Submission Number: 00008 

Received: 10/17/2012 5:55:15 PM
Commenter: Bill Sortino
State: New Mexico

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of Equifax Information Services LLC; FTC File No. 102 3252
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Nice job here. But, as usual "WHO WENT TO JAIL"? This charade of making believe that something has been actually done and people (corporations) punished is a ruse! Corporations continue to abuse the Do Not Call program because they know that nothing but a fine will be levied. In the case of Equifax, I can assure you that $1.6 million is not even a hand slap! Only one guy (an East Indian and maybe we could say Madoff) has gone to jail over the banking scam. Banks were at best, fined and then they were given bail out money! Bank of America buys Merill at the last second to avoid more issues and nothing happens! How can our country continue to make believe that we have not been taken over by criminals when no one ever gets punished for crimes? Until our government begins to punish wrong doers in corporations as they would an ordinary citizen, we are not free and have lost or Democracy!