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Displaying 14801 - 14808 of 14808 results
14801 Typhus and Malaria

Question - When you have had typhus or malaria, you can get sick from the disease without warning and without being near any carriers. Why is this? Both typhus and malaria are infectious diseases. Typhus is...

14802 Bonding and Fats

Question - It is said that double bonds are stronger than single and tripe stronger than double etc. If this is the case why are saturated fats bad for you? Wouldnt they be easier to break down since...

14803 Chlorophyll Instability

Question - why do chlorophyll breaks down? Possibly helpful: Anthony Brach Ph.D. ==================================...

14804 Black/white holes

Ask A Scientist[Copyright] Astronomy Archive Black/white holes Author: eileenb What do black holes and white holes do? Response #: 1 of 1 Author: samuel p bowen A black hole is a collapsed star or body that has become so dense that it becomes smaller than nature weld have expected for that mass. This means that the...

14805 Silly Putty and Jello

Question: I could use information on why silly putty bounces and why Jello jiggles in relation to polymers. Thanks. Robert A Kinson Answer: Silly putty is made of long flexible molecules all tangled up. If you just let the putty sit or smoosh it with...

14806 Esterification or Estrification?

Question - I am a translator working on a short text (in Polish) of instructions on how to use this new emulsifier. There is a reference to 'estrification'. The Google search brought up this...

14807 Ask USGS

Ask USGS...

14808 Fermilab Program: Tours

Fermilab offers tours to people, ages 10 and older. For individuals and small groups of fewer than 10, there are two options: Ask-a-Scientist held on the first Sunday of the month and Get to Know Fermilab held Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. For groups of 10 or more, tours are by appointment...