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Taking Our Own Best Advice: A Tobacco-Free NIH

Planning to Quit

photo of a female researcher in a lab

Quitting is difficult. Research shows that most tobacco users have more success with one of the assisted quit methods mentioned below. With many quit methods to choose from be aware that no single approach works best for everyone. And you may need to try more than one method before you quit for good.

Counseling. Individual, group, and telephone counseling as well as seven medications reliably increase long-term quitting. The seven medications (5 nicotine and 2 non-nicotine) are: Bupropion SR, Nicotine gum, Nicotine inhaler, Nicotine lozenge, Nicotine nasal spray, Nicotine patch, and Varenicline.

Counseling and medication are effective when used by themselves for tobacco cessation; however, the combination of counseling and medication, however, is more effective than either alone.

Although there are many proven effective treatments, there are many approaches that that are marketed to the public that lack scientific evidence to support the effectiveness. Some examples of treatments we cannot recommend are acupuncture, hypnosis, and laser therapy.

(Source: Public Health Service's Clinical Practice Guideline on Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update)

Other Useful Links:

Be Tobacco Free: External Web Site Policy

Quit-Smoking App from the National Cancer Institute:

Clinical trials related to tobacco:;jsessionid=3745965FBCB52D12424AD8648407F3B6?term=tobacco

Tobacco Control Research from the National Cancer Institute:

Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products, InfoFacts from the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

Information on Nicotine from the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

MedlinePlus information on Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco:

Breath of Fresh Air, The National Women's Health Information Center:

How to Quit: External Web Site Policy Online Quit Guide:

Smoking and Tobacco Information from the National Cancer Institute:

CDC Information on Smoking and Tobacco Use: External Web Site Policy

NCI Tobacco Fact Sheets:

CDC Tobacco Fact Sheets: External Web Site Policy

This page last reviewed on November 21, 2012