Agency Snapshot: 
Department of Homeland Security

While DHS employees focus on protecting the American people, reducing the risk of terrorist attacks, securing our borders and enhancing the nation’s preparedness and response capabilities, the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (OCHCO) focuses on the human capital solutions they need to be successful. These solutions ensure that:

  • The Department has the right people in the right jobs at the right time
  • Our workforce represents the nation we serve
  • Our employees are developed and rewarded
  • Our human capital policies, processes and technology support our ability to fulfill the mission

Led by the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), the OCHCO champions the vision of the human capital community and is responsible for Department-wide human capital policy development, planning and implementation functions. Additionally, the OCHCO provides strategic human capital direction to and certification of Departmental programs and initiatives.

Results-Oriented Performance Culture

To guide agencies in creating better working environments for their employees, the government regularly administers a survey that asks all employees a wide variety of questions on their work experience. This survey, the Employee Viewpoint Survey, is organized around four areas: Leadership and Knowledge Management, Results-Oriented Performance Culture, Talent Management, and Job Satisfaction. There are 8-14 questions that address each of these areas, and the answers to those individual 8-14 questions are combined to produce a single composite score of how satisfied an employee is in that area. This chart shows the percentage of employees in the agency – as well as government-wide – that reported in recent quarters that they were highly satisfied that their agency had a Results-Oriented Performance Culture. This means that employees believe the agency has a results-oriented, high-performing workforce as well as a performance management system that effectively plans, monitors, develops, rates, and rewards employee performance and aligns personnel performance management with program performance management.

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Leadership and Knowledge Management

The chart shows the percentage of employees in the agency and across government that reported in recent Employee Viewpoint Surveys that they were highly satisfied with Leadership and Knowledge Management. This area focuses on whether employees believe that agency leaders are competent and inspiring, continuity of leadership is ensured, knowledge is shared across the organization, and an environment of continuous learning is present.

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