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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   About   >   OneCPD Technical Assistance
OneCPD Technical Assistance

     OneCPD Integrated Practitioner Assistance System (OneCPD) was first authorized under HUD's Transformation Initiative, contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Appropriations Act of 2010.  OneCPD provides technical assistance (TA) for HUD's Community Planning and Development grantees that is comprehensive, assessment based and focused on measurable outcomes.  OneCPD TA seeks to build sustainable grantee management systems and organizational capacity through a cross program approach.  As OneCPD launches, CPD will begin integrating various legacy TA programs that currently serve a wide variety of grantees and program partners.

OneCPD TA activities will include:

  • Comprehensive Needs Assessments
  • Direct TA and Capacity Building
  • Development of Tools and Products
  • Self-Directed and Group Learning Sessions
  • Core Curricula for Skills Based Training


About CPD Technical Assistance

     OneCPD represents a fundamental change in the way CPD structures and delivers technical assistance.  This new approach is a marked change from the manner in which TA was previously delivered which was specific to a single program and often not coordinated with other TA being offered. OneCPD provides technical assistance that is comprehensive, nationwide, needs based and cross program that addresses the five specific objectives listed below. 

  1. Improve grantees' ability to assess conditions in the affordable segment of their local housing markets and commercial real estate markets, business and employment trends and other public and private investments known to be underway in their areas.
  2. Improve grantees' ability to design, implement, and leverage housing and community and economic development programs based upon an accurate assessment of their local markets and investment landscape.
  3. Assure timely and effective performance by grantees and their partners, as well as effective project tracking and monitoring
  4. Improve grantees' understanding of, and compliance with, statutory and regulatory requirements.
  5. Foster innovation in housing and community development program design and finance.

OneCPD will also allow grantees to tell their story of accomplishment by measuring not only the outputs of this technical assistance and capacity building but outcomes and the impact on communities as well. As OneCPD is fully launched, CPD will begin integrating various TA programs that currently serve a wide variety of grantees and program partners.
The TA programs that will be integrated are:

  1. CPD's "legacy system" TA which provides TA to CPD grantees in the following programs: CDBG, HOME/CHDO TA, SNAPs and HOPWA.
  2. Section 4 Capacity Building provides funding to Habitat for Humanity, LISC, and Enterprise to build capacity of non-profit organizations.
  3. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) TA provides technical assistance to neighborhood stabilization program grantees.


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