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North Dakota County Forecast RSS Feed Listing

Below are listed the National Weather Service forecast counties/zones (by names & by codes) for North Dakota. Select a forecast county/zone to see the URL for the RSS feed.

Forecast zone map for the state of North Dakota
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by County codes | List of States

Forecast Counties by Names
ATOM County Code County Name   (North Dakota)
atom NDC001 Adams
atom NDC003 Barnes
atom NDC005 Benson
atom NDC007 Billings
atom NDC009 Bottineau
atom NDC011 Bowman
atom NDC013 Burke
atom NDC015 Burleigh
atom NDC017 Cass
atom NDC019 Cavalier
atom NDC021 Dickey
atom NDC023 Divide
atom NDC025 Dunn
atom NDC027 Eddy
atom NDC029 Emmons
atom NDC031 Foster
atom NDC033 Golden Valley
atom NDC035 Grand Forks
atom NDC037 Grant
atom NDC039 Griggs
atom NDC041 Hettinger
atom NDC043 Kidder
atom NDC045 LaMoure
atom NDC047 Logan
atom NDC049 McHenry
atom NDC051 McIntosh
atom NDC053 McKenzie
atom NDC055 McLean
atom NDC057 Mercer
atom NDC059 Morton
atom NDC061 Mountrail
atom NDC063 Nelson
atom NDC065 Oliver
atom NDC067 Pembina
atom NDC069 Pierce
atom NDC071 Ramsey
atom NDC073 Ransom
atom NDC075 Renville
atom NDC077 Richland
atom NDC079 Rolette
atom NDC081 Sargent
atom NDC083 Sheridan
atom NDC085 Sioux
atom NDC087 Slope
atom NDC089 Stark
atom NDC091 Steele
atom NDC093 Stutsman
atom NDC095 Towner
atom NDC097 Traill
atom NDC099 Walsh
atom NDC101 Ward
atom NDC103 Wells
atom NDC105 Williams

Forecast zone map for the state of North Dakota
(Link opens new browser window)

List sorted by County names | List of States

Forecast Counties by Codes
ATOM County Code County Name   (North Dakota)
atom NDC001 Adams
atom NDC003 Barnes
atom NDC005 Benson
atom NDC007 Billings
atom NDC009 Bottineau
atom NDC011 Bowman
atom NDC013 Burke
atom NDC015 Burleigh
atom NDC017 Cass
atom NDC019 Cavalier
atom NDC021 Dickey
atom NDC023 Divide
atom NDC025 Dunn
atom NDC027 Eddy
atom NDC029 Emmons
atom NDC031 Foster
atom NDC033 Golden Valley
atom NDC035 Grand Forks
atom NDC037 Grant
atom NDC039 Griggs
atom NDC041 Hettinger
atom NDC043 Kidder
atom NDC045 LaMoure
atom NDC047 Logan
atom NDC049 McHenry
atom NDC051 McIntosh
atom NDC053 McKenzie
atom NDC055 McLean
atom NDC057 Mercer
atom NDC059 Morton
atom NDC061 Mountrail
atom NDC063 Nelson
atom NDC065 Oliver
atom NDC067 Pembina
atom NDC069 Pierce
atom NDC071 Ramsey
atom NDC073 Ransom
atom NDC075 Renville
atom NDC077 Richland
atom NDC079 Rolette
atom NDC081 Sargent
atom NDC083 Sheridan
atom NDC085 Sioux
atom NDC087 Slope
atom NDC089 Stark
atom NDC091 Steele
atom NDC093 Stutsman
atom NDC095 Towner
atom NDC097 Traill
atom NDC099 Walsh
atom NDC101 Ward
atom NDC103 Wells
atom NDC105 Williams


    Page last Modified: Thu, 8 October, 2009 2:46 PM