INVITATION – Conference Call for Potential Accrediting Entities

January 30, 2013

The Department of State will host a conference call on February 6, 2013, to discuss the criteria and conditions to be an accrediting entity (AE) for Adoption Service Providers who perform intercountry adoptions.  The call is intended for public authorities and non-profit organizations with expertise in developing and administering standards for providers of child welfare services.  Newly designated AEs, along with the AE already designated by the Department, the Council on Accreditation, will work with adoption service providers who must now seek accreditation under the Universal Accreditation Act of 2012 (UAA). 

The Department of State will soon request statements of interest from organizations who wish to be considered for designation as an AE under the provisions of the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA).  The conference call will provide critical information on the selection process, as well as what will be expected of the designated AEs by July 14, 2014, the effective date of the UAA.

Date of the call: Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Time: 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time 
Dial in information: 888-363-4749
Access Code: 6276702#


Acceptances only - to

For more information about the UAA, see our Notice of January 15, 2014, The Universal Accreditation Act of  2012 becomes law

For more information about the roles of accrediting entities, see our content on relating to accrediting entities.