For Programs

As a practitioner you are operating programs that help strengthen fathers and families. From dealing with the challenges faced by families to the challenges of implementing a successful and sustainable program, this section of is especially for you.

Getting Started

Getting starting with Responsible Fatherhood programs can come in many forms. You may start a curriculum-based program, integrate male involvement and responsible parenting into your service organization, or engage with the community through the Fatherhood Buzz initiative.

For Your Fathers

Each father has their own challenges. As a practitioner you may not know everything that is going on in the life of a family and your organization may not be equipped to fully deal with all these challenges, and that’s okay.

Federal Programs and Resources

One of the key policy goals and priorities set out by President Obama is the promotion of Responsible Fatherhood and Strong Communities. As part of this goal, the White House has partnered with a number of other Federal Departments to promote these partnerships and activities that promote fatherhood in local communities.

Fatherhood Buzz

Neighborhood barbershops are a trusted space to discuss personal and public issues, ranging from family to politics, health, money, and other life issues.  Fatherhood Buzz is an effort to increase awareness around responsible fatherhood and parenting issues, and increase families access to support through local barbershops throughout the country.  Fatherhood Buzz events take place up to four times throughout the year, typically on Saturdays.