Submission Number: 560891-00183 

Received: 8/27/2012 10:56:01 PM
Commenter: Stephanie Buchholtz
Organization: Sheep Draw Veterinary Hospital
State: Colorado

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Request for Comments and Announcement of Workshop on Pet Medications Issues, Project No. P121201
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
I have been a veterinarian for almost two decades. Part of my schooling involved the pharmacological differences between species. I do not believe that human pharmacists receive any of this training. As they sell and promote veterinary pharmaceuticals, they are very likely to field general questions about medicating pets and perhaps OTC alternatives. I have overheard gross misinformation given to inquiring public members from these probably well-meaning, but dangerously wrong individuals. There are no computer systems at their disposal listing out what meds the pet is already on, what sensitivities it has, and what other medical issues it is facing. This obvious grab for more profit is unsafe and unethical. Please stop this issue now.