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Displaying 1 - 10 of 83 results
1 VRML Tour

Welcome to the experiment floor of the ALS! You can take a panorama 'tour' around one of the areas where ALS staff and scientists work by holding down the mouse key and moving to the left or right, or up and down. The arrow keys will also allow you to move slowly around the area. To zoom in on something that catches your eye, use the option or alt key; to zoom out, press the control key...

2 NMNSH| K-12 Education Partnerships - Summer Camp

Each year the museum presents the "Science is Everywhere Summer Camp" program. This exciting event exposes kids to hands-on experiences with robots, rockets, the environment, engineering, and energy, all in a fun and exploratory fashion. This year, the museum had over 350 campers from 8 to 12 years of age...

3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Education Programs

Oak Ridge National Laboratory has a long history of linking with academia. Currently ORNL has educational programs in place for all scientific disciplines, and for all levels in the educational continuum from pre-college through postgraduate...

4 NREL: Education Programs Home Page

Engage your mind with renewable energy education! Connecting education to research, education programs inspire students to explore sustainable energy solutions to meet our future needs...

5 Jefferson Lab Science Series

Current Science Series Schedule Lectures are free and open to students and adults with an interest in science. All lectures begin at 7:00 pm in CEBAF Center Auditorium and last for about an hour. Seating in the CEBAF Center Auditorium and overflow area is limited to about 300 people. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. Unfortunately, people arriving once capacity has been reached will be turned away. A live video stream is available for those not able to attend in person. Lectures will be added to the video archive for on-demand viewing upon approval from the presenter...

6 Science Education at Jefferson Lab

Education Programs at the United States Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility...

7 Physics Fest Summer 2011

Jefferson Lab Physics Fest In order to accommodate as many classes as possible, at least one day each month during the school year is set aside for groups of students to attend a presentation in Jefferson Lab's auditorium, located in CEBAF Center [Download a Map] [Locate Jefferson Lab on Google Maps]. This two-hour presentation (10:00 - 12:00) includes a brief interactive summary of the science and technology at Jefferson Lab followed by the Deep Freeze (cryogenics) and Hot Stuff (plasmas) presentations. Seating is limited...

8 Science Education Mailing Lists

Science Education Mailing Lists Jefferson Lab Education Events List The Jefferson Lab Education Events List is intended to inform the public about Jefferson Lab's education programs that are open to the general public. Events, such as the Jefferson Lab Science Series and the Jefferson Lab Open House, will be announced through this list...

9 BEAMS Program at Jefferson Lab

A Model Educational Partnership Between the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility and Newport News City Public Schools (Jefferson Lab) is a basic research laboratory operated to study and understand the detailed structure and behavior of the nucleus of the atom. The BEAMS - Becoming Enthusiastic About Math and Science - program is a vehicle to bring classes of sixth and eighth school students with their teachers to Jefferson Lab for interactions with Jefferson Lab staff via science and math interactive activities. BEAMS targets the middle schools in Newport News with the largest at-risk student populations...

10 Science Adventures at Fermilab

Science Adventures: Check out the new adventures. Show your parents the adventures for which you want to register...