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Displaying 1 - 10 of 167 results
1 VRML Tour

Welcome to the experiment floor of the ALS! You can take a panorama 'tour' around one of the areas where ALS staff and scientists work by holding down the mouse key and moving to the left or right, or up and down. The arrow keys will also allow you to move slowly around the area. To zoom in on something that catches your eye, use the option or alt key; to zoom out, press the control key...

2 X-ray spectra Website

X-ray Spectrum of Elements on the Periodic Table Click on any element that has a link on the periodic table to get its x-ray spectrum. The elements with spectra are italicized and in bold face and underlined...

3 The Periodic Table

Viewing the Periodic Table of the Elements with X-rays...

4 Fuel Cell Poster

Fuel Cell Poster...

5 QuarkNet Connection

Connect with High school students, teachers, and physicists to work together on physics research projects exploring the hidden nature of matter, energy, space and time...

6 Paleoparadoxia : Images of the Paleoparadoxia Fossil

Images of Paleoparadoxia Fossil For a larger view, select the images below or take a tour...

7 EGS : Basic Simulation Tool

This web interface displays electron-gamma showers as a teaching tool for radiation transport phenomena. You are welcome to try generating showers using this form. You can start by simply clicking the "generate shower" button at the bottom of the page...

8 The Particle Adventure

An award winning interactive tour of quarks, neutrinos, antimatter, extra dimensions, dark matter, accelerators, and particle detectors from the Particle Data Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory...

9 Home Energy Saver Polls

Polls related to home energy use at the Home Energy Saver...

10 The Hidden Cost of Home Energy Use

By improving your home's energy efficiency, you can profit in three ways: save money, improve your life, and help the earth, and making your home safer and more comfortable...