

New Weekly Mission: Fresh and clean

Let's start the new year with a fresh slate. What will you do to make 2013 better than 2012?

Weekly Mission Recap: Priceless

What is priceless to you? That's what we've asked and you've submitted plenty of beautiful answers. . 1366 photos were contributed by 589 people from 41 different countries, 263 cities and 456 different locations.

EyeEm Best of 2012

To celebrate the end of the year we chose some of our favorite photos of 2012 and made a little video out of it. It was an awesome year full of special moments for us and we hope that you feel the same excitement as us when watching the clip.

A Beginners Guide to EyeEm

As we see many new people joining EyeEm these days we thought of a helpful little guide to get you started. How does EyeEm work? How do I tag photos properly? How do I find my friends? Here are 5 steps to get you started:

New Features: Favorite albums & invite friends

With our latest update for iPhone and Android you can now favorite an album & invite all your friends to add photos to it. Why that's cool? Because it gives you totally new possibilities to take photos together with your friends!

New Weekly Mission: Priceless

Welcome to your new weekly mission: Priceless. This is all about one question: what is priceless to you? Show us the moments in life money can't buy.

Weekly Mission Recap: Going to Market

Almost 800 photos by 217 people from 120 different cities, 41 countries and 251 locations: now here are the 15 winners of this mission we kicked off together with Colors Magazine!

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