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National Cancer Institute
U.S. National Institutes of Health

Evaluation of Proposals

The appropriate NCI Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) or external reviewers via CTEP/DCP if there is no appropriate SSC, evaluate and recommend the parent Clinical Trial Concept along with the Biomarker, Imaging and Quality of Life Studies proposal and/or Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) endpoint, during scheduled SSC meetings for concept review. BIQSFP proposals for funding of integral and/or integrated studies or CEA must be submitted concurrently with the parent concept.

Scientifically meritorious BIQSFP proposals that are recommended by SSCs (or CTEP/DCP as applicable) are presented by NCI Program Staff to the Clinical and Translational Research Operations Committee (CTROC) for prioritization and approval at their bimonthly meetings. CTROC makes final funding recommendations. The Clinical Trials and Translational Research Advisory Committee (CTAC) periodically reviews the approved funding portfolio, providing strategic oversight and advice.