Frequently asked questions about CollabNet products
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  FAQ overview
CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 User Guide
  TeamForge 6.2 How-tos
    Get started with CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
        Join a TeamForge site
        Join a project
        Identify yourself
        Change your password
        Get the code
        Find a forum
        Catch up on project news
        Find project resources
      Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
        Create a TeamForge project
        Add users to a project
        Create a project page
        Create a tracker
        Create a planning folder
        Set up hardware for your team to use
    Contribute to a project
      Plan and track anything
        Estimate effort for agile development
        Find tracker artifacts
          View the right tracker columns
          View the right tracker artifacts
          View the right planning folder artifacts
          Search a tracker
            Search for tracker artifacts
            Find your own artifacts
            Save a search for tracker artifacts
            Share a saved tracker search
            Run a saved search
            Remove a saved search
        Create a tracker artifact
        Create a tracker artifact by email
        Update a tracker artifact
        Edit a tracker artifact by email
        Change multiple artifacts
        Move a tracker artifact
        Associate tracker artifacts with other items
          Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
          Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
          Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
        Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
        Schedule work on an artifact
        Set up trackers
          Create a tracker
          Enable or disable fields
          Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
          Create your own tracker fields
          Configure tracker "Select" field values
          Assign a tracker artifact automatically
          Change a tracker
        Create a tracker workflow
        Export tracker artifacts
      Work on tasks
        Create a task
        Edit a task
        Find tasks
          Search for tasks
          See the right tasks
          Check your assigned tasks
          Update task status
        Schedule a task before or after another task
        View task dependencies
        Associate a task with other items
        Manage tasks
          Copy a task
          Move a task
        Organize tasks
          Create a task folder
          Rename a task folder
          Reorder task folders
          Delete a task folder
        Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
          Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
          Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
          Create tasks from Microsoft Project
          Import tasks in one direction
          Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
          Synchronize task data with
          Synchronize with a different task folder
      Document your work
        Find and view a document
          Go to a document
          Search for a document
        Create a document
        Edit a document
          Update a document
          Change the active document version
          Lock a document
          Unlock a document
        Get a document reviewed
          Start a document review
          Read review responses
          Edit review details
          Send a reminder email
          Close a document review
        Review a document
        Associate a document with other items
        Manage documents
          Copy a document
          Move a document
          Delete a document
        Organize documents
          Create a document folder
          Rename a document folder
          Move a document folder
          Reorder document folders
          Delete a document folder
        Work with documents from Microsoft Office
          Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
          Save a document to TeamForge
      Communicate with project members
        Participate in discussions and mailing lists
          Create a forum topic
          Search for posts
          Reply to a forum message
          Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
          Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
          Post to a forum by email
          Associate forum messages with other items
          Administer forums and mailing lists
            Create a discussion forum
            Rename or edit a discussion forum
            Add or modify moderators
            Moderate a discussion forum by email
            Approve a forum post
            Reject a forum message
            Delete a forum message
            Delete a forum topic
            Stop moderating a forum
        Share project news
          Post a news item
          Delete a news item
          Edit a news item
        Contribute to the project wiki
          Start a Wiki
          Add Wiki content
          Create a new Wiki page
          Search a wiki
          View a wiki page as HTML
          View a wiki page as a PDF
      Manage source code
        View code commits
        Associate code commits with other items
          Associate code with other items while committing
          Create associations with code that is already committed
        Create a source code repository
        Replicate a repository
        Check command history
        Check out Subversion code anonymously
        Access CVS with a stored SSH key
      Provision hardware
        Get an account on this system
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        Find an available host to use
        Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
        Compare profiles or profile versions
        Create a profile from a host
        Rebuild a system
        Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
          Log into a UNIX system
          Log into a Windows system
          Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
          Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
          Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
        Transfer files in and out of the system
          Transfer files with WebDAV
            Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
            Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
            Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
            Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
          Transfer files with SFTP
          Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
        Find a build
        Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
          Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
          Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
        Allocate a host from a cloud
      Build and test your software
      Release products
        Download a release
        Create a package
        Create a release
        Add files to a release
        Update files in a release
        Delete files from a release
        Update release attributes
        Change a package's name or description
        Associate a release with other items
        Delete a package
        Delete a release
      Watch for changes
        Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
        Monitor an item
        Monitor many items
        Monitor an application
        Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
        Monitor project news as RSS feed
        What am I monitoring?
        Who is monitoring this item?
        Choose monitoring email frequency
        Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
        Monitor an item for someone else
    Run a project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Build your project web site
        Assemble your project web site
          Create a project page
          Create a project page component
          Reorder project page components
          Hide a project page component
          Rename a project page component
          Edit a project page component
          Delete a project page component
          Control access to a project page
          Reorder project pages
          Hide a project page
          Rename a project page
        Hand-code your project web site
          Create a custom project home page
          See what's in your publishing repository
      Set up trackers
        Create a tracker
        Create your own tracker fields
          Create a text field
          Create a "Select" field
          Create a people-picker field
        Organize tracker fields
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Configure tracker "Select" field values
        Configure tracker units
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Create a tracker workflow
        Set default tracker columns
        Change a tracker
        Help users select options
        Validate text entries
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Manage statuses for a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
        Move a planning folder
      Manage a product
        Define the scope of your project
        Monitor project output
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
        Reporting overview
         Metrics overview
        Get reports on project activity
        Get reports on Site activity
        Report on tracker artifacts
        Report on tasks
        Save a report template
        Run a report
        Export report results
        Delete a report template
        Advanced reporting and datamart access
          Datamart schemas
            User schema
            SCM schema
            Tracker schema
          Datamart access using external tools
            Enable TeamForge (PostgreSQL datamart) for queries from external tools
            Enable TeamForge (Oracle datamart) for queries from external tools
            Common errors while connecting to PostgreSQL or Oracle datamarts
      Control project access
        Control access by user role
          Give roles to a project member
          Give a role to multiple project members
          Handle a role request from a project member
          Assign a global project role on request
          Assign roles to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role
          Create a project administrator role
          Change a role
          View users and user groups assigned to a role
        Control access by user class
        Control access by project type
        Let users see other users' roles
        Lock or unlock a project
        Control access to source code
        Control HTML headers in hand-coded project pages
        Allow anonymous checkout
        Show or hide an application
        Who can post to discussions by email?
      Manage project membership
        Add users to a project
        Remove a user from a project
        Handle a request for project membership
        Handle a request to leave a project
      Create a project template
      Categorize a project
      Make other applications available to project members
        Link an external application
        Change a linked application
        Reorder linked applications
        Integrate an external application into your project
        Export an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application from your project
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Require a wiki version comment
      Provision hardware for project members
        Set up hardware for your team to use
        Reallocate a system
        Edit a project
        Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
        Deliver a build
          Get the PBL upload client
          Upload a file
          Change the description of a file
          Move a file
        Allow clouds in a project
        Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
          Install the Lab Management Cloud plugin
          Configure the Lab Management Cloud plugin
          Run a job on a Lab Management host
    Run a site
      Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Delegate site admin tasks
        Create additional site administrators
        Modify the additional site administrators privileges
        Make selected users additional site administrators
        Give project-independent access for project tools
      Provide ready-made roles
        Create a global project role
        Modify a global project role
        Delete a global project role
      Manage projects as a group
        Create a project group
        Edit a project group
        Delete a project group
        Add projects to a project group
        Manage user membership for a project group
        Manage users' access to project groups
          Give a role to project group members
          Give roles to a project group member
          Assign roles in multiple projects to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role in a project group
          Edit a role in a project group
          Delete a role in a project group
      Manage users
        Communicate with all site users at once
        Create a new user account
        Create multiple user accounts
        Create a user group
        Add a user to a user group
        Find a user
        Find a user's groups
        Edit a user account
        Act on multiple user accounts at once
        Reset the admin account password
        Add ALM functionality to your site
        Restrict your site to source code functionality
        View all roles assigned to a user
      Support projects
        Create a new project
        Approve a new project
        Rename a project
        Delete a project
        Delete a project
        Lock or unlock a project
        Update a project template
        Enable or disable project templates
        Require documents to be associated with artifacts
        Manage project categories
          Add a project category
          Edit a project category
          Move a project category
          Delete a project category
          Stop using project categories
        Add a parent project to your project
        Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Provide source control services
        Integrate a source code server
        Approve a source control repository request
        Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
        Edit SCM integration details
        Move a source code repository
        Connect to a Subversion Edge console
        Discover a Subversion Edge server
        Manage replicas
          Approve a replica server request
          Edit replica settings
          Remove a replica
        Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
          Create a loginfo trigger file
          Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
      Change your site's look and feel
        Customize anything on your site
        Customize the home page of your site
        Customize the home page of projects
        Change your site's outgoing emails
      Provide external applications
        Provide a linked application
          Create a site-wide linked application
          Edit a site-wide linked application
        Provide an integrated app for projects to use
          Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
          Enable or disable integrated applications
          Remove an integrated application from your project
          Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
          View integrated application information
          Edit an integrated application
          Export an integrated application
      Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
      Monitor your site
        Check your server's status
        Read your site's logs
        Get build information
        Get reports on site activity
      Keep your site secure
        Set password requirements
        Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
      Support hardware provisioning
        Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
        Move hosts from one project to another
        Forward a port
        Stop port forwarding
        Set up host URL mapping
        Stop URL mapping
        Delete a project
        Undelete a project
        Expand your domain with virtual guests
          Create a virtual guest
          Migrate a virtual guest
          Delete a virtual guest
        Manage profiles
          Add a new profile
          Modify the XML definition for a profile
          Stop using a profile
            Delete a profile
            Disable a profile
          Enable a profile
        Administer clouds
          Add a new cloud
          Add a cloud host
          Define a host type
          Delete a cloud
    Integrate TeamForge 6.2 with other tools
      TeamForge Git integration
        Create a Git repository
        Control access to source code
        Access Git with an SSH key
        Clone a Git repository
        General usage FAQ
      Review Board
        Integrate Review Board into your TeamForge site
        General usage FAQ
        How do I control user access for Review Board?
      Black Duck Code Sight
  TeamForge 6.2 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      What is an association?
      How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
      Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
      Can I request a role?
      Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
      CEE to TeamForge for project members
      What is change management?
      Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
      What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
      How do I create an artifact via email?
      I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
      Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
      Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
      Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
      Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
      Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
      Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
      Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
      Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
      What document types are supported in TeamForge?
      What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why am I not able to access a folder in TeamForge documents?
      Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
      How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
      Why is TeamForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
      How do I export reports?
      What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
      How do I create a new forum topic?
      How do I find the email address for a forum?
      How do I remove a user from a discussion?
      How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
      I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
      What is a discussion forum?
      Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      Can I associate objects of different projects?
      I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
      Who can be a moderator?
      How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
      How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
      Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
      Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
      Can I move a discussion to another project?
      How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
      How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
      How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
      How do I create a parent/child artifact?
      How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
      What is an agile project team?
      What is a release?
      How do I remove a news item?
      What kind of objects can I create reports on?
      How do user roles work?
      How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
      What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
      Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
      What is a task dependency?
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      What fields can I use in a tracker?
      What is a tracker?
      What is tracker workflow?
      What is an activity table component?
      What is a project page component?
      What is TeamForge?
      What is a wiki component?
      Which role is assigned to me?
      Who can work with documents?
      Why would I attach things to a wiki?
      How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
      I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      How do I edit the wiki home page?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global project role?
        What is an Available upon Request role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Are role-based permissions allowed for sub-folders in the TeamForge Documents?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        What happens when a changed value makes a dependent field invalid?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7.x client with my TeamForge 6.1.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge to version 1.7.x?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7.x on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7.x?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7.x?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.2?
