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Our Partner Agencies

The center employs a true task force model to optimize the roles and enforcement efforts of member agencies, while enhancing government-industry partnerships to support ongoing IPR enforcement initiatives.

The National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) stands at the forefront of the U.S. government’s response to global intellectual property (IP) theft.

As a task force, the IPR Center uses the expertise of its member agencies to share information, develop initiatives, coordinate enforcement actions, and conduct investigations related to IP theft. Through this strategic interagency partnership, the IPR Center protects the public’s health and safety, the U.S. economy, and the nation's war fighters.

Intellectual property rights theft is not a victimless crime. It threatens U.S. businesses and robs hard-working Americans of their jobs, which negatively impacts the economy. It can also pose serious health and safety risks to consumers, and oftentimes, it fuels global organized crime.

Digital and Online IP Theft


To learn more about digital
and online IP theft click below

Online IP Theft in the 21st Century


  • IPR Center Review 2011

  • Anti-Piracy Video Placeholder

  • Year In Review Placeholder

  • Operation In Our Sites 2.0

Our Partner Agencies