# 165 16 C.F.R. Part 305: the Appliance Labeling Rule: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Request for Public Comment on the Effectiveness of the Appliance Labeling Rule, its Overall Costs and Benefits, and its Overall Regulatory and Economic Impact; and Requesting Suggestions for Improvements to the Energy Labeling Program

  1. ACEEE (Amann, Jennifer) (1/13/2006) #519870-00021
  2. ACEEE (Amann, Jennifer) (1/13/2006) #519870-00022
  3. ACEEE (Amann, Jennifer) (1/13/2006) #519870-00023
  4. Alliance Laundry Systems LLC (Manthei, Phil) (1/12/2006) #519870-00008
  5. American Gas Association (Williams, Ted) (1/13/2006) #519870-00014
  6. American Gas Association (Ranfone, James) (1/13/2006) #519870-00029
  7. ARI (Amrane, Karim) (1/13/2006) #519870-00010
  8. Artcraft Research (Winton, Les) (1/10/2006) #519870-00004
  9. Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (Calabrese, David) (1/13/2006) #519870-00016
  10. Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (Wiel, Stephen) (1/13/2006) #519870-00019
  11. Consortium for Energy Efficiency (Hoffman, Marc) (1/13/2006) #519870-00018
  12. Consumers Union (Duncan, Janell) (1/13/2006) #519870-00017
  13. Durey, Andy (12/12/2005) #519870-00003
  14. Energy Efficient Strategies (Harrington, Lloyd) (1/13/2006) #519870-00009
  15. Enivronmental Protection Agency (Frace, Sheila) (1/13/2006) #519870-00012
  16. Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association (Mattingly, Joseph) (1/13/2006) #519870-00011
  17. GE Consumer and Industrial (Jones, Earl) (1/17/2006) #519870-00027
  18. Golembiewski, (2/15/2006) #519870-00031
  19. Klein, (11/5/2005) #519870-00001
  20. Koeller, John (1/13/2006) #519870-00015
  21. National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Lighting Systems Division (Pitsor, Kyle) (1/13/2006) #519870-00028
  22. Natural Resources Canada (Wilkins, Anne) (1/13/2006) #519870-00020
  23. Natural Resources Defense Council (Horowitz, Noah) (1/13/2006) #519870-00025
  24. Payne, Christopher (1/13/2006) #519870-00024
  25. People's Republic of China/AQSIQ, submitted through NIST (Lisheng, Guo) (1/19/2006) #519870-00026
  26. SACHAU, BARB (11/9/2005) #519870-00002
  27. US EPA / OAR / OAP / CPPD (Hogan, Kathleen) (1/12/2006) #519870-00007
  28. Whirlpool Corporation (Hoyt, J.B.) (1/13/2006) #519870-00013

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 29, 2011