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Subversion replication in TeamForge
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
         How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
         When do I run the Tracker initial load job?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
        Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
  TeamForge 6.2 reference library
    Reference information for project members
      Wiki syntax
        Text effects on wiki pages
        Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages
        Text navigation tools for wiki pages
        Attachments for wiki pages
        Tables on wiki pages
        Wiki plugins
      My Page
      TeamForge search terms
      The Document Details page
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      TheProject Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.2 projects
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      Replica status icons
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.2
        Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
        Migration Assumptions
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.2
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
        How is global data handled during migration?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        User permissions compared
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Authentication Realms
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Category
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Domain
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for License
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Project and Project Group
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Session
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Start Page
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for User
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for User Group
  TeamForge 6.2 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  TeamForge 6.2 How-tos
    Get started with CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
        Join a TeamForge site
        Join a project
        Identify yourself
        Change your password
        Get the code
        Find a forum
        Catch up on project news
        Find project resources
      Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
        Create a TeamForge project
        Add users to a project
        Create a project page
        Create a tracker
        Create a planning folder
        Set up hardware for your team to use
    Contribute to a project
      Plan and track anything
        Estimate effort for agile development
        Find tracker artifacts
          View the right tracker columns
          View the right tracker artifacts
          View the right planning folder artifacts
          Search a tracker
            Search for tracker artifacts
            Find your own artifacts
            Save a search for tracker artifacts
            Share a saved tracker search
            Run a saved search
            Remove a saved search
        Create a tracker artifact
        Create a tracker artifact by email
        Update a tracker artifact
        Edit a tracker artifact by email
        Change multiple artifacts
        Move a tracker artifact
        Associate tracker artifacts with other items
          Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
          Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
          Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
        Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
        Schedule work on an artifact
        Set up trackers
          Create a tracker
          Enable or disable fields
          Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
          Create your own tracker fields
          Configure tracker "Select" field values
          Assign a tracker artifact automatically
          Change a tracker
        Create a tracker workflow
        Export tracker artifacts
      Work on tasks
        Create a task
        Edit a task
        Find tasks
          Search for tasks
          See the right tasks
          Check your assigned tasks
          Update task status
        Schedule a task before or after another task
        View task dependencies
        Associate a task with other items
        Manage tasks
          Copy a task
          Move a task
        Organize tasks
          Create a task folder
          Rename a task folder
          Reorder task folders
          Delete a task folder
        Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
          Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
          Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
          Create tasks from Microsoft Project
          Import tasks in one direction
          Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
          Synchronize task data with
          Synchronize with a different task folder
      Document your work
        Find and view a document
          Go to a document
          Search for a document
        Create a document
        Edit a document
          Update a document
          Change the active document version
          Lock a document
          Unlock a document
        Get a document reviewed
          Start a document review
          Read review responses
          Edit review details
          Send a reminder email
          Close a document review
        Review a document
        Associate a document with other items
        Manage documents
          Copy a document
          Move a document
          Delete a document
        Organize documents
          Create a document folder
          Rename a document folder
          Move a document folder
          Reorder document folders
          Delete a document folder
        Work with documents from Microsoft Office
          Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
          Save a document to TeamForge
      Communicate with project members
        Participate in discussions and mailing lists
          Create a forum topic
          Search for posts
          Reply to a forum message
          Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
          Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
          Post to a forum by email
          Associate forum messages with other items
          Administer forums and mailing lists
            Create a discussion forum
            Rename or edit a discussion forum
            Add or modify moderators
            Moderate a discussion forum by email
            Approve a forum post
            Reject a forum message
            Delete a forum message
            Delete a forum topic
            Stop moderating a forum
        Share project news
          Post a news item
          Delete a news item
          Edit a news item
        Contribute to the project wiki
          Start a Wiki
          Add Wiki content
          Create a new Wiki page
          Search a wiki
          View a wiki page as HTML
          View a wiki page as a PDF
      Manage source code
        View code commits
        Associate code commits with other items
          Associate code with other items while committing
          Create associations with code that is already committed
        Create a source code repository
        Replicate a repository
        Check command history
        Check out Subversion code anonymously
        Access CVS with a stored SSH key
      Provision hardware
        Get an account on this system
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        Find an available host to use
        Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
        Compare profiles or profile versions
        Create a profile from a host
        Rebuild a system
        Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
          Log into a UNIX system
          Log into a Windows system
          Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
          Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
          Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
        Transfer files in and out of the system
          Transfer files with WebDAV
            Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
            Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
            Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
            Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
          Transfer files with SFTP
          Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
        Find a build
        Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
          Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
          Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
        Allocate a host from a cloud
      Build and test your software
      Release products
        Download a release
        Create a package
        Create a release
        Add files to a release
        Update files in a release
        Delete files from a release
        Update release attributes
        Change a package's name or description
        Associate a release with other items
        Delete a package
        Delete a release
      Watch for changes
        Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
        Monitor an item
        Monitor many items
        Monitor an application
        Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
        Monitor project news as RSS feed
        What am I monitoring?
        Who is monitoring this item?
        Choose monitoring email frequency
        Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
        Monitor an item for someone else
    Run a project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Build your project web site
        Assemble your project web site
          Create a project page
          Create a project page component
          Reorder project page components
          Hide a project page component
          Rename a project page component
          Edit a project page component
          Delete a project page component
          Control access to a project page
          Reorder project pages
          Hide a project page
          Rename a project page
        Hand-code your project web site
          Create a custom project home page
          See what's in your publishing repository
      Set up trackers
        Create a tracker
        Create your own tracker fields
          Create a text field
          Create a "Select" field
          Create a people-picker field
        Organize tracker fields
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Configure tracker "Select" field values
        Configure tracker units
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Create a tracker workflow
        Set default tracker columns
        Change a tracker
        Help users select options
        Validate text entries
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Manage statuses for a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
        Move a planning folder
      Manage a product
        Define the scope of your project
        Monitor project output
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
        Reporting overview
         Metrics overview
        Get reports on project activity
        Get reports on Site activity
        Report on tracker artifacts
        Report on tasks
        Save a report template
        Run a report
        Export report results
        Delete a report template
        Advanced reporting and datamart access
          Datamart schemas
            User schema
            SCM schema
            Tracker schema
          Datamart access using external tools
            Enable TeamForge (PostgreSQL datamart) for queries from external tools
            Enable TeamForge (Oracle datamart) for queries from external tools
            Common errors while connecting to PostgreSQL or Oracle datamarts
      Control project access
        Control access by user role
          Give roles to a project member
          Give a role to multiple project members
          Handle a role request from a project member
          Assign a global project role on request
          Assign roles to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role
          Create a project administrator role
          Change a role
          View users and user groups assigned to a role
        Control access by user class
        Control access by project type
        Let users see other users' roles
        Lock or unlock a project
        Control access to source code
        Control HTML headers in hand-coded project pages
        Allow anonymous checkout
        Show or hide an application
        Who can post to discussions by email?
      Manage project membership
        Add users to a project
        Remove a user from a project
        Handle a request for project membership
        Handle a request to leave a project
      Create a project template
      Categorize a project
      Make other applications available to project members
        Link an external application
        Change a linked application
        Reorder linked applications
        Integrate an external application into your project
        Export an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application from your project
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Require a wiki version comment
      Provision hardware for project members
        Set up hardware for your team to use
        Reallocate a system
        Edit a project
        Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
        Deliver a build
          Get the PBL upload client
          Upload a file
          Change the description of a file
          Move a file
        Allow clouds in a project
        Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
          Install the Lab Management Cloud plugin
          Configure the Lab Management Cloud plugin
          Run a job on a Lab Management host
    Run a site
      Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Delegate site admin tasks
        Create additional site administrators
        Modify the additional site administrators privileges
        Make selected users additional site administrators
        Give project-independent access for project tools
      Provide ready-made roles
        Create a global project role
        Modify a global project role
        Delete a global project role
      Manage projects as a group
        Create a project group
        Edit a project group
        Delete a project group
        Add projects to a project group
        Manage user membership for a project group
        Manage users' access to project groups
          Give a role to project group members
          Give roles to a project group member
          Assign roles in multiple projects to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role in a project group
          Edit a role in a project group
          Delete a role in a project group
      Manage users
        Communicate with all site users at once
        Create a new user account
        Create multiple user accounts
        Create a user group
        Add a user to a user group
        Find a user
        Find a user's groups
        Edit a user account
        Act on multiple user accounts at once
        Reset the admin account password
        Add ALM functionality to your site
        Restrict your site to source code functionality
        View all roles assigned to a user
      Support projects
        Create a new project
        Approve a new project
        Rename a project
        Delete a project
        Delete a project
        Lock or unlock a project
        Update a project template
        Enable or disable project templates
        Require documents to be associated with artifacts
        Manage project categories
          Add a project category
          Edit a project category
          Move a project category
          Delete a project category
          Stop using project categories
        Add a parent project to your project
        Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Provide source control services
        Integrate a source code server
        Approve a source control repository request
        Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
        Edit SCM integration details
        Move a source code repository
        Connect to a Subversion Edge console
        Discover a Subversion Edge server
        Manage replicas
          Approve a replica server request
          Edit replica settings
          Remove a replica
        Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
          Create a loginfo trigger file
          Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
      Change your site's look and feel
        Customize anything on your site
        Customize the home page of your site
        Customize the home page of projects
        Change your site's outgoing emails
      Provide external applications
        Provide a linked application
          Create a site-wide linked application
          Edit a site-wide linked application
        Provide an integrated app for projects to use
          Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
          Enable or disable integrated applications
          Remove an integrated application from your project
          Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
          View integrated application information
          Edit an integrated application
          Export an integrated application
      Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
      Monitor your site
        Check your server's status
        Read your site's logs
        Get build information
        Get reports on site activity
      Keep your site secure
        Set password requirements
        Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
      Support hardware provisioning
        Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
        Move hosts from one project to another
        Forward a port
        Stop port forwarding
        Set up host URL mapping
        Stop URL mapping
        Delete a project
        Undelete a project
        Expand your domain with virtual guests
          Create a virtual guest
          Migrate a virtual guest
          Delete a virtual guest
        Manage profiles
          Add a new profile
          Modify the XML definition for a profile
          Stop using a profile
            Delete a profile
            Disable a profile
          Enable a profile
        Administer clouds
          Add a new cloud
          Add a cloud host
          Define a host type
          Delete a cloud
    Integrate TeamForge 6.2 with other tools
      TeamForge Git integration
        Create a Git repository
        Control access to source code
        Access Git with an SSH key
        Clone a Git repository
        General usage FAQ
      Review Board
        Integrate Review Board into your TeamForge site
        General usage FAQ
        How do I control user access for Review Board?
      Black Duck Code Sight
  TeamForge 6.2 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      What is an association?
      How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
      Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
      Can I request a role?
      Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
      CEE to TeamForge for project members
      What is change management?
      Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
      What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
      How do I create an artifact via email?
      I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
      Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
      Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
      Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
      Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
      Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
      Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
      Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
      Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
      What document types are supported in TeamForge?
      What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why am I not able to access a folder in TeamForge documents?
      Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
      How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
      Why is TeamForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
      How do I export reports?
      What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
      How do I create a new forum topic?
      How do I find the email address for a forum?
      How do I remove a user from a discussion?
      How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
      I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
      What is a discussion forum?
      Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      Can I associate objects of different projects?
      I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
      Who can be a moderator?
      How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
      How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
      Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
      Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
      Can I move a discussion to another project?
      How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
      How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
      How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
      How do I create a parent/child artifact?
      How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
      What is an agile project team?
      What is a release?
      How do I remove a news item?
      What kind of objects can I create reports on?
      How do user roles work?
      How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
      What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
      Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
      What is a task dependency?
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      What fields can I use in a tracker?
      What is a tracker?
      What is tracker workflow?
      What is an activity table component?
      What is a project page component?
      What is TeamForge?
      What is a wiki component?
      Which role is assigned to me?
      Who can work with documents?
      Why would I attach things to a wiki?
      How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
      I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      How do I edit the wiki home page?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global project role?
        What is an Available upon Request role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Are role-based permissions allowed for sub-folders in the TeamForge Documents?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        What happens when a changed value makes a dependent field invalid?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7.x client with my TeamForge 6.1.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge to version 1.7.x?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7.x on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7.x?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7.x?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.2?
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Subversion replication in TeamForge
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
         How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
         When do I run the Tracker initial load job?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
        Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
  TeamForge 6.2 reference library
    Reference information for project members
      Wiki syntax
        Text effects on wiki pages
        Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages
        Text navigation tools for wiki pages
        Attachments for wiki pages
        Tables on wiki pages
        Wiki plugins
      My Page
      TeamForge search terms
      The Document Details page
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      TheProject Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.2 projects
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      Replica status icons
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.2
        Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
        Migration Assumptions
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.2
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
        How is global data handled during migration?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        User permissions compared
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Authentication Realms
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Category
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Domain
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for License
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Project and Project Group
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Session
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for Start Page
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for User
          TeamForge 6.2 Permissions for User Group
  TeamForge 6.2 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
TeamForge 6.2 Administration Guide
  TeamForge how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 on Red Hat
        Dedicated installation
        Advanced installation
          Install option 1
          Install option 2
          Install option 3
          Install option 4
          Install option 5
          Install option 6
          Install option 7
          Verify your installation
        Uninstall TeamForge
      Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 on CentOS
        Dedicated installation
        Advanced installation
          Install option 1
          Install option 2
          Install option 3
          Install option 4
          Install option 5
          Install option 6
          Install option 7
          Verify your installation
        Uninstall TeamForge
      Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 on SuSE
        Dedicated installation
        Advanced installation
          Install option 1
          Install option 2
          Install option 3
          Install option 4
          Install option 5
          Install option 6
          Install option 7
          Verify your installation
        Uninstall TeamForge
      Install TeamForge on VMware or ESXi
        Get TeamForge 6.2 for VMware or ESXi
          Get TeamForge 6.2 for VMware
          Get TeamForge for ESXi
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
        Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on Red Hat
        Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 (advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade SCM on the same box
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on CentOS
        Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 (advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade SCM on the same box
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on SuSE
        Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 (advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade SCM on the same box
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.2
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of TeamForge 6.2
    Patch TeamForge 6.2
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on RedHat
        Apply a patch
        Downgrade a patch
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on CentOS
        Apply a patch
        Downgrade a patch
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on SuSE
        Apply a patch
        Downgrade a patch
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on VMware Player
        Apply a patch
        Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.2 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key from Teamforge user interface
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support CollabNet TeamForge System Administrators
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates manually
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site on RedHat
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion on RedHat or CentOS
      Upgrade Subversion on SuSE
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
      Move the datamart to a separate box
        Move the datamart (dedicated database server mode)
        Move the datamart (other modes)
    Integrate TeamForge 6.2 with other tools
      Set up Black Duck Code Sight
        Install Black Duck Code Sight on RedHat
        Install Black Duck Code Sight on CentOS
        Install the Black Duck Code Sight license
        Bootstrap the Black Duck Code Sight instance
      Set up integrated apps
        Integrated application example: Pebble
          Install Pebble
          Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Review Board
          Install Review Board 1.6.3
          Upgrade Review Board to latest build from CollabNet
          Integrate Review Board into your TeamForge site
          Install FAQ
          General usage FAQ
      Set up the TeamForge Git integration
        TeamForge Git integration
        Install the TeamForge Git integration
        Upgrade the TeamForge Git integration
        Reconfigure the TeamForge Git integration
        Uninstall the TeamForge Git integration
        Set up Code Search for the TeamForge Git integration
        Requirements for the TeamForge Git integration
        Work with Gerrit
          Add Gerrit as a linked application
          Update Git repository access permissions in Gerrit
          Grant Gerrit super user permissions
        TeamForge Git integration: FAQ
          Install FAQ
          Post-install FAQ
          General usage FAQ
          Upgrade and Uninstall FAQ
          Technical concepts FAQ
        TeamForge Git integration reference
  TeamForge 6.2 FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
       When do I run the Tracker initial load job?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why am I not able to see the charts for tracker metrics?
      Why am I getting a 'Not running' message when the Datamart service is stopped?
