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National Declassification Center Releases its Sixth Bi-annual Progress Report

by Don on January 22, 2013

The NDC is pleased to release its Sixth Bi-annual status report. This report details the progress made since January 2010 in meeting the President’s December 29, 2009 charge to eliminate the approximately 400 million page back log of reviewed, but not publicly available records at NARA.   The report specifically focuses on progress made during the second half of 2012, including completing assessment analysis of all records in the backlog as well as challenges that remain. You may comment on the report by posting a comment to this blog or sending an email to


Public Interest Declassification Board January 24, 2013 at 4:03 pm

The special targeted review of the Katyn Forrest records is commendable in that it involved an inter-agency effort to complete the review. This special collection not only added significant new information to the historical record, it was clearly on a topic of interest to many people. This project is in accordance with one of our earlier recommendations to pritoritze records for declassifiction that demonstrate events and topics of historical significance.


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