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Idaho Zone Forecast RSS Feed Listing

Below are listed the National Weather Service forecast counties/zones (by names & by codes) for Idaho. Select a forecast county/zone to see the URL for the RSS feed.

Forecast zone map for the state of Idaho
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List sorted by Zone codes | List of States

Forecast Zones by Names
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (Idaho)
atom IDZ031 Big and Little Wood River Region
atom IDZ013 Boise Mountains
atom IDZ024 Cache Valley/Idaho Portion
atom IDZ028 Camas Prairie
atom IDZ023 Caribou Highlands
atom IDZ413 Caribou Range/Caribou NF
atom IDZ411 Centennial Mountains and Snake River Range/Targhee NF
atom IDZ004 Central Panhandle Mountains
atom IDZ103 Clearwater/Nezperce National Forest
atom IDZ002 Coeur d'Alene Area
atom IDZ475 East Salmon River Mountains/Salmon NF
atom IDZ010 Eastern Lemhi County
atom IDZ017 Eastern Magic Valley
atom IDZ402 Eastern Payette National Forest
atom IDZ412 Goose Creek and Raft River Valley/Southern Sawtooth NF
atom IDZ003 Idaho Palouse
atom IDZ101 Idaho Panhandle
atom IDZ476 Lemhi and Lost River Range/Challis NF
atom IDZ027 Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties
atom IDZ026 Lewiston Area
atom IDZ032 Lost River/Pashimeroi
atom IDZ008 Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region
atom IDZ021 Lower Snake River Plain
atom IDZ012 Lower Treasure Valley
atom IDZ409 Middle Snake River Valley/Twin Falls BLM
atom IDZ400 Northern Boise BLM
atom IDZ403 Northern Boise National Forest
atom IDZ005 Northern Clearwater Mountains
atom IDZ001 Northern Panhandle
atom IDZ007 Orofino/Grangeville Region
atom IDZ419 Owyhee Mountains
atom IDZ029 Owyhee Mountains
atom IDZ102 Palouse/Nezperce Reservation/Hells Canyon Region
atom IDZ018 Sawtooth Mountains
atom IDZ477 Sawtooth Range/Northern Sawtooth NF
atom IDZ022 South Central Highlands
atom IDZ404 Southern Boise National Forest
atom IDZ006 Southern Clearwater Mountains
atom IDZ030 Southern Twin Falls County
atom IDZ015 Southwest Highlands
atom IDZ408 Treasure Valley
atom IDZ019 Upper Snake Highlands
atom IDZ020 Upper Snake River Plain
atom IDZ410 Upper Snake River Valley/Idaho Falls BLM
atom IDZ014 Upper Treasure Valley
atom IDZ033 Upper Weiser River
atom IDZ025 Wasatch Mountains/Idaho Portion
atom IDZ011 West Central Mountains
atom IDZ009 Western Lemhi County
atom IDZ016 Western Magic Valley
atom IDZ401 Western Payette National Forest
atom IDZ418 Western Twin Falls BLM

Forecast zone map for the state of Idaho
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List sorted by Zone names | List of States

Forecast Zones by Codes
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (Idaho)
atom IDZ001 Northern Panhandle
atom IDZ002 Coeur d'Alene Area
atom IDZ003 Idaho Palouse
atom IDZ004 Central Panhandle Mountains
atom IDZ005 Northern Clearwater Mountains
atom IDZ006 Southern Clearwater Mountains
atom IDZ007 Orofino/Grangeville Region
atom IDZ008 Lower Hells Canyon/Salmon River Region
atom IDZ009 Western Lemhi County
atom IDZ010 Eastern Lemhi County
atom IDZ011 West Central Mountains
atom IDZ012 Lower Treasure Valley
atom IDZ013 Boise Mountains
atom IDZ014 Upper Treasure Valley
atom IDZ015 Southwest Highlands
atom IDZ016 Western Magic Valley
atom IDZ017 Eastern Magic Valley
atom IDZ018 Sawtooth Mountains
atom IDZ019 Upper Snake Highlands
atom IDZ020 Upper Snake River Plain
atom IDZ021 Lower Snake River Plain
atom IDZ022 South Central Highlands
atom IDZ023 Caribou Highlands
atom IDZ024 Cache Valley/Idaho Portion
atom IDZ025 Wasatch Mountains/Idaho Portion
atom IDZ026 Lewiston Area
atom IDZ027 Lewis and Southern Nez Perce Counties
atom IDZ028 Camas Prairie
atom IDZ029 Owyhee Mountains
atom IDZ030 Southern Twin Falls County
atom IDZ031 Big and Little Wood River Region
atom IDZ032 Lost River/Pashimeroi
atom IDZ033 Upper Weiser River
atom IDZ101 Idaho Panhandle
atom IDZ102 Palouse/Nezperce Reservation/Hells Canyon Region
atom IDZ103 Clearwater/Nezperce National Forest
atom IDZ400 Northern Boise BLM
atom IDZ401 Western Payette National Forest
atom IDZ402 Eastern Payette National Forest
atom IDZ403 Northern Boise National Forest
atom IDZ404 Southern Boise National Forest
atom IDZ408 Treasure Valley
atom IDZ409 Middle Snake River Valley/Twin Falls BLM
atom IDZ410 Upper Snake River Valley/Idaho Falls BLM
atom IDZ411 Centennial Mountains and Snake River Range/Targhee NF
atom IDZ412 Goose Creek and Raft River Valley/Southern Sawtooth NF
atom IDZ413 Caribou Range/Caribou NF
atom IDZ418 Western Twin Falls BLM
atom IDZ419 Owyhee Mountains
atom IDZ475 East Salmon River Mountains/Salmon NF
atom IDZ476 Lemhi and Lost River Range/Challis NF
atom IDZ477 Sawtooth Range/Northern Sawtooth NF


    Page last Modified: Thu, 8 October, 2009 2:46 PM