      Why am I getting an email specifying that the ETL job has failed?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      Why am I not able to see the status of the Postgres in the collabnet startup script?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why am I not getting any error messages when executing the Subversion upgrade script?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      Why does the the Yum installer display a warning message on Centos 6?
      Why am I getting a Yum repository filename conflict?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Are role-based permissions allowed for sub-folders in the TeamForge Documents?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      How do I change the time to run the ETL jobs?
      How can I check the status of ETL?
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How to reinstall a deleted installation directory?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Datamart?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.2 reference
    6.2 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Versions of RPM packages in RedHat and CentOS installations
      Versions of RPM packages in SuSE installations
    TeamForge 6.2 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.2 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.2 config files
        Using multi-line blocks for site options
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.2 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  TeamForge 6.2 Patch 1 Release Notes
    TeamForge 6.2 Patch 1 notes
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  TeamForge how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 on Red Hat
        Dedicated installation
        Advanced installation
          Install option 1
          Install option 2
          Install option 3
          Install option 4
          Install option 5
          Install option 6
          Install option 7
          Verify your installation
        Uninstall TeamForge
      Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 on CentOS
        Dedicated installation
        Advanced installation
          Install option 1
          Install option 2
          Install option 3
          Install option 4
          Install option 5
          Install option 6
          Install option 7
          Verify your installation
        Uninstall TeamForge
      Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.2 on SuSE
        Dedicated installation
        Advanced installation
          Install option 1
          Install option 2
          Install option 3
          Install option 4
          Install option 5
          Install option 6
          Install option 7
          Verify your installation
        Uninstall TeamForge
      Install TeamForge on VMware or ESXi
        Get TeamForge 6.2 for VMware or ESXi
          Get TeamForge 6.2 for VMware
          Get TeamForge for ESXi
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
        Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on Red Hat
        Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 (advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade SCM on the same box
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on CentOS
        Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 (advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade SCM on the same box
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on SuSE
        Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 (advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Advanced)
          Upgrade on the same box - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade on new hardware - Code Sight on a separate box (Oracle)
          Upgrade SCM on the same box
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.2
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of TeamForge 6.2
    Patch TeamForge 6.2
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on RedHat
        Apply a patch
        Downgrade a patch
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on CentOS
        Apply a patch
        Downgrade a patch
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on SuSE
        Apply a patch
        Downgrade a patch
      Patch TeamForge 6.2 on VMware Player
        Apply a patch
        Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.2 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key from Teamforge user interface
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support CollabNet TeamForge System Administrators
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates manually
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site on RedHat
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion on RedHat or CentOS
      Upgrade Subversion on SuSE
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
      Move the datamart to a separate box
        Move the datamart (dedicated database server mode)
        Move the datamart (other modes)
    Integrate TeamForge 6.2 with other tools
      Set up Black Duck Code Sight
        Install Black Duck Code Sight on RedHat
        Install Black Duck Code Sight on CentOS
        Install the Black Duck Code Sight license
        Bootstrap the Black Duck Code Sight instance
      Set up integrated apps
        Integrated application example: Pebble
          Install Pebble
          Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Review Board
          Install Review Board 1.6.3
          Upgrade Review Board to latest build from CollabNet
          Integrate Review Board into your TeamForge site
          Install FAQ
          General usage FAQ
      Set up the TeamForge Git integration
        TeamForge Git integration
        Install the TeamForge Git integration
        Upgrade the TeamForge Git integration
        Reconfigure the TeamForge Git integration
        Uninstall the TeamForge Git integration
        Set up Code Search for the TeamForge Git integration
        Requirements for the TeamForge Git integration
        Work with Gerrit
          Add Gerrit as a linked application
          Update Git repository access permissions in Gerrit
          Grant Gerrit super user permissions
        TeamForge Git integration: FAQ
          Install FAQ
          Post-install FAQ
          General usage FAQ
          Upgrade and Uninstall FAQ
          Technical concepts FAQ
        TeamForge Git integration reference
  TeamForge 6.2 FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.2 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
       When do I run the Tracker initial load job?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why am I not able to see the charts for tracker metrics?
      Why am I getting a 'Not running' message when the Datamart service is stopped?
      Why am I getting an email specifying that the ETL job has failed?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      Why am I not able to see the status of the Postgres in the collabnet startup script?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why am I not getting any error messages when executing the Subversion upgrade script?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      Why does the the Yum installer display a warning message on Centos 6?
      Why am I getting a Yum repository filename conflict?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Are role-based permissions allowed for sub-folders in the TeamForge Documents?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      How do I change the time to run the ETL jobs?
      How can I check the status of ETL?
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How to reinstall a deleted installation directory?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Datamart?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.2 reference
    6.2 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      Versions of RPM packages in RedHat and CentOS installations
      Versions of RPM packages in SuSE installations
    TeamForge 6.2 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.2 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.2 config files
        Using multi-line blocks for site options
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.2 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  TeamForge 6.2 Patch 1 Release Notes
    TeamForge 6.2 Patch 1 notes
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
Extending TeamForge 6.2
  Building on the TeamForge platform
    Event handlers
      How event handlers work
      Event handler example: Comment on associations
      Event handler example: Execute a hook script
      Event handler example: Hook scripts
      Extend EventHandler50 for your TeamForge event handler classes
      Using a synchronous event handler: Send event handler output to the TeamForge UI
      Using an asynchronous event handler: trigger follow-up events
      Best practices for working with custom TeamForge event handlers
      Event handler FAQ
        What events and operations are available to TeamForge event handlers?
        What hooks are available for TeamForge hook scripts?
        What information gets passed to a hook?
        My custom event handler is not working! What is wrong?
      Reference information about event handlers
        DTD for custom event handler
    Integrated apps
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Add the TeamForge button bar to your integrated application
      Internationalize your integrated application
      Integrated application example: Pebble
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Add Pebble to a TeamForge project
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Install Review Board 1.6.3
        Integrate Review Board into your TeamForge site
        Add Review Board to a TeamForge project
      Integrated apps FAQ
        What is an integrated application?
        How is an integrated application described?
        Can I control user access to an integrated application?
        How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
      Reference information about integrated applications
        SOAP calls for integrated applications
          SOAP calls for adding, editing or deleting an integrated application
          SOAP calls for SCM in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for search in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for project templates in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for objects in integrated applications
        Pebble integration service
    API guide
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Example: Send commit data to TeamForge via SOAP
      Update to the 6.2 API
      Developer FAQ
        What can I do with the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
        What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?
        How should my API client store user passwords?
        How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
        How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      SOAP API
        TeamForge services available via SOAP
          The CollabNet service
          The discussions service
          The document service
          The file release service
          The file storage service
          The integration data service
          The news service
          The planning folder service
          The project pages service
          The project categorization service
          The role-based access control service
          The software configuration management (SCM) service
          The tasks service
          The tracker service
          The wiki service
        Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
          FORM [FormTool]
          LINK [LinkTool]
          MESSAGE [MessageTool]
          STRING [StringTool]
          TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        Example integration script
        Context-specific object members
          PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
          GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
        Lab Management API methods
  Building on the TeamForge platform
    Event handlers
      How event handlers work
      Event handler example: Comment on associations
      Event handler example: Execute a hook script
      Event handler example: Hook scripts
      Extend EventHandler50 for your TeamForge event handler classes
      Using a synchronous event handler: Send event handler output to the TeamForge UI
      Using an asynchronous event handler: trigger follow-up events
      Best practices for working with custom TeamForge event handlers
      Event handler FAQ
        What events and operations are available to TeamForge event handlers?
        What hooks are available for TeamForge hook scripts?
        What information gets passed to a hook?
        My custom event handler is not working! What is wrong?
      Reference information about event handlers
        DTD for custom event handler
    Integrated apps
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Add the TeamForge button bar to your integrated application
      Internationalize your integrated application
      Integrated application example: Pebble
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Add Pebble to a TeamForge project
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Install Review Board 1.6.3
        Integrate Review Board into your TeamForge site
        Add Review Board to a TeamForge project
      Integrated apps FAQ
        What is an integrated application?
        How is an integrated application described?
        Can I control user access to an integrated application?
        How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
      Reference information about integrated applications
        SOAP calls for integrated applications
          SOAP calls for adding, editing or deleting an integrated application
          SOAP calls for SCM in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for search in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for project templates in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for objects in integrated applications
        Pebble integration service
    API guide
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Example: Send commit data to TeamForge via SOAP
      Update to the 6.2 API
      Developer FAQ
        What can I do with the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
        What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?
        How should my API client store user passwords?
        How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
        How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      SOAP API
        TeamForge services available via SOAP
          The CollabNet service
          The discussions service
          The document service
          The file release service
          The file storage service
          The integration data service
          The news service
          The planning folder service
          The project pages service
          The project categorization service
          The role-based access control service
          The software configuration management (SCM) service
          The tasks service
          The tracker service
          The wiki service
        Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
          FORM [FormTool]
          LINK [LinkTool]
          MESSAGE [MessageTool]
          STRING [StringTool]
          TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        Example integration script
        Context-specific object members
          PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
          GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
        Lab Management API methods
CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 User Guide
  TeamForge 6.1.1 How-tos
    Get started with CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
        Join a TeamForge site
        Join a project
        Identify yourself
        Get the code
        Find a forum
        Catch up on project news
        Find project resources
      Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
        Create a TeamForge project
        Add users to a project
        Create a project page
        Create a tracker
        Create a planning folder
        Set up hardware for your team to use
    Contribute to a project
      Plan and track anything
        Estimate effort for agile development
        Find tracker artifacts
          View the right tracker columns
          View the right tracker artifacts
          View the right planning folder artifacts
          Search a tracker
            Search for tracker artifacts
            Find your own artifacts
            Save a search for tracker artifacts
            Share a saved tracker search
            Run a saved search
            Remove a saved search
        Create a tracker artifact
        Create a tracker artifact by email
        Update a tracker artifact
        Edit a tracker artifact by email
        Change multiple artifacts
        Move a tracker artifact
        Associate tracker artifacts with other items
          Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
          Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
          Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
        Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
        Schedule work on an artifact
        Set up trackers
          Create a tracker
          Enable or disable fields
          Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
          Create your own tracker fields
          Configure tracker "Select" field values
          Assign a tracker artifact automatically
          Change a tracker
        Create a tracker workflow
        Export tracker artifacts
      Work on tasks
        Create a task
        Edit a task
        Find tasks
          Search for tasks
          See the right tasks
          Check your assigned tasks
          Update task status
        Schedule a task before or after another task
        View task dependencies
        Associate a task with other items
        Manage tasks
          Copy a task
          Move a task
        Organize tasks
          Create a task folder
          Rename a task folder
          Reorder task folders
          Delete a task folder
        Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
          Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
          Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
          Create tasks from Microsoft Project
          Import tasks in one direction
          Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
          Synchronize task data with
          Synchronize with a different task folder
      Document your work
        Find and view a document
          Go to a document
          Search for a document
        Create a document
        Edit a document
          Update a document
          Change the active document version
          Lock a document
          Unlock a document
        Get a document reviewed
          Start a document review
          Read review responses
          Edit review details
          Send a reminder email
          Close a document review
        Review a document
        Associate a document with other items
        Manage documents
          Copy a document
          Move a document
          Delete a document
        Organize documents
          Create a document folder
          Rename a document folder
          Move a document folder
          Reorder document folders
          Delete a document folder
        Work with documents from Microsoft Office
          Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
          Save a document to TeamForge
      Communicate with project members
        Participate in discussions and mailing lists
          Create a forum topic
          Search for posts
          Reply to a forum message
          Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
          Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
          Post to a forum by email
          Associate forum messages with other items
          Administer forums and mailing lists
            Create a discussion forum
            Rename or edit a discussion forum
            Add or modify moderators
            Moderate a discussion forum by email
            Approve a forum post
            Reject a forum message
            Delete a forum message
            Delete a forum topic
            Stop moderating a forum
        Share project news
          Post a news item
          Delete a news item
          Edit a news item
        Contribute to the project wiki
          Start a Wiki
          Add Wiki content
          Create a new Wiki page
          Search a wiki
          View a wiki page as HTML
          View a wiki page as a PDF
      Manage source code
        View code commits
        Associate code commits with other items
          Associate code with other items while committing
          Create associations with code that is already committed
        Create a source code repository
        Replicate a repository
        Check command history
        Check out Subversion code anonymously
        Access CVS with a stored SSH key
      Provision hardware
        Get an account on this system
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        Find an available host to use
        Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
        Compare profiles or profile versions
        Create a profile from a host
        Rebuild a system
        Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
          Log into a UNIX system
          Log into a Windows system
          Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
          Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
          Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
        Transfer files in and out of the system
          Transfer files with WebDAV
            Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
            Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
            Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
            Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
          Transfer files with SFTP
          Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
        Find a build
        Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
          Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
          Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
        Allocate a host from a cloud
      Build and test your software
      Release products
        Download a release
        Create a package
        Create a release
        Add files to a release
        Update files in a release
        Delete files from a release
        Update release attributes
        Change a package's name or description
        Associate a release with other items
        Delete a package
        Delete a release
      Watch for changes
        Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
        Monitor an item
        Monitor many items
        Monitor an application
        Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
        Monitor project news as RSS feed
        What am I monitoring?
        Who is monitoring this item?
