Consumer Complaint Database

This contains data from the consumer credit card complaints received by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We do not verify the accuracy of all facts alleged in these complaints, but we do take steps to confirm a commercial relationship between the consumer and the identified company.

Complaints are listed after the company responds or after they have had the complaint for 15 calendar days, whichever comes first. Complaints can be removed if they don’t meet all of the policy statement’s publication criteria. Data is refreshed daily.

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*Points represent ZIP codes, not exact addresses.


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Where can I file a complaint?

If you have a complaint about a financial product, visit

How do you handle complaints?

We review all incoming complaints to make sure that they’re complete, within our jurisdiction, and aren’t duplicates.
When we receive a complaint, we forward it to the company for review and resolution. The company has 15 days to give a substantive response. Companies are expected to resolve and close all but the most complicated complaints within 60 days.

Investigators prioritize complaints where the company misses these deadlines or the consumer disputes the resolution. If we find potential legal violations, the Consumer Response team works closely with other parts of the Bureau including the offices of Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending to address potential violations.

Throughout this process, consumers can check the status of their complaint online or on the phone.


Our final policy statement on publishing credit card complaint data, as published in the Federal Register


October 10, 2012: Consumer Response: A Snapshot of Complaints Received
June 19, 2012: Consumer Response: A Snapshot of Complaints Received
March 31, 2012: Consumer Response Annual Report
January 30, 2012: Semi-Annual Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
November 30, 2011: Consumer Response interim report on CFPB’s credit card complaint data