Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements Questions To Ask Before Taking Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

USDA. NAL. Food and Nutrition Information Center.

Are you considering vitamin or mineral supplements? Do you think you need them? Or that they "can't hurt"? Here are some questions to ask before you decide to take them.

MedlinePlus: Dietary Supplements

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

A wealth of information on supplements from government and health-related agencies.

Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets

DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements.

Fact sheets on the functions, food sources, intake recommendations and more for many dietary supplements.

Using Dietary Supplements Wisely

DHHS. NIH. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Answers to frequently asked questions. Available in PDF|328 KB.

General Resources

Dietary Supplements: Consumer Education and General Information

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Provides information and resources on the regulation and labeling of dietary supplements.

Dietary and Herbal Supplements

DHHS. NIH. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Links to information to help understand dietary supplements, find research resources and clinical trials, and more.

MedlinePlus: All Herbs and Supplements

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

Provides monographs on over 100 herbs and supplements including evidence-based, peer-reviewed data, and selected illustrations.

Office of Dietary Supplements logo Office of Dietary Supplements

DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements.

Mission is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting research, disseminating research results, and educating the public.

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, Public Law 103-417

DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements.

Find the wording of the Federal Regulations regarding dietary supplements, as amended to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 103rd Congress.

Tips For The Savvy Supplement User: Making Informed Decisions And Evaluating Information

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Guidance for making informed decisions about dietary supplement use. Look here for supplement information in Spanish.

Dietary Supplements: Background Information

DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements.

Information on dietary supplements including definitions, regulations, claims, labels, health benefits and safety.

Overview of Dietary Supplements

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Questions and answers about dietary supplements.

PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset

DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements; National Library of Medicine.

Provides citations from published, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, ergogenic, botanical, and herbal supplements.

Dietary Supplements Labels Database

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

A product-based database that includes information on more than 2,000 brands of dietary supplements and their ingredients, uses, and manufacturers. Allows users to determine what ingredients are in specific brands and to compare ingredients in different brands.

Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID)

USDA. ARS. Nutrient Data Laboratory; DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements.

Estimates levels of ingredients in a representative sample of adult multivitamin/multimineral supplements compared to content claimed on the ingredient label.

Annual Bibliographies of Significant Advances in Dietary Supplement Research

DHHS. NIH. Office of Dietary Supplements.

Annual bibliographies presenting significant dietary supplement research since 1999.