        Choose monitoring email frequency
        Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
        Monitor an item for someone else
    Run a project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Build your project web site
        Assemble your project web site
          Create a project page
          Create a project page component
          Reorder project page components
          Hide a project page component
          Rename a project page component
          Edit a project page component
          Delete a project page component
          Control access to a project page
          Reorder project pages
          Hide a project page
          Rename a project page
        Hand-code your project web site
          Create a custom project home page
          See what's in your publishing repository
      Set up trackers
        Create a tracker
        Create your own tracker fields
          Create a text field
          Create a "Select" field
          Create a people-picker field
        Organize tracker fields
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Configure tracker "Select" field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Create a tracker workflow
        Set default tracker columns
        Change a tracker
        Help users select options
        Validate text entries
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Manage statuses for a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
        Move a planning folder
      Manage a product
        Define the scope of your project
        Monitor project output
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Report on project activity
        Reporting Overview
        Report on tracker artifacts
        Report on tasks
        Save a report template
        Run a report
        Export report results
        Delete a report template
      Control project access
        Control access by user role
          Give roles to a project member
          Give a role to multiple project members
          Handle a role request from a project member
          Assign a global project role on request
          Assign roles to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role
          Create a project administrator role
          Change a role
          View users and user groups assigned to a role
        Control access by user class
        Control access by project type
        Let users see other users' roles
        Lock or unlock a project
        Control access to source code
        Control HTML headers in hand-coded project pages
        Allow anonymous checkout
        Show or hide an application
        Who can post to discussions by email?
      Manage project membership
        Add users to a project
        Remove a user from a project
        Handle a request for project membership
        Handle a request to leave a project
      Create a project template
      Categorize a project
      Make other applications available to project members
        Link an external application
        Change a linked application
        Reorder linked applications
        Integrate an external application into your project
        Export an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application from your project
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Require a wiki version comment
      Provide build and test services
      Provision hardware for project members
        Set up hardware for your team to use
        Reallocate a system
        Edit a project
        Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
        Deliver a build
          Get the PBL upload client
          Upload a file
          Change the description of a file
          Move a file
        Allow clouds in a project
        Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
          Install the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Configure the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Run a job on a Lab Managenment host
    Run a site
      Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Delegate site admin tasks
        Create additional site administrators
        Modify the additional site administrators privileges
        Make selected users additional site administrators
        Give project-independent access for project tools
      Provide ready-made roles
        Create a global project role
        Modify a global project role
        Delete a global project role
      Manage projects as a group
        Create a project group
        Edit a project group
        Delete a project group
        Add projects to a project group
        Manage user membership for a project group
        Manage users' access to project groups
          Give a role to project group members
          Give roles to a project group member
          Assign roles in multiple projects to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role in a project group
          Edit a role in a project group
          Delete a role in a project group
      Manage users
        Communicate with all site users at once
        Create a new user account
        Create multiple user accounts
        Create a user group
        Add a user to a user group
        Find a user
        Find a user's groups
        Edit a user account
        Act on multiple user accounts at once
        Reset the admin account password
        Add ALM functionality to your site
        Restrict your site to source code functionality
        View all roles assigned to a user
      Support projects
        Create a new project
        Approve a new project
        Rename a project
        Delete a project
        Delete a project
        Lock or unlock a project
        Update a project template
        Enable or disable project templates
        Require documents to be associated with artifacts
        Manage project categories
          Add a project category
          Edit a project category
          Move a project category
          Delete a project category
          Stop using project categories
        Add a parent project to your project
        Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Provide source control services
        Integrate a source code server
        Approve a source control repository request
        Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
        Edit SCM integration details
        Move a source code repository
        Connect to a Subversion Edge console
        Discover a Subversion Edge server
        Manage replicas
          Approve a replica server request
          Edit replica settings
          Remove a replica
        Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
          Create a loginfo trigger file
          Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
      Change your site's look and feel
        Customize anything on your site
        Customize the home page of your site
        Customize the home page of projects
        Change your site's outgoing emails
      Provide external applications
        Provide a linked application
          Create a site-wide linked application
          Edit a site-wide linked application
        Provide an integrated app for projects to use
          Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
          Enable or disable integrated applications
          Remove an integrated application from your project
          Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
          View integrated application information
          Edit an integrated application
          Export an integrated application
      Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
      Monitor your site
        Check your server's status
        Check your site's configuration
        Read your site's logs
        Get build information
        Get activity reports
      Keep your site secure
        Set password requirements
        Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
      Support hardware provisioning
        Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
        Move hosts from one project to another
        Forward a port
        Stop port forwarding
        Set up host URL mapping
        Stop URL mapping
        Delete a project
        Undelete a project
        Expand your domain with virtual guests
          Create a virtual guest
          Migrate a virtual guest
          Delete a virtual guest
        Manage profiles
          Add a new profile
          Modify the XML definition for a profile
          Stop using a profile
            Delete a profile
            Disable a profile
          Enable a profile
        Administer clouds
          Add a new cloud
          Add a cloud host
          Define a host type
          Delete a cloud
  TeamForge 6.1.1 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      What is an association?
      How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
      Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
      Can I request a role?
      Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
      CEE to TeamForge for project members
      What is change management?
      Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
      What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
      How do I create an artifact via email?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
      Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
      Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
      Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
      Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
      Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
      Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
      Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
      Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
      What document types are supported in TeamForge?
      What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
      How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
      Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
      Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
      What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
      How do I create a new forum topic?
      How do I find the email address for a forum?
      How do I remove a user from a discussion?
      How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
      I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
      What is a discussion forum?
      Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      What is CollabNet Build & Test?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      Can I associate objects of different projects?
      I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
      Who can be a moderator?
      How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
      How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
      Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
      Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
      Can I move a discussion to another project?
      How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
      How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
      How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
      How do I create a parent/child artifact?
      How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
      What is an agile project team?
      Is it possible to receive monitoring mails in an alternate email address?
      What is a release?
      How do I remove a news item?
      What kind of objects can I create reports on?
      How do user roles work?
      How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
      What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
      Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
      What is a task dependency?
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      What fields can I use in a tracker?
      What is a tracker?
      What is tracker workflow?
      What is an activity table component?
      What is a project page component?
      What is TeamForge?
      What is a wiki component?
      Which role is assigned to me?
      Who can work with documents?
      Why would I attach things to a wiki?
      How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
      I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      How do I edit the wiki home page?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global project role?
        What is an Available upon Request role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        What happens when a changed value makes a dependent field invalid?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7.x client with my TeamForge 6.1.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge to version 1.7.x?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7.x on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7.x?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7.x?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.1.1?
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Subversion replication in TeamForge
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
         How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
        Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 reference library
    Reference information for project members
      Wiki syntax
        Text effects on wiki pages
        Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages
        Text navigation tools for wiki pages
        Attachments for wiki pages
        Tables on wiki pages
        Wiki plugins
      My Page
      TeamForge search terms
      The Document Details page
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      TheProject Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.1.1 projects
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      Replica status icons
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.1.1
        Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
        Migration Assumptions
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.1.1
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
        How is global data handled during migration?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        User permissions compared
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Authentication Realms
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Category
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Domain
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for License
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Project and Project Group
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Session
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Start Page
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for User
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for User Group
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  TeamForge 6.1.1 How-tos
    Get started with CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
        Join a TeamForge site
        Join a project
        Identify yourself
        Get the code
        Find a forum
        Catch up on project news
        Find project resources
      Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
        Create a TeamForge project
        Add users to a project
        Create a project page
        Create a tracker
        Create a planning folder
        Set up hardware for your team to use
    Contribute to a project
      Plan and track anything
        Estimate effort for agile development
        Find tracker artifacts
          View the right tracker columns
          View the right tracker artifacts
          View the right planning folder artifacts
          Search a tracker
            Search for tracker artifacts
            Find your own artifacts
            Save a search for tracker artifacts
            Share a saved tracker search
            Run a saved search
            Remove a saved search
        Create a tracker artifact
        Create a tracker artifact by email
        Update a tracker artifact
        Edit a tracker artifact by email
        Change multiple artifacts
        Move a tracker artifact
        Associate tracker artifacts with other items
          Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
          Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
          Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
        Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
        Schedule work on an artifact
        Set up trackers
          Create a tracker
          Enable or disable fields
          Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
          Create your own tracker fields
          Configure tracker "Select" field values
          Assign a tracker artifact automatically
          Change a tracker
        Create a tracker workflow
        Export tracker artifacts
      Work on tasks
        Create a task
        Edit a task
        Find tasks
          Search for tasks
          See the right tasks
          Check your assigned tasks
          Update task status
        Schedule a task before or after another task
        View task dependencies
        Associate a task with other items
        Manage tasks
          Copy a task
          Move a task
        Organize tasks
          Create a task folder
          Rename a task folder
          Reorder task folders
          Delete a task folder
        Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
          Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
          Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
          Create tasks from Microsoft Project
          Import tasks in one direction
          Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
          Synchronize task data with
          Synchronize with a different task folder
      Document your work
        Find and view a document
          Go to a document
          Search for a document
        Create a document
        Edit a document
          Update a document
          Change the active document version
          Lock a document
          Unlock a document
        Get a document reviewed
          Start a document review
          Read review responses
          Edit review details
          Send a reminder email
          Close a document review
        Review a document
        Associate a document with other items
        Manage documents
          Copy a document
          Move a document
          Delete a document
        Organize documents
          Create a document folder
          Rename a document folder
          Move a document folder
          Reorder document folders
          Delete a document folder
        Work with documents from Microsoft Office
          Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
          Save a document to TeamForge
      Communicate with project members
        Participate in discussions and mailing lists
          Create a forum topic
          Search for posts
          Reply to a forum message
          Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
          Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
          Post to a forum by email
          Associate forum messages with other items
          Administer forums and mailing lists
            Create a discussion forum
            Rename or edit a discussion forum
            Add or modify moderators
            Moderate a discussion forum by email
            Approve a forum post
            Reject a forum message
            Delete a forum message
            Delete a forum topic
            Stop moderating a forum
        Share project news
          Post a news item
          Delete a news item
          Edit a news item
        Contribute to the project wiki
          Start a Wiki
          Add Wiki content
          Create a new Wiki page
          Search a wiki
          View a wiki page as HTML
          View a wiki page as a PDF
      Manage source code
        View code commits
        Associate code commits with other items
          Associate code with other items while committing
          Create associations with code that is already committed
        Create a source code repository
        Replicate a repository
        Check command history
        Check out Subversion code anonymously
        Access CVS with a stored SSH key
      Provision hardware
        Get an account on this system
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        Find an available host to use
        Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
        Compare profiles or profile versions
        Create a profile from a host
        Rebuild a system
        Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
          Log into a UNIX system
          Log into a Windows system
          Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
          Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
          Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
        Transfer files in and out of the system
          Transfer files with WebDAV
            Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
            Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
            Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
            Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
          Transfer files with SFTP
          Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
        Find a build
        Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
          Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
          Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
        Allocate a host from a cloud
      Build and test your software
      Release products
        Download a release
        Create a package
        Create a release
        Add files to a release
        Update files in a release
        Delete files from a release
        Update release attributes
        Change a package's name or description
        Associate a release with other items
        Delete a package
        Delete a release
      Watch for changes
        Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
        Monitor an item
        Monitor many items
        Monitor an application
        Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
        Monitor project news as RSS feed
        What am I monitoring?
        Who is monitoring this item?
        Choose monitoring email frequency
        Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
        Monitor an item for someone else
    Run a project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Build your project web site
        Assemble your project web site
          Create a project page
          Create a project page component
          Reorder project page components
          Hide a project page component
          Rename a project page component
          Edit a project page component
          Delete a project page component
          Control access to a project page
          Reorder project pages
          Hide a project page
          Rename a project page
        Hand-code your project web site
          Create a custom project home page
          See what's in your publishing repository
      Set up trackers
        Create a tracker
        Create your own tracker fields
          Create a text field
          Create a "Select" field
          Create a people-picker field
        Organize tracker fields
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Configure tracker "Select" field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Create a tracker workflow
        Set default tracker columns
        Change a tracker
        Help users select options
        Validate text entries
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Manage statuses for a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
        Move a planning folder
      Manage a product
        Define the scope of your project
        Monitor project output
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Report on project activity
        Reporting Overview
        Report on tracker artifacts
        Report on tasks
        Save a report template
        Run a report
        Export report results
        Delete a report template
      Control project access
        Control access by user role
          Give roles to a project member
          Give a role to multiple project members
          Handle a role request from a project member
          Assign a global project role on request
          Assign roles to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role
          Create a project administrator role
          Change a role
          View users and user groups assigned to a role
        Control access by user class
        Control access by project type
        Let users see other users' roles
        Lock or unlock a project
        Control access to source code
        Control HTML headers in hand-coded project pages
        Allow anonymous checkout
        Show or hide an application
        Who can post to discussions by email?
