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• Your 'Member Name' was assigned to you by MBDA when you registered, combining elements of your first and last name and possibly a few random numbers.
• This information was detailed in your registration Confirmation E-Mail sent to the E-Mail address you specified in your membership profile.

Forgot Password > Retreive by Member Name (Step 1 of 3)

How password recovery works:

Please supply the following form with your Member Name so that we may retrieve your information, then select 'Continue to Step 2...'.
Once you profile has been retrieved you will be prompted to answer your challenge question which you created during registration.
Once you successfully answer the challenge question, you will be given access to your profile, then you will need to enter a new password.

If you do not know your assigned Member Name, please E-Mail us at support@mbda.gov or call our Help Desk at (202) 482-0404.

* Required Field
* Member Name: