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Resource Details

Resource Name/Title

Health Information National Trends Survey



HINTS collects nationally representative data routinely about the American public's use of cancer-related information. The survey:

  • Provides updates on changing patterns, needs, and information opportunities in health
  • Identifies changing communications trends and practices
  • Assesses cancer information access and usage
  • Provides information about how cancer risks are perceived
  • Offers a testbed to researchers to test new theories in health communication

The HINTS data collection program was created to monitor changes in the rapidly evolving field of health communication. Survey researchers are using the data to understand how adults 18 years and older use different communication channels, including the Internet, to obtain vital health information for themselves and their loved ones. Program planners are using the data to overcome barriers to health information usage across populations, and obtaining the data they need to create more effective communication strategies. Finally, social scientists are using the data to refine their theories of health communication in the information age and to offer new and better recommendations for reducing the burden of cancer throughout the population. Hints data are available for public use.


NCI Division, Office, Center (DOC)

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)


Epidemiological Resources and Statistics
Other Epidemiological Resources


Hesse, Bradford 
+1 301 594 9904 

Web Sites

Health Information National Trends Survey


Searchable Web site

National Cancer Institute U.S. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health