      Manage project membership
        Add users to a project
        Remove a user from a project
        Handle a request for project membership
        Handle a request to leave a project
      Create a project template
      Categorize a project
      Make other applications available to project members
        Link an external application
        Change a linked application
        Reorder linked applications
        Integrate an external application into your project
        Export an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application from your project
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Require a wiki version comment
      Provide build and test services
      Provision hardware for project members
        Set up hardware for your team to use
        Reallocate a system
        Edit a project
        Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
        Deliver a build
          Get the PBL upload client
          Upload a file
          Change the description of a file
          Move a file
        Allow clouds in a project
        Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
          Install the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Configure the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Run a job on a Lab Managenment host
    Run a site
      Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Delegate site admin tasks
        Create additional site administrators
        Modify the additional site administrators privileges
        Make selected users additional site administrators
        Give project-independent access for project tools
      Provide ready-made roles
        Create a global project role
        Modify a global project role
        Delete a global project role
      Manage projects as a group
        Create a project group
        Edit a project group
        Delete a project group
        Add projects to a project group
        Manage user membership for a project group
        Manage users' access to project groups
          Give a role to project group members
          Give roles to a project group member
          Assign roles in multiple projects to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role in a project group
          Edit a role in a project group
          Delete a role in a project group
      Manage users
        Communicate with all site users at once
        Create a new user account
        Create multiple user accounts
        Create a user group
        Add a user to a user group
        Find a user
        Find a user's groups
        Edit a user account
        Act on multiple user accounts at once
        Reset the admin account password
        Add ALM functionality to your site
        Restrict your site to source code functionality
        View all roles assigned to a user
      Support projects
        Create a new project
        Approve a new project
        Rename a project
        Delete a project
        Delete a project
        Lock or unlock a project
        Update a project template
        Enable or disable project templates
        Require documents to be associated with artifacts
        Manage project categories
          Add a project category
          Edit a project category
          Move a project category
          Delete a project category
          Stop using project categories
        Add a parent project to your project
        Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Provide source control services
        Integrate a source code server
        Approve a source control repository request
        Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
        Edit SCM integration details
        Move a source code repository
        Connect to a Subversion Edge console
        Discover a Subversion Edge server
        Manage replicas
          Approve a replica server request
          Edit replica settings
          Remove a replica
        Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
          Create a loginfo trigger file
          Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
      Change your site's look and feel
        Customize anything on your site
        Customize the home page of your site
        Customize the home page of projects
        Change your site's outgoing emails
      Provide external applications
        Provide a linked application
          Create a site-wide linked application
          Edit a site-wide linked application
        Provide an integrated app for projects to use
          Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
          Enable or disable integrated applications
          Remove an integrated application from your project
          Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
          View integrated application information
          Edit an integrated application
          Export an integrated application
      Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
      Monitor your site
        Check your server's status
        Check your site's configuration
        Read your site's logs
        Get build information
        Get activity reports
      Keep your site secure
        Set password requirements
        Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
      Support hardware provisioning
        Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
        Move hosts from one project to another
        Forward a port
        Stop port forwarding
        Set up host URL mapping
        Stop URL mapping
        Delete a project
        Undelete a project
        Expand your domain with virtual guests
          Create a virtual guest
          Migrate a virtual guest
          Delete a virtual guest
        Manage profiles
          Add a new profile
          Modify the XML definition for a profile
          Stop using a profile
            Delete a profile
            Disable a profile
          Enable a profile
        Administer clouds
          Add a new cloud
          Add a cloud host
          Define a host type
          Delete a cloud
  TeamForge 6.1.1 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      What is an association?
      How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
      Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
      Can I request a role?
      Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
      CEE to TeamForge for project members
      What is change management?
      Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
      What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
      How do I create an artifact via email?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
      Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
      Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
      Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
      Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
      Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
      Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
      Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
      Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
      What document types are supported in TeamForge?
      What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
      How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
      Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
      Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
      What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
      How do I create a new forum topic?
      How do I find the email address for a forum?
      How do I remove a user from a discussion?
      How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
      I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
      What is a discussion forum?
      Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      What is CollabNet Build & Test?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      Can I associate objects of different projects?
      I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
      Who can be a moderator?
      How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
      How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
      Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
      Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
      Can I move a discussion to another project?
      How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
      How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
      How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
      How do I create a parent/child artifact?
      How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
      What is an agile project team?
      Is it possible to receive monitoring mails in an alternate email address?
      What is a release?
      How do I remove a news item?
      What kind of objects can I create reports on?
      How do user roles work?
      How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
      What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
      Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
      What is a task dependency?
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      What fields can I use in a tracker?
      What is a tracker?
      What is tracker workflow?
      What is an activity table component?
      What is a project page component?
      What is TeamForge?
      What is a wiki component?
      Which role is assigned to me?
      Who can work with documents?
      Why would I attach things to a wiki?
      How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
      I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      How do I edit the wiki home page?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global project role?
        What is an Available upon Request role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        What happens when a changed value makes a dependent field invalid?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7.x client with my TeamForge 6.1.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge to version 1.7.x?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7.x on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7.x?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7.x?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.1.1?
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Subversion replication in TeamForge
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
         How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
        Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 reference library
    Reference information for project members
      Wiki syntax
        Text effects on wiki pages
        Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages
        Text navigation tools for wiki pages
        Attachments for wiki pages
        Tables on wiki pages
        Wiki plugins
      My Page
      TeamForge search terms
      The Document Details page
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      TheProject Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.1.1 projects
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      Replica status icons
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.1.1
        Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
        Migration Assumptions
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.1.1
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
        How is global data handled during migration?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        User permissions compared
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Authentication Realms
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Category
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Domain
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for License
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Project and Project Group
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Session
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for Start Page
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for User
          TeamForge 6.1.1 Permissions for User Group
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
Administrating TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat
  Red Hat how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box (Oracle)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware (Oracle)
        Upgrade SCM on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 from CTF 5.4
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.1.1
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of the same release
      Convert TeamForge repositories from CVS to Subversion
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Downgrade a patch using YUM
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion
      Upgrade Subversion in CEE to CTF 6.1.1 migrated sites
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Versions of RPM packages in RedHat and CentOS installations
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  Red Hat how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box (Oracle)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware (Oracle)
        Upgrade SCM on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 from CTF 5.4
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.1.1
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of the same release
      Convert TeamForge repositories from CVS to Subversion
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Downgrade a patch using YUM
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion
      Upgrade Subversion in CEE to CTF 6.1.1 migrated sites
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Versions of RPM packages in RedHat and CentOS installations
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Red Hat FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS
  CentOS how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box (Oracle)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware (Oracle)
        Upgrade SCM on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 from CTF 5.4
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.1.1
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of the same release
      Convert TeamForge repositories from CVS to Subversion
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Downgrade a patch using YUM
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion
      Upgrade Subversion in CEE to CTF 6.1.1 migrated sites
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Versions of RPM packages in RedHat and CentOS installations
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  CentOS how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box (Oracle)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware (Oracle)
        Upgrade SCM on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 from CTF 5.4
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.1.1
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of the same release
      Convert TeamForge repositories from CVS to Subversion
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Downgrade a patch using YUM
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion
      Upgrade Subversion in CEE to CTF 6.1.1 migrated sites
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Versions of RPM packages in RedHat and CentOS installations
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on CentOS FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE
  SuSE how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box (Oracle)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware (Oracle)
        Upgrade SCM on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 from CTF 5.4
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.1.1
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of the same release
      Convert TeamForge repositories from CVS to Subversion
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Downgrade a patch using Zypper
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion
      Upgrade Subversion in CEE to CTF 6.1.1 migrated sites
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Versions of RPM packages in SuSE installations
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  SuSE how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on the same box (Oracle)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on new hardware (Oracle)
        Upgrade SCM on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 from CTF 5.4
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Enable reporting while upgrading to TeamForge 6.1.1
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
      Install a different build of the same release
      Convert TeamForge repositories from CVS to Subversion
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Downgrade a patch using Zypper
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade Subversion
      Upgrade Subversion in CEE to CTF 6.1.1 migrated sites
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Versions of RPM packages in SuSE installations
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on SuSE FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player
  VMware Player how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Advanced installation
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade on VMware
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 6.1.1 installation
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  VMware Player how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Advanced installation
        Verify your installation
      Uninstall TeamForge
    Upgrade on VMware
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 6.1.1 installation
    Patch TeamForge 6.1.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
    TeamForge 6.1.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      How is an integrated application described?
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on VMware Player FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
  Windows how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Install the TeamForge 6.1.1 application
      Troubleshoot your TeamForge installation on Windows
        Reinstall TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
        Remove TeamForge 6.1.1 components on Windows
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
    Configure SSL for a TeamForge 6.1.1 site on Windows
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
            Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
            Generate SSL certificates
            Prevent HTTPS cracking
            Protect integrations with SSL
        Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
        Upgrade Subversion
        Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
        Change the logging level on your site
        Schedule data extraction for reporting
        Back up and restore data
          Back up a PostgreSQL database
          Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
    How is an integrated application described?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known Issues
  Windows how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Set up networking
      Install the TeamForge 6.1.1 application
      Troubleshoot your TeamForge installation on Windows
        Reinstall TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
        Remove TeamForge 6.1.1 components on Windows
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows
    Configure SSL for a TeamForge 6.1.1 site on Windows
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
            Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
            Generate SSL certificates
            Prevent HTTPS cracking
            Protect integrations with SSL
        Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
        Upgrade Subversion
        Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
        Change the logging level on your site
        Schedule data extraction for reporting
        Back up and restore data
          Back up a PostgreSQL database
          Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows reference
    6.1.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      TeamForge 6.1.1 log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
    How is an integrated application described?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 on Windows FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
       How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
       Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why do I get a JBoss error - "failed to start in 240 seconds, giving up now" - while installing TeamForge?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
       What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      Why do I get a TeamForge system error in the project template creation page?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1.1 release notes
    New features
    Fixed bugs
    Known Issues
Extending TeamForge 6.1.1
  Building on the TeamForge platform
    Event handlers
      How event handlers work
      Event handler example: Comment on associations
      Event handler example: Execute a hook script
      Event handler example: Hook scripts
      Extend EventHandler50 for your TeamForge event handler classes
      Using a synchronous event handler: Send event handler output to the TeamForge UI
      Using an asynchronous event handler: trigger follow-up events
      Best practices for working with custom TeamForge event handlers
      Event handler FAQ
        What events and operations are available to TeamForge event handlers?
        What hooks are available for TeamForge hook scripts?
        What information gets passed to a hook?
        My custom event handler is not working! What is wrong?
      Reference information about event handlers
        DTD for custom event handler
    Integrated apps
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Add the TeamForge button bar to your integrated application
      Internationalize your integrated application
      Integrated application example: Pebble
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Add Pebble to a TeamForge project
      Integrated apps FAQ
        What is an integrated application?
        How is an integrated application described?
        Can I control user access to an integrated application?
        How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
      Reference information about integrated applications
        SOAP calls for integrated applications
          SOAP calls for adding, editing or deleting an integrated application
          SOAP calls for SCM in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for search in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for project templates in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for objects in integrated applications
        Pebble integration service
    API guide
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Example: Send commit data to TeamForge via SOAP
      Update to the 6.1.1 API
      Developer FAQ
        How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        What can I do with the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
        What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?
        How should my API client store user passwords?
        How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
        How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      SOAP API
        TeamForge services available via SOAP
          The CollabNet service
          The discussions service
          The document service
          The file release service
          The file storage service
          The integration data service
          The news service
          The planning folder service
          The project pages service
          The project categorization service
          The role-based access control service
          The software configuration management (SCM) service
          The tasks service
          The tracker service
          The wiki service
        Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
          FORM [FormTool]
          LINK [LinkTool]
          MESSAGE [MessageTool]
          STRING [StringTool]
          TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        Example integration script
        Context-specific object members
          PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
          GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
        Lab Management API methods
  Building on the TeamForge platform
    Event handlers
      How event handlers work
      Event handler example: Comment on associations
      Event handler example: Execute a hook script
      Event handler example: Hook scripts
      Extend EventHandler50 for your TeamForge event handler classes
      Using a synchronous event handler: Send event handler output to the TeamForge UI
      Using an asynchronous event handler: trigger follow-up events
      Best practices for working with custom TeamForge event handlers
      Event handler FAQ
        What events and operations are available to TeamForge event handlers?
        What hooks are available for TeamForge hook scripts?
        What information gets passed to a hook?
        My custom event handler is not working! What is wrong?
      Reference information about event handlers
        DTD for custom event handler
    Integrated apps
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Add the TeamForge button bar to your integrated application
      Internationalize your integrated application
      Integrated application example: Pebble
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Add Pebble to a TeamForge project
      Integrated apps FAQ
        What is an integrated application?
        How is an integrated application described?
        Can I control user access to an integrated application?
        How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
      Reference information about integrated applications
        SOAP calls for integrated applications
          SOAP calls for adding, editing or deleting an integrated application
          SOAP calls for SCM in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for search in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for project templates in integrated applications
          SOAP calls for objects in integrated applications
        Pebble integration service
    API guide
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Example: Send commit data to TeamForge via SOAP
      Update to the 6.1.1 API
      Developer FAQ
        How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        What can I do with the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
        What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?
        How should my API client store user passwords?
