Submission Number: 560891-00625 

Received: 10/14/2012 2:13:51 PM
Commenter: Dana Simmons
State: Arizona

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Request for Comments and Announcement of Workshop on Pet Medications Issues, Project No. P121201
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
PLEASE DO NOT PASS HR 1406!! I have worked in the veterinary industry for just under 3 years and I can't stress enough to you how important it is to leave the care of our pets in the hands of trained veterinarians and their staff versus giving it to the human pharmacies. In my short career in this industry i have seen countless mistakes made my human pharmacies in the filling of medications for our patients. Simple clerical errors have almost if not actually killed our patients. We had a pet come in dying because of an over the counter product (that the owner purchased at Wal-Mart) labeled for her cat in which the active ingredient was actually a fatal toxin in cats. Or owners that have picked up medications at a pharmacy where the dosage was comepletly inaccurate or the wrong drug in general. Pet owners look to the veterinary world for guidance and care for their pets when they do not know what to do. "Federal Trade Commission seeks public comments in connection with a workshop to examine competition and consumer protection issues in the pet medications industry." We are the protection for the pets and pet owners. Whenever a medication is filled in our office, it is filled by a trained staff member and checked by the attending doctor before it leaves our office. We care for our patients, we love them like they are our own; we mourn when they are euthanized; and spend more time with our patients than we do with our own family. This is about big business trying to make a profit any way they can. I urge you to dismiss HR 1406.