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North Carolina Zone Forecast RSS Feed Listing

Below are listed the National Weather Service forecast counties/zones (by names & by codes) for North Carolina. Select a forecast county/zone to see the URL for the RSS feed.

Forecast zone map for the state of North Carolina
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by Zone codes | List of States

Forecast Zones by Names
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (North Carolina)
atom NCZ023 Alamance
atom NCZ035 Alexander
atom NCZ002 Alleghany
atom NCZ083 Anson
atom NCZ001 Ashe
atom NCZ033 Avery
atom NCZ080 Beaufort
atom NCZ030 Bertie
atom NCZ096 Bladen
atom NCZ053 Buncombe
atom NCZ503 Burke Mountains
atom NCZ072 Cabarrus
atom NCZ501 Caldwell Mountains
atom NCZ016 Camden
atom NCZ095 Carteret
atom NCZ006 Caswell
atom NCZ056 Catawba
atom NCZ040 Chatham
atom NCZ060 Cherokee
atom NCZ031 Chowan
atom NCZ061 Clay
atom NCZ068 Cleveland
atom NCZ110 Coastal Brunswick
atom NCZ108 Coastal New Hanover
atom NCZ106 Coastal Pender
atom NCZ099 Columbus
atom NCZ093 Craven
atom NCZ088 Cumberland
atom NCZ038 Davidson
atom NCZ037 Davie
atom NCZ090 Duplin
atom NCZ025 Durham
atom NCZ102 Eastern Currituck
atom NCZ506 Eastern McDowell
atom NCZ510 Eastern Polk
atom NCZ028 Edgecombe
atom NCZ021 Forsyth
atom NCZ026 Franklin
atom NCZ070 Gaston
atom NCZ014 Gates
atom NCZ058 Graham
atom NCZ008 Granville
atom NCZ504 Greater Burke
atom NCZ502 Greater Caldwell
atom NCZ508 Greater Rutherford
atom NCZ079 Greene
atom NCZ022 Guilford
atom NCZ011 Halifax
atom NCZ077 Harnett
atom NCZ052 Haywood
atom NCZ065 Henderson
atom NCZ013 Hertford
atom NCZ086 Hoke
atom NCZ109 Inland Brunswick
atom NCZ107 Inland New Hanover
atom NCZ105 Inland Pender
atom NCZ036 Iredell
atom NCZ042 Johnston
atom NCZ092 Jones
atom NCZ076 Lee
atom NCZ091 Lenoir
atom NCZ069 Lincoln
atom NCZ062 Macon
atom NCZ048 Madison
atom NCZ047 Mainland Dare
atom NCZ081 Mainland Hyde
atom NCZ029 Martin
atom NCZ505 McDowell Mountains
atom NCZ071 Mecklenburg
atom NCZ050 Mitchell
atom NCZ074 Montgomery
atom NCZ075 Moore
atom NCZ300 Nantahala National Forest
atom NCZ027 Nash
atom NCZ303 North Carolina Portion of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
atom NCZ012 Northampton
atom NCZ059 Northern Jackson
atom NCZ098 Onslow
atom NCZ024 Orange
atom NCZ103 Outer Banks Dare
atom NCZ104 Outer Banks Hyde
atom NCZ094 Pamlico
atom NCZ015 Pasquotank
atom NCZ032 Perquimans
atom NCZ007 Person
atom NCZ044 Pitt
atom NCZ509 Polk Mountains
atom NCZ039 Randolph
atom NCZ084 Richmond
atom NCZ087 Robeson
atom NCZ005 Rockingham
atom NCZ057 Rowan
atom NCZ507 Rutherford Mountains
atom NCZ089 Sampson
atom NCZ085 Scotland
atom NCZ063 Southern Jackson
atom NCZ073 Stanly
atom NCZ004 Stokes
atom NCZ003 Surry
atom NCZ051 Swain
atom NCZ064 Transylvania
atom NCZ046 Tyrrell
atom NCZ082 Union
atom NCZ009 Vance
atom NCZ041 Wake
atom NCZ010 Warren
atom NCZ045 Washington
atom NCZ018 Watauga
atom NCZ078 Wayne
atom NCZ017 Western Currituck
atom NCZ019 Wilkes
atom NCZ043 Wilson
atom NCZ020 Yadkin
atom NCZ049 Yancey