        How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
        How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      SOAP API
        TeamForge services available via SOAP
          The CollabNet service
          The discussions service
          The document service
          The file release service
          The file storage service
          The integration data service
          The news service
          The planning folder service
          The project pages service
          The project categorization service
          The role-based access control service
          The software configuration management (SCM) service
          The tasks service
          The tracker service
          The wiki service
        Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
          FORM [FormTool]
          LINK [LinkTool]
          MESSAGE [MessageTool]
          STRING [StringTool]
          TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        Example integration script
        Context-specific object members
          PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
          GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
        Lab Management API methods
CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 User Guide
  TeamForge 6.1 How-tos
    Get started with CollabNet TeamForge
      Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
        Join a TeamForge site
        Join a project
        Identify yourself
        Get the code
        Find a forum
        Catch up on project news
        Find project resources
      Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
        Create a TeamForge project
        Add users to a project
        Create a project page
        Create a tracker
        Create a planning folder
        Set up hardware for your team to use
    Contribute to a project
      Plan and track anything
        Estimate effort for agile development
        Find tracker artifacts
          View the right tracker columns
          View the right tracker artifacts
          View the right planning folder artifacts
          Search a tracker
            Search for tracker artifacts
            Find your own artifacts
            Save a search for tracker artifacts
            Share a saved tracker search
            Run a saved search
            Remove a saved search
        Create a tracker artifact
        Create a tracker artifact by email
        Update a tracker artifact
        Edit a tracker artifact by email
        Change multiple artifacts
        Move a tracker artifact
        Associate tracker artifacts with other items
          Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
          Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
          Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
        Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
        Schedule work on an artifact
        Set up trackers
          Create a tracker
          Enable or disable fields
          Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
          Create your own tracker fields
          Configure tracker "Select" field values
          Assign a tracker artifact automatically
          Change a tracker
        Create a tracker workflow
        Export tracker artifacts
      Work on tasks
        Create a task
        Edit a task
        Find tasks
          Search for tasks
          See the right tasks
          Check your assigned tasks
          Update task status
        Schedule a task before or after another task
        View task dependencies
        Associate a task with other items
        Manage tasks
          Copy a task
          Move a task
        Organize tasks
          Create a task folder
          Rename a task folder
          Reorder task folders
          Delete a task folder
        Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
          Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
          Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
          Create tasks from Microsoft Project
          Import tasks in one direction
          Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
          Synchronize task data with
          Synchronize with a different task folder
      Document your work
        Find and view a document
          Go to a document
          Search for a document
        Create a document
        Edit a document
          Update a document
          Change the active document version
          Lock a document
          Unlock a document
        Get a document reviewed
          Start a document review
          Read review responses
          Edit review details
          Send a reminder email
          Close a document review
        Review a document
        Associate a document with other items
        Manage documents
          Copy a document
          Move a document
          Delete a document
        Organize documents
          Create a document folder
          Rename a document folder
          Move a document folder
          Reorder document folders
          Delete a document folder
        Use the Microsoft Office add-in for documents
          Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
          Save a Microsoft Office document to TeamForge
      Communicate with project members
        Participate in discussions and mailing lists
          Create a forum topic
          Search for posts
          Reply to a forum message
          Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
          Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
          Post to a forum by email
          Associate forum messages with other items
          Administer forums and mailing lists
            Create a discussion forum
            Rename or edit a discussion forum
            Add or modify moderators
            Moderate a discussion forum by email
            Approve a forum post
            Reject a forum message
            Delete a forum message
            Delete a forum topic
            Stop moderating a forum
        Share project news
          Post a news item
          Delete a news item
          Edit a news item
        Contribute to the project wiki
          Start a Wiki
          Add Wiki content
          Create a new Wiki page
          Search a wiki
          View a wiki page as HTML
          View a wiki page as a PDF
      Manage source code
        View code commits
        Associate code commits with other items
          Associate code with other items while committing
          Create associations with code that is already committed
        Create a source code repository
        Replicate a repository
        Check command history
        Check out Subversion code anonymously
        Access CVS with a stored SSH key
      Provision hardware
        Get an account on this system
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        Find an available host to use
        Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
        Compare profiles or profile versions
        Create a profile from a host
        Rebuild a system
        Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
          Log into a UNIX system
          Log into a Windows system
          Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
          Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
          Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
        Transfer files in and out of the system
          Transfer files with WebDAV
            Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
            Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
            Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
            Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
          Transfer files with SFTP
          Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
        Find a build
        Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
          Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
          Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
        Allocate a host from a cloud
      Build and test your software
        Upload to a CollabNet File Release
          Upload a file to a CollabNet release
          Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
        Upload to CollabNet Documents
          Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
        Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
          Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
        Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
          Get a Lab Management API key
          Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
      Release products
        Download a release
        Create a package
        Create a release
        Add files to a release
        Update files in a release
        Delete files from a release
        Update release attributes
        Change a package's name or description
        Associate a release with other items
        Delete a package
        Delete a release
      Watch for changes
        Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
        Monitor an item
        Monitor many items
        Monitor an application
        Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
        Monitor project news as RSS feed
        What am I monitoring?
        Who is monitoring this item?
        Choose monitoring email frequency
        Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
        Monitor an item for someone else
    Run a project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Build your project web site
        Assemble your project web site
          Create a project page
          Create a project page component
          Reorder project page components
          Hide a project page component
          Rename a project page component
          Edit a project page component
          Delete a project page component
          Control access to a project page
          Reorder project pages
          Hide a project page
          Rename a project page
        Hand-code your project web site
          Create a custom project home page
          See what's in your publishing repository
      Set up trackers
        Create a tracker
        Create your own tracker fields
          Create a text field
          Create a "Select" field
          Create a people-picker field
        Organize tracker fields
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Configure tracker "Select" field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Create a tracker workflow
        Set default tracker columns
        Change a tracker
        Help users select options
        Validate text entries
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Manage statuses for a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
        Move a planning folder
      Manage a product
        Define the scope of your project
        Monitor project output
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Report on project activity
        Report on tracker artifacts
        Report on tasks
        Save a report template
        Run a report
        Export report results
        Delete a report template
      Control project access
        Control access by user role
          Give roles to a project member
          Give a role to multiple project members
          Handle a role request from a project member
          Assign a global project role on request
          Assign roles to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role
          Create a project administrator role
          Change a role
          View users and user groups assigned to a role
        Control access by user class
        Control access by project type
        Let users see other users' roles
        Lock or unlock a project
        Control access to source code
        Allow anonymous checkout
        Show or hide an application
        Who can post to discussions by email?
      Manage project membership
        Add users to a project
        Remove a user from a project
        Handle a request for project membership
        Handle a request to leave a project
      Create a project template
      Categorize a project
      Make other applications available to project members
        Link an external application
        Change a linked application
        Reorder linked applications
        Integrate an external application into your project
        Remove an integrated application from your project
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Require a wiki version comment
      Provide build and test services
        Install the CollabNet plugin
          Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
          Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
        Connect to your Build & Test server
        Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
        Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
          Authenticate users in Hudson
          Authorize users at the site level
          Authorize users at the project level
          Assign project-level Hudson roles in TeamForge
        Configure global CollabNet settings
      Provision hardware for project members
        Set up hardware for your team to use
        Reallocate a system
        Edit a project
        Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
        Deliver a build
          Get the PBL upload client
          Upload a file
          Change the description of a file
          Move a file
        Allow clouds in a project
        Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
          Install the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Configure the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Run a job on a Lab Managenment host
    Run a site
      Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Delegate site admin tasks
        Create additional site administrators
        Modify the additional site administrators privileges
        Make selected users additional site administrators
        Give project-independent access for project tools
      Provide ready-made roles
        Create a global project role
        Modify a global project role
        Delete a global project role
      Manage projects as a group
        Create a project group
        Edit a project group
        Delete a project group
        Add projects to a project group
        Manage user membership for a project group
        Manage users' access to project groups
          Give a role to project group members
          Give roles to a project group member
          Assign roles in multiple projects to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role in a project group
          Edit a role in a project group
          Delete a role in a project group
      Manage users
        Communicate with all site users at once
        Create a new user account
        Create multiple user accounts
        Create a user group
        Add a user to a user group
        Find a user
        Find a user's groups
        Edit a user account
        Act on multiple user accounts at once
        Reset the admin account password
        Add ALM functionality to your site
        Restrict your site to source code functionality
        View all roles assigned to a user
      Support projects
        Create a new project
        Approve a new project
        Rename a project
        Delete a project
        Delete a project
        Lock or unlock a project
        Update a project template
        Enable or disable project templates
        Require documents to be associated with artifacts
        Manage project categories
          Add a project category
          Edit a project category
          Move a project category
          Delete a project category
          Stop using project categories
        Add a parent project to your project
        Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Provide source control services
        Integrate a source code server
        Approve a source control repository request
        Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
        Edit SCM integration details
        Move a source code repository
        Connect to a Subversion Edge console
        Discover a Subversion Edge server
        Manage replicas
          Approve a replica server request
          Edit replica settings
          Remove a replica
        Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
          Create a loginfo trigger file
          Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
      Change your site's look and feel
        Customize anything on your site
        Customize the home page of your site
        Customize the home page of projects
        Change your site's outgoing emails
      Provide external applications
        Provide a linked application
          Create a site-wide linked application
          Edit a site-wide linked application
          Enable or disable integrated applications
        Provide an integrated app for projects to use
          Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
          Remove an integrated application from your project
          Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
      Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
      Monitor your site
        Check your server's status
        Check your site's configuration
        Read your site's logs
        Get build information
        Track user logins
      Keep your site secure
        Set password requirements
        Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
      Support hardware provisioning
        Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
        Move hosts from one project to another
        Forward a port
        Stop port forwarding
        Set up host URL mapping
        Stop URL mapping
        Delete a project
        Undelete a project
        Expand your domain with virtual guests
          Create a virtual guest
          Migrate a virtual guest
          Delete a virtual guest
        Manage profiles
          Add a new profile
          Modify the XML definition for a profile
          Stop using a profile
            Delete a profile
            Disable a profile
          Enable a profile
        Administer clouds
          Add a new cloud
          Add a cloud host
          Define a host type
          Delete a cloud
  TeamForge 6.1 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      What is an association?
      How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
      Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
      Can I request a role?
      Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
      CEE to TeamForge for project members
      What is change management?
      Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
      What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
      Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
      How do I create an artifact via email?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
      Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
      Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
      Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
      Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
      Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
      Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
      Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
      Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
      What document types are supported in TeamForge?
      What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
      How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
      Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
      Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
      What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
      How do I create a new forum topic?
      How do I find the email address for a forum?
      How do I remove a user from a discussion?
      How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
      I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
      What is a discussion forum?
      Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      What is CollabNet Build and Test?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      Can I associate objects of different projects?
      I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
      Who can be a moderator?
      How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
      How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
      Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
      Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
      Can I move a discussion to another project?
      How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
      How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
      How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
      How do I create a parent/child artifact?
      How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
      What is an agile project team?
      What is a release?
      How do I remove a news item?
      What kind of objects can I create reports on?
      How do user roles work?
      How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
      What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
      Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
      What is a task dependency?
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
      What fields can I use in a tracker?
      What is a tracker?
      What is tracker workflow?
      What is an activity table component?
      What is a project page component?
      What is TeamForge?
      What is a wiki component?
      Which role is assigned to me?
      Who can work with documents?
      Why would I attach things to a wiki?
      How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
      I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      How do I edit the wiki home page?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global project role?
        What is an Available upon Request role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        What happens when a changed value makes a dependent field invalid?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the TeamForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7 client with my TeamForge 5.4 or 6.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge 5.4 or 6.1 to version 1.7?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7 on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.1?
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Subversion replication in TeamForge
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
         How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Can TeamForge password security support SAS-70 certification requirements?
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a password ticket?
        What is a parent project?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a project group?
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
  TeamForge 6.1 reference library
    Reference information for project members
      Wiki syntax
        Text effects on wiki pages
        Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages
        Text navigation tools for wiki pages
        Attachments for wiki pages
        Tables on wiki pages
      My Page
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
      TeamForge search terms
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      TheProject Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.1 projects
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Replica status icons
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.1
        Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
        Migration Assumptions
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.1
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
        How is global data handled during migration?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        User permissions compared
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Authentication Realms
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Category
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Domain
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for License
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Project and Project Group
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Session
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Start Page
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for User
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for User Group
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  TeamForge 6.1 How-tos
    Get started with CollabNet TeamForge
      Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
        Join a TeamForge site
        Join a project
        Identify yourself
        Get the code
        Find a forum
        Catch up on project news
        Find project resources
      Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
        Create a TeamForge project
        Add users to a project
        Create a project page
        Create a tracker
        Create a planning folder
        Set up hardware for your team to use
    Contribute to a project
      Plan and track anything
        Estimate effort for agile development
        Find tracker artifacts
          View the right tracker columns
          View the right tracker artifacts
          View the right planning folder artifacts
          Search a tracker
            Search for tracker artifacts
            Find your own artifacts
            Save a search for tracker artifacts
            Share a saved tracker search
            Run a saved search
            Remove a saved search
        Create a tracker artifact
        Create a tracker artifact by email
        Update a tracker artifact
        Edit a tracker artifact by email
        Change multiple artifacts
        Move a tracker artifact
        Associate tracker artifacts with other items
          Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
          Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
          Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
        Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
        Schedule work on an artifact
        Set up trackers
          Create a tracker
          Enable or disable fields
          Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
          Create your own tracker fields
          Configure tracker "Select" field values
          Assign a tracker artifact automatically
          Change a tracker
        Create a tracker workflow
        Export tracker artifacts
      Work on tasks
        Create a task
        Edit a task
        Find tasks
          Search for tasks
          See the right tasks
          Check your assigned tasks
          Update task status
        Schedule a task before or after another task
        View task dependencies
        Associate a task with other items
        Manage tasks
          Copy a task
          Move a task
        Organize tasks
          Create a task folder
          Rename a task folder
          Reorder task folders
          Delete a task folder
        Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
          Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
          Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
          Create tasks from Microsoft Project
          Import tasks in one direction
          Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
          Synchronize task data with
          Synchronize with a different task folder
      Document your work
        Find and view a document
          Go to a document
          Search for a document
        Create a document
        Edit a document
          Update a document
          Change the active document version
          Lock a document
          Unlock a document
        Get a document reviewed
          Start a document review
          Read review responses
          Edit review details
          Send a reminder email
          Close a document review
        Review a document
        Associate a document with other items
        Manage documents
          Copy a document
          Move a document
          Delete a document
        Organize documents
          Create a document folder
          Rename a document folder
          Move a document folder
          Reorder document folders
          Delete a document folder
        Use the Microsoft Office add-in for documents
          Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
          Save a Microsoft Office document to TeamForge
      Communicate with project members
        Participate in discussions and mailing lists
          Create a forum topic
          Search for posts
          Reply to a forum message
          Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
          Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
          Post to a forum by email
          Associate forum messages with other items
          Administer forums and mailing lists
            Create a discussion forum
            Rename or edit a discussion forum
            Add or modify moderators
            Moderate a discussion forum by email
            Approve a forum post
            Reject a forum message
            Delete a forum message
            Delete a forum topic
            Stop moderating a forum
        Share project news
          Post a news item
          Delete a news item
          Edit a news item
        Contribute to the project wiki
          Start a Wiki
          Add Wiki content
          Create a new Wiki page
          Search a wiki
          View a wiki page as HTML
          View a wiki page as a PDF
      Manage source code
        View code commits
        Associate code commits with other items
          Associate code with other items while committing
          Create associations with code that is already committed
        Create a source code repository
        Replicate a repository
        Check command history
        Check out Subversion code anonymously
        Access CVS with a stored SSH key
      Provision hardware
        Get an account on this system
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        Find an available host to use
        Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
        Compare profiles or profile versions
        Create a profile from a host
        Rebuild a system
        Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
          Log into a UNIX system
          Log into a Windows system
          Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
          Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
          Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
        Transfer files in and out of the system
          Transfer files with WebDAV
            Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
            Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
            Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
            Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
          Transfer files with SFTP
          Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
        Find a build
        Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
          Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
          Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
        Allocate a host from a cloud
      Build and test your software
        Upload to a CollabNet File Release
          Upload a file to a CollabNet release
          Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
        Upload to CollabNet Documents
          Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
        Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
          Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
        Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
          Get a Lab Management API key
          Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
      Release products
        Download a release
        Create a package
        Create a release
        Add files to a release
        Update files in a release
        Delete files from a release
        Update release attributes
        Change a package's name or description
        Associate a release with other items
        Delete a package
        Delete a release
      Watch for changes
        Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
        Monitor an item
        Monitor many items
        Monitor an application
        Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
        Monitor project news as RSS feed
        What am I monitoring?
