Family Morale, Welfare & Recreation

Camp Red Cloud is (commonly referred to as CRC) located in Uijongbu City. CRC covers around 170 acres of land in the northwestern edge of Uijongbu City. Camp Red Cloud is located between Seoul and the DMZ . Camp Casey is located in Dongduchon, Korea approximately 40 miles North of Seoul.


File Date Size Downloads
04.12.2011 @ 04.17PM 387kb 1629
10.09.2012 @ 11.48AM 387kb 170
02.05.2013 @ 09.35AM 53.51mb 1204
02.13.2013 @ 09.37AM 2.47mb 904
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Date created: 11/17/2010 2:20:26 PM
Date last updated: 12/1/2012 5:44:02 PM