Forecast zone map for the state of North Carolina
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by Zone names | List of States

Forecast Zones by Codes
ATOM Zone Code Zone Name   (North Carolina)
atom NCZ001 Ashe
atom NCZ002 Alleghany
atom NCZ003 Surry
atom NCZ004 Stokes
atom NCZ005 Rockingham
atom NCZ006 Caswell
atom NCZ007 Person
atom NCZ008 Granville
atom NCZ009 Vance
atom NCZ010 Warren
atom NCZ011 Halifax
atom NCZ012 Northampton
atom NCZ013 Hertford
atom NCZ014 Gates
atom NCZ015 Pasquotank
atom NCZ016 Camden
atom NCZ017 Western Currituck
atom NCZ018 Watauga
atom NCZ019 Wilkes
atom NCZ020 Yadkin
atom NCZ021 Forsyth
atom NCZ022 Guilford
atom NCZ023 Alamance
atom NCZ024 Orange
atom NCZ025 Durham
atom NCZ026 Franklin
atom NCZ027 Nash
atom NCZ028 Edgecombe
atom NCZ029 Martin
atom NCZ030 Bertie
atom NCZ031 Chowan
atom NCZ032 Perquimans
atom NCZ033 Avery
atom NCZ035 Alexander
atom NCZ036 Iredell
atom NCZ037 Davie
atom NCZ038 Davidson
atom NCZ039 Randolph
atom NCZ040 Chatham
atom NCZ041 Wake
atom NCZ042 Johnston
atom NCZ043 Wilson
atom NCZ044 Pitt
atom NCZ045 Washington
atom NCZ046 Tyrrell
atom NCZ047 Mainland Dare
atom NCZ048 Madison
atom NCZ049 Yancey
atom NCZ050 Mitchell
atom NCZ051 Swain
atom NCZ052 Haywood
atom NCZ053 Buncombe
atom NCZ056 Catawba
atom NCZ057 Rowan
atom NCZ058 Graham
atom NCZ059 Northern Jackson
atom NCZ060 Cherokee
atom NCZ061 Clay
atom NCZ062 Macon
atom NCZ063 Southern Jackson
atom NCZ064 Transylvania
atom NCZ065 Henderson
atom NCZ068 Cleveland
atom NCZ069 Lincoln
atom NCZ070 Gaston
atom NCZ071 Mecklenburg
atom NCZ072 Cabarrus
atom NCZ073 Stanly
atom NCZ074 Montgomery
atom NCZ075 Moore
atom NCZ076 Lee
atom NCZ077 Harnett
atom NCZ078 Wayne
atom NCZ079 Greene
atom NCZ080 Beaufort
atom NCZ081 Mainland Hyde
atom NCZ082 Union
atom NCZ083 Anson
atom NCZ084 Richmond
atom NCZ085 Scotland
atom NCZ086 Hoke
atom NCZ087 Robeson
atom NCZ088 Cumberland
atom NCZ089 Sampson
atom NCZ090 Duplin
atom NCZ091 Lenoir
atom NCZ092 Jones
atom NCZ093 Craven
atom NCZ094 Pamlico
atom NCZ095 Carteret
atom NCZ096 Bladen
atom NCZ098 Onslow
atom NCZ099 Columbus
atom NCZ102 Eastern Currituck
atom NCZ103 Outer Banks Dare
atom NCZ104 Outer Banks Hyde
atom NCZ105 Inland Pender
atom NCZ106 Coastal Pender
atom NCZ107 Inland New Hanover
atom NCZ108 Coastal New Hanover
atom NCZ109 Inland Brunswick
atom NCZ110 Coastal Brunswick
atom NCZ300 Nantahala National Forest
atom NCZ303 North Carolina Portion of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
atom NCZ501 Caldwell Mountains
atom NCZ502 Greater Caldwell
atom NCZ503 Burke Mountains
atom NCZ504 Greater Burke
atom NCZ505 McDowell Mountains
atom NCZ506 Eastern McDowell
atom NCZ507 Rutherford Mountains
atom NCZ508 Greater Rutherford
atom NCZ509 Polk Mountains
atom NCZ510 Eastern Polk


    Page last Modified: Thu, 8 October, 2009 2:46 PM