        Who is monitoring this item?
        Choose monitoring email frequency
        Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
        Monitor an item for someone else
    Run a project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Build your project web site
        Assemble your project web site
          Create a project page
          Create a project page component
          Reorder project page components
          Hide a project page component
          Rename a project page component
          Edit a project page component
          Delete a project page component
          Control access to a project page
          Reorder project pages
          Hide a project page
          Rename a project page
        Hand-code your project web site
          Create a custom project home page
          See what's in your publishing repository
      Set up trackers
        Create a tracker
        Create your own tracker fields
          Create a text field
          Create a "Select" field
          Create a people-picker field
        Organize tracker fields
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Configure tracker "Select" field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Create a tracker workflow
        Set default tracker columns
        Change a tracker
        Help users select options
        Validate text entries
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Manage statuses for a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
        Move a planning folder
      Manage a product
        Define the scope of your project
        Monitor project output
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Report on project activity
        Report on tracker artifacts
        Report on tasks
        Save a report template
        Run a report
        Export report results
        Delete a report template
      Control project access
        Control access by user role
          Give roles to a project member
          Give a role to multiple project members
          Handle a role request from a project member
          Assign a global project role on request
          Assign roles to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role
          Create a project administrator role
          Change a role
          View users and user groups assigned to a role
        Control access by user class
        Control access by project type
        Let users see other users' roles
        Lock or unlock a project
        Control access to source code
        Allow anonymous checkout
        Show or hide an application
        Who can post to discussions by email?
      Manage project membership
        Add users to a project
        Remove a user from a project
        Handle a request for project membership
        Handle a request to leave a project
      Create a project template
      Categorize a project
      Make other applications available to project members
        Link an external application
        Change a linked application
        Reorder linked applications
        Integrate an external application into your project
        Remove an integrated application from your project
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Require a wiki version comment
      Provide build and test services
        Install the CollabNet plugin
          Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
          Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
        Connect to your Build & Test server
        Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
        Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
          Authenticate users in Hudson
          Authorize users at the site level
          Authorize users at the project level
          Assign project-level Hudson roles in TeamForge
        Configure global CollabNet settings
      Provision hardware for project members
        Set up hardware for your team to use
        Reallocate a system
        Edit a project
        Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
        Deliver a build
          Get the PBL upload client
          Upload a file
          Change the description of a file
          Move a file
        Allow clouds in a project
        Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
          Install the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Configure the Lab Managenment Cloud plugin
          Run a job on a Lab Managenment host
    Run a site
      Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Delegate site admin tasks
        Create additional site administrators
        Modify the additional site administrators privileges
        Make selected users additional site administrators
        Give project-independent access for project tools
      Provide ready-made roles
        Create a global project role
        Modify a global project role
        Delete a global project role
      Manage projects as a group
        Create a project group
        Edit a project group
        Delete a project group
        Add projects to a project group
        Manage user membership for a project group
        Manage users' access to project groups
          Give a role to project group members
          Give roles to a project group member
          Assign roles in multiple projects to a user group
          Assign user groups to a role
          Create a role in a project group
          Edit a role in a project group
          Delete a role in a project group
      Manage users
        Communicate with all site users at once
        Create a new user account
        Create multiple user accounts
        Create a user group
        Add a user to a user group
        Find a user
        Find a user's groups
        Edit a user account
        Act on multiple user accounts at once
        Reset the admin account password
        Add ALM functionality to your site
        Restrict your site to source code functionality
        View all roles assigned to a user
      Support projects
        Create a new project
        Approve a new project
        Rename a project
        Delete a project
        Delete a project
        Lock or unlock a project
        Update a project template
        Enable or disable project templates
        Require documents to be associated with artifacts
        Manage project categories
          Add a project category
          Edit a project category
          Move a project category
          Delete a project category
          Stop using project categories
        Add a parent project to your project
        Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Provide source control services
        Integrate a source code server
        Approve a source control repository request
        Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
        Edit SCM integration details
        Move a source code repository
        Connect to a Subversion Edge console
        Discover a Subversion Edge server
        Manage replicas
          Approve a replica server request
          Edit replica settings
          Remove a replica
        Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
          Create a loginfo trigger file
          Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
      Change your site's look and feel
        Customize anything on your site
        Customize the home page of your site
        Customize the home page of projects
        Change your site's outgoing emails
      Provide external applications
        Provide a linked application
          Create a site-wide linked application
          Edit a site-wide linked application
          Enable or disable integrated applications
        Provide an integrated app for projects to use
          Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
          Remove an integrated application from your project
          Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
      Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
      Monitor your site
        Check your server's status
        Check your site's configuration
        Read your site's logs
        Get build information
        Track user logins
      Keep your site secure
        Set password requirements
        Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
      Support hardware provisioning
        Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
        Move hosts from one project to another
        Forward a port
        Stop port forwarding
        Set up host URL mapping
        Stop URL mapping
        Delete a project
        Undelete a project
        Expand your domain with virtual guests
          Create a virtual guest
          Migrate a virtual guest
          Delete a virtual guest
        Manage profiles
          Add a new profile
          Modify the XML definition for a profile
          Stop using a profile
            Delete a profile
            Disable a profile
          Enable a profile
        Administer clouds
          Add a new cloud
          Add a cloud host
          Define a host type
          Delete a cloud
  TeamForge 6.1 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      What is an association?
      How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
      Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
      Can I request a role?
      Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
      CEE to TeamForge for project members
      What is change management?
      Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
      What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
      Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
      How do I create an artifact via email?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
      I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
      Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
      Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
      Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
      Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
      Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
      Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
      Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
      Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
      What document types are supported in TeamForge?
      What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
      How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
      Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
      Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
      What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
      How do I create a new forum topic?
      How do I find the email address for a forum?
      How do I remove a user from a discussion?
      How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
      I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
      What is a discussion forum?
      Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      What is CollabNet Build and Test?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      Can I associate objects of different projects?
      I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
      Who can be a moderator?
      How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
      How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
      Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
      Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
      Can I move a discussion to another project?
      How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
      How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
      How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
      How do I create a parent/child artifact?
      How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
      What is an agile project team?
      What is a release?
      How do I remove a news item?
      What kind of objects can I create reports on?
      How do user roles work?
      How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
      What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
      Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
      What is a task dependency?
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
      Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
      What fields can I use in a tracker?
      What is a tracker?
      What is tracker workflow?
      What is an activity table component?
      What is a project page component?
      What is TeamForge?
      What is a wiki component?
      Which role is assigned to me?
      Who can work with documents?
      Why would I attach things to a wiki?
      How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
      I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      How do I edit the wiki home page?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global project role?
        What is an Available upon Request role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        What happens when a changed value makes a dependent field invalid?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the TeamForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7 client with my TeamForge 5.4 or 6.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge 5.4 or 6.1 to version 1.7?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7 on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.1?
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Subversion replication in TeamForge
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
         How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Can TeamForge password security support SAS-70 certification requirements?
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a password ticket?
        What is a parent project?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a project group?
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
  TeamForge 6.1 reference library
    Reference information for project members
      Wiki syntax
        Text effects on wiki pages
        Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages
        Text navigation tools for wiki pages
        Attachments for wiki pages
        Tables on wiki pages
      My Page
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
      TeamForge search terms
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      TheProject Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.1 projects
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Replica status icons
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.1
        Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
        Migration Assumptions
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.1
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
        How is global data handled during migration?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        User permissions compared
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Authentication Realms
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Category
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Domain
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for License
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Project and Project Group
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Session
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for Start Page
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for User
          TeamForge 6.1 Permissions for User Group
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
Administrating TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat
  Red Hat how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on new hardware
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  Red Hat how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on new hardware
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on Red Hat FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS
  CentOS how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on new hardware
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  CentOS how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on new hardware
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on CentOS FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE
  SuSE how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on new hardware
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  SuSE how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Dedicated installation
      Advanced installation
        Install option 1
        Install option 2
        Install option 3
        Install option 4
        Install option 5
        Install option 6
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE
      Plan your upgrade
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (dedicated)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade a dedicated site on new hardware
      Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 (advanced)
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on the same box
        Upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on new hardware
      Is my TeamForge site "dedicated" or "advanced?"
      Troubleshooting: Upgrade PostgreSQL manually
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on SuSE FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
Administrating TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player
  VMware Player how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Advanced installation
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade on VMware
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 6.1 installation
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
  VMware Player how-tos
    Install CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player
      Plan your TeamForge installation
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Advanced installation
        Verify your installation
      Set up networking
    Upgrade on VMware
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
      Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 6.1 installation
    Patch TeamForge 6.1
      Apply a patch
      Remove a patch
      Troubleshoot patches
        Can't install patch
        Patch installation fails
    Maintain your TeamForge 6.1 site
      Supply your TeamForge license key
      Supply your CollabNet TeamForge license key as a text file
      Support users
        Authenticate users with LDAP
          Set up LDAP for your site
          Set up LDAP for source control
          Modify the application policy
          Turn off LDAP authentication
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Set up an Oracle database
        Rebuild TeamForge search indexes
        Permit big file uploads
        Allow searching of archive files
        Limit the size of message attachments
        Limit the size of document attachments
        Who can post to discussions by email?
        Who can monitor discussions?
        Reduce discussion spam
        Install project templates
        Let users see what's in a project template
        Provide a Perforce source control server
      Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up SELinux
        Protect your TeamForge site with SSL
          Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
          Generate SSL certificates
          Prevent HTTPS cracking
          Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up integrated apps
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Turn on site-wide reporting
      Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations
      Provide more than one source control server
      Upgrade CollabNet Subversion
      Change your site's domain name
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Change the logging level on your site
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Rotate log files
        Set up log rotation
        Rotate logs automatically
        Rotate logs manually
      Schedule data extraction for reporting
      Move datamart to a separate instance
      Back up and restore data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player reference
    6.1 platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
    TeamForge 6.1 scripts
      The collabnet script
    TeamForge 6.1 log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    TeamForge 6.1 config files
      c6migrate.conf variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      The patch manifest file
  TeamForge 6.1 on VMware Player FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge installation?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        Minimum ports
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
        How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
        How do I configure Subversion to authenticate against multiple LDAP domains?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        Why do I get the "Invalid command 'AuthLDAPAuthoritative'" error when I try to set LDAP for SVN users?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Can the users be forced to change their passwords at first login?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 6.1 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
      What is an integrated application?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      What happens when log files get too big?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after TeamForge installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
  TeamForge 6.1 release notes
    6.1 Highlights
      Site administration enhancements
        Site management enhancements
        Site administration enhancements for roles and permissions
        Site administration user-support enhancements
      Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements
        Project administration enhancements to roles and permissions
      Enterprise tracker enhancements
      Discussion enhancements
        Discussion usability enhancements
        Discussion management enhancements
      Wiki enhancements
      Integrated application enhancements
        Integrated application usability enhancements
        Integrated application management enhancements
      Source code repository replication
    Fixed bugs
      CEE migration
      Integrated apps
      Project admin
      Project Tracker
      Site admin
    Known issues
  PDFs and eBooks
CollabNet TeamForge 6.1 API Guide
  Developer guide
    Use the CollabNet TeamForge API
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet TeamForge via SOAP
      Update to the 6.1 API
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Prepare an integrated app
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Internationalize your integrated application
  Reference information for developers
    TeamForge services available via SOAP
      The CollabNet service
      The discussions service
      The document service
      The file release service
      The file storage service
      The integration data service
      The news service
      The planning folder service
      The project pages service
      The project categorization service
      The role-based access control service
      The software configuration management (SCM) service
      The tasks service
      The tracker service
      The wiki service
    Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
      FORM [FormTool]
      LINK [LinkTool]
      MESSAGE [MessageTool]
      STRING [StringTool]
      TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
    Example integration script
    Context-specific object members
      PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
      GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
    Lab Management API methods
    CEE to TeamForge database comparison
      How CEE projects map to TeamForge projects
        HELM_PROJECT table
          PROJECT_ID column
          NAME column
          LICENSE_ID column
          SHORT_DESCRIPTION column
          LONG_DESCRIPTION column
          USE_INDEX column
          STATUS column
          PROFILE column
          TYPE column
          ALIAS_URL column
          MEMBER_POLICY column
          PROPOSED_BY column
          APPROVED_BY column
          MODIFIED column
          IS_PUBLIC column
          LOCKED column
          NAMESPACE_ID column
      How CEE Issue tracker maps to TeamForge tracker
        ATTACHMENTS table
          attach_id column
          issue_id column
          creation_ts column
          description column
          mimetype column
          ispatch column
          filename column
          thedata column
          submitter_id column
        CC table
          issue_id column
          who column
        COMPONENTS table
        DEPENDENCIES table
        FIELDDEFS table
        GROUPS table
          groupid, name, description, isissuegroup, userregexp
        IMPORTED_ISSUES table
          id, imported_issue_id, exported_issue_id, exported_from_host
        ISSUES table
        ISSUES_ACTIVITY table
        ISSUES_X_GROUPS table
          issue_id, groupid
        KEYWORDDEFS table
        KEYWORDS table
        LONGDESCS table
        MILESTONES table
        NAMEDQUERIES table
          userid, name, watchfordiffs, linkinfooter, query
        OPSYS table
        OPSYS_X_PLATFORM table
          opsys_id, platform_id
        PLATFORM table
        PROFILES table
          userid, helm_user_id, emailnoification, disabledtext, myissueslink
        PROILE_X_GROUPS table
          userid, groupid, canbless
        SHADOWLOG table
          id, ts, reflected, command
        SUBCOMPONENTS table
        VERSIONS table
        VOTES table
          who, issue_id, count
        WATCH table
          watcher, watched
      How tables for roles (RBAC) are mapped
        HELM_ROLE table
        HAC_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY table
        HELM_ACTION table
        HELM_RESOURCE table
          reource_id, project_id, pattern, description
          role_id, action_id, reource_id
      How CEE Announcements maps to TeamForge News
      How CEE groups are mapped to TeamForge
        HELM_USER table
          email, organization, ext_realm_login_name, realm_id, self_select
          last_logged_in, times_logged_in, last_password_change, password_history
        HELM_USERGROUP table
      How CEE Discussions is mapped to TeamForge Discussions
        DSForum table
          restrictWebViewToSubscribedUsers, restrictWebViewToViewPermission, restrictWebSubscriptionToViewPermission
        DSMessage table
        DSMessageBody table
        DSAttachment table
        DSMessageFilter table
          filterId, ownerId, ownerType, filter, filterType
        DSMessageFlag table
          messageId, userId, forumId
        DSThread table
          threadId, rootMessageId, forumId, messageCount, lastPostDate
        Subscription table
        SubscriptionList table
          listId, ownerId, ownerType, createDate, subscribable, cached, digestSubject, digestFrom, digestTo
        VerpMessage table
          verpId, verpDate, recipient, project, domain, userAlias
        VerpProbe table
          probeId, userAlias, probeDate
        DigestQueue table
          digestQueueId, listId, receivedDate, subject, message, contentType, mailHeaders
        BadUserAlias table
          aliasId, alias_, domain, userId
      How CEE's Project Content Editor is mapped in TeamForge
        Top page
          CEE Component Type: Activity table
          CEE Component Type: HTML
          CEE Component Type: Documents
          CEE Component Type: Metrics report - single
          CEE Component Type: Metrics report - double
          CEE Component Type: Milestones table
          CEE Component Type: Milestones table
          Project overview
        Sub pages in CEE
        Freeform pages in CEE
        Page and Component properties
  Developer FAQ
    How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
    What can I do with the SOAP API?
