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Archive for October, 2010

Fear the Beard!

Here at Pieces of History, we’ve been watching the World Series just for the beard. Brian Wilson’s beard, that is. Who can keep track of RBIs or batting averages when there is a pitcher who has earned himself the nickname “the Intimidator” by growing a full beard and then dyeing it? When Ken Burns (who is [...]

Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Debra Steidel Wall had her work cut out for her to pick this week’s winning caption, but ultimately the prize goes to Rebecca for cheering up a somber photo with some Walt Disney charm. The original caption reads: “Woman with large pumpkin at Cass Lake” and it was taken in 1915. The folks at the [...]

The curious case of Robert Lincoln

On the night Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, his son Robert Lincoln was supposed to attend American Cousin with his parents but was exhausted from a long carriage ride. He remained at home. When Robert heard the news of his father’s attack later that night, he rushed to the Peterson House and was at his father’s [...]

The hills are alive with the sound of Oprah

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti D’Oprah? In case you haven’t heard the news, the yodeling von Trapp family will be making an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show this Friday to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Sound of Music. Julie Andrews will be there, along with her stage-husband and stage-children. Also in [...]

Better know a blog

The National Archives keeps biggering and biggering on the Internet. Almost two years ago we sent out our first tweet, and just six months later we posted our first YouTube video. Since then we’ve expanded our online presence to suit every niche there is at the Archives, from those interested in records preservation and research, [...]