    How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
    Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
    What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?
    How should my API client store user passwords?
    How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
    How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
    Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
    How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
    How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
    What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
    How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
  Developer guide
    Use the CollabNet TeamForge API
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet TeamForge via SOAP
      Update to the 6.1 API
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Prepare an integrated app
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Internationalize your integrated application
  Reference information for developers
    TeamForge services available via SOAP
      The CollabNet service
      The discussions service
      The document service
      The file release service
      The file storage service
      The integration data service
      The news service
      The planning folder service
      The project pages service
      The project categorization service
      The role-based access control service
      The software configuration management (SCM) service
      The tasks service
      The tracker service
      The wiki service
    Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
      FORM [FormTool]
      LINK [LinkTool]
      MESSAGE [MessageTool]
      STRING [StringTool]
      TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
    Example integration script
    Context-specific object members
      PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
      GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
    Lab Management API methods
    CEE to TeamForge database comparison
      How CEE projects map to TeamForge projects
        HELM_PROJECT table
          PROJECT_ID column
          NAME column
          LICENSE_ID column
          SHORT_DESCRIPTION column
          LONG_DESCRIPTION column
          USE_INDEX column
          STATUS column
          PROFILE column
          TYPE column
          ALIAS_URL column
          MEMBER_POLICY column
          PROPOSED_BY column
          APPROVED_BY column
          MODIFIED column
          IS_PUBLIC column
          LOCKED column
          NAMESPACE_ID column
      How CEE Issue tracker maps to TeamForge tracker
        ATTACHMENTS table
          attach_id column
          issue_id column
          creation_ts column
          description column
          mimetype column
          ispatch column
          filename column
          thedata column
          submitter_id column
        CC table
          issue_id column
          who column
        COMPONENTS table
        DEPENDENCIES table
        FIELDDEFS table
        GROUPS table
          groupid, name, description, isissuegroup, userregexp
        IMPORTED_ISSUES table
          id, imported_issue_id, exported_issue_id, exported_from_host
        ISSUES table
        ISSUES_ACTIVITY table
        ISSUES_X_GROUPS table
          issue_id, groupid
        KEYWORDDEFS table
        KEYWORDS table
        LONGDESCS table
        MILESTONES table
        NAMEDQUERIES table
          userid, name, watchfordiffs, linkinfooter, query
        OPSYS table
        OPSYS_X_PLATFORM table
          opsys_id, platform_id
        PLATFORM table
        PROFILES table
          userid, helm_user_id, emailnoification, disabledtext, myissueslink
        PROILE_X_GROUPS table
          userid, groupid, canbless
        SHADOWLOG table
          id, ts, reflected, command
        SUBCOMPONENTS table
        VERSIONS table
        VOTES table
          who, issue_id, count
        WATCH table
          watcher, watched
      How tables for roles (RBAC) are mapped
        HELM_ROLE table
        HAC_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY table
        HELM_ACTION table
        HELM_RESOURCE table
          reource_id, project_id, pattern, description
          role_id, action_id, reource_id
      How CEE Announcements maps to TeamForge News
      How CEE groups are mapped to TeamForge
        HELM_USER table
          email, organization, ext_realm_login_name, realm_id, self_select
          last_logged_in, times_logged_in, last_password_change, password_history
        HELM_USERGROUP table
      How CEE Discussions is mapped to TeamForge Discussions
        DSForum table
          restrictWebViewToSubscribedUsers, restrictWebViewToViewPermission, restrictWebSubscriptionToViewPermission
        DSMessage table
        DSMessageBody table
        DSAttachment table
        DSMessageFilter table
          filterId, ownerId, ownerType, filter, filterType
        DSMessageFlag table
          messageId, userId, forumId
        DSThread table
          threadId, rootMessageId, forumId, messageCount, lastPostDate
        Subscription table
        SubscriptionList table
          listId, ownerId, ownerType, createDate, subscribable, cached, digestSubject, digestFrom, digestTo
        VerpMessage table
          verpId, verpDate, recipient, project, domain, userAlias
        VerpProbe table
          probeId, userAlias, probeDate
        DigestQueue table
          digestQueueId, listId, receivedDate, subject, message, contentType, mailHeaders
        BadUserAlias table
          aliasId, alias_, domain, userId
      How CEE's Project Content Editor is mapped in TeamForge
        Top page
          CEE Component Type: Activity table
          CEE Component Type: HTML
          CEE Component Type: Documents
          CEE Component Type: Metrics report - single
          CEE Component Type: Metrics report - double
          CEE Component Type: Milestones table
          CEE Component Type: Milestones table
          Project overview
        Sub pages in CEE
        Freeform pages in CEE
        Page and Component properties
  Developer FAQ
    How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
    What can I do with the SOAP API?
    How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
    Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
    What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?
    How should my API client store user passwords?
    How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
    How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
    Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
    How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
    How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
    What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
    How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 User Guide (for CEE users)
  Moving to TeamForge from CEE
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.
    Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a TeamForge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
      Find your user groups
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
        Synchronize task data
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft OfficeWork with TeamForge documents in Microsoft Office
        Open a document from TeamForge
        Save a document to TeamForge
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
        Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Add or modify moderators
          Moderate a discussion forum using email
          Approve a forum post
          Reject a forum message
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
          Stop moderating a forum
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Add Wiki content
        Create a new Wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Check out Subversion code anonymously
      Store your repository SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a TeamForge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
        Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Choose how often to receive email from the discussion forums or mailing lists
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a TeamForge project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      View users and user groups assigned to a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Provide anonymous checkout access to a Subversion repository
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Reduce discussion spam
    Control discussion spam
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in TeamForge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
      Migrate CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
      Migrate CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.1, patch 1
      Troubleshooting tips
      Move MoinMoin to TeamForge
      Move Lab Management to TeamForge
      Install Project Tracker in TeamForge
      Migrate Project Tracker to a New Version
      Customize the home page of your site
    Delegate site admin tasks
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide ready-made roles
      Create a global project role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage projects as a group
      Create a project group
      Edit a project group
      Delete a project group
      Add projects to a project group
      Manage user membership for a project group
      Manage users' access to project groups
        Give a role to project group members
        Give roles to a project group member
        Assign roles to a user group in a project group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role in a project group
        Edit a role in a project group
        Delete a role in a project group
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Find a user's groups
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
      View all roles assigned to a user
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Enable or disable project templates
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Disabling project categorization
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Provide a linked application
        Create a site-wide linked application
        Edit a site-wide linked application
        Enable or disable integrated applications
      Provide an integrated application
        Set up an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application
        Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet TeamForge API
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet TeamForge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest TeamForge API
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.
  CollabNet TeamForge FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
        CEE to TeamForge for project members
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        What is CollabNet TeamForge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is TeamForge?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can be a moderator?
        Who can work with documents?
        Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in TeamForge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in TeamForge
        Can I control which messages get posted to my forum?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
        What is TeamForge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my TeamForge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a TeamForge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a TeamForge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        Are the URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        What is a free-form sub-page?
        What is remote publishing?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global role?
        What is a requestable role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      Are the URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.0.2?
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.0
        Overview of tool migration from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.0
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.0
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0
        How is global data handled during migration?
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Can TeamForge password security support SAS-70 certification requirements?
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a parent project?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a project group?
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    Developer FAQ
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  CollabNet TeamForge reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Reference information for CollabNet TeamForge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.0 projects
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      User permissions on a CEE and CTF 6.0 site
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Authentication Realms
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Category
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Domain
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for License
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Project and Project Group
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Session
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Start Page
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for User
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for User Group
    Reference information for system administrators
      6.0.2 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
        Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        TeamForge configuration variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        Sample integrated application configuration file
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      TeamForge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
      CEE to TeamForge database comparison
        How CEE projects map to TeamForge projects
          HELM_PROJECT table
            PROJECT_ID column
            NAME column
            LICENSE_ID column
            SHORT_DESCRIPTION column
            LONG_DESCRIPTION column
            USE_INDEX column
            STATUS column
            PROFILE column
            TYPE column
            ALIAS_URL column
            MEMBER_POLICY column
            PROPOSED_BY column
            APPROVED_BY column
            MODIFIED column
            IS_PUBLIC column
            LOCKED column
            NAMESPACE_ID column
        How CEE Issue tracker maps to TeamForge tracker
          ATTACHMENTS table
            attach_id column
            issue_id column
            creation_ts column
            description column
            mimetype column
            ispatch column
            filename column
            thedata column
            submitter_id column
          CC table
            issue_id column
            who column
          COMPONENTS table
          DEPENDENCIES table
          FIELDDEFS table
          GROUPS table
            groupid, name, description, isissuegroup, userregexp
          IMPORTED_ISSUES table
            id, imported_issue_id, exported_issue_id, exported_from_host
          ISSUES table
          ISSUES_ACTIVITY table
          ISSUES_X_GROUPS table
            issue_id, groupid
          KEYWORDDEFS table
          KEYWORDS table
          LONGDESCS table
          MILESTONES table
          NAMEDQUERIES table
            userid, name, watchfordiffs, linkinfooter, query
          OPSYS table
          OPSYS_X_PLATFORM table
            opsys_id, platform_id
          PLATFORM table
          PROFILES table
            userid, helm_user_id, emailnoification, disabledtext, myissueslink
          PROFILES_INTERNAL table
          PROILE_X_GROUPS table
            userid, groupid, canbless
          SHADOWLOG table
            id, ts, reflected, command
          SUBCOMPONENTS table
          VERSIONS table
          VOTES table
            who, issue_id, count
          WATCH table
            watcher, watched
        How tables for roles (RBAC) are mapped
          HELM_ROLE table
          HELM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE table
          HAC_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY table
          HELM_USER_ROLE_PROJECT table
          HELM_ACTION table
          HELM_RESOURCE table
            reource_id, project_id, pattern, description
            role_id, action_id, reource_id
        How CEE Announcements maps to TeamForge News
          PICAYUNE_NEWSITEM table
        How CEE groups are mapped to TeamForge
          HELM_USER table
            email, organization, ext_realm_login_name, realm_id, self_select
            last_logged_in, times_logged_in, last_password_change, password_history
          HELM_USERGROUP table
        How CEE Discussions is mapped to TeamForge Discussions
          DSForum table
            restrictWebViewToSubscribedUsers, restrictWebViewToViewPermission, restrictWebSubscriptionToViewPermission
          DSMessage table
          DSMessageBody table
          DSAttachment table
          DSMessageFilter table
            filterId, ownerId, ownerType, filter, filterType
          DSMessageFlag table
            messageId, userId, forumId
          DSThread table
            threadId, rootMessageId, forumId, messageCount, lastPostDate
          Subscription table
          SubscriptionList table
            listId, ownerId, ownerType, createDate, subscribable, cached, digestSubject, digestFrom, digestTo
          VerpMessage table
            verpId, verpDate, recipient, project, domain, userAlias
          VerpProbe table
            probeId, userAlias, probeDate
          DigestQueue table
            digestQueueId, listId, receivedDate, subject, message, contentType, mailHeaders
          BadUserAlias table
            aliasId, alias_, domain, userId
        How CEE's Project Content Editor is mapped in TeamForge
          Top page
            CEE Component Type: Activity table
            CEE Component Type: HTML
            CEE Component Type: Documents
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - single
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - double
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            Project overview
          Sub pages in CEE
          Freeform pages in CEE
          Page and Component properties
  CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
  Moving to TeamForge from CEE
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.
    Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a TeamForge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
      Find your user groups
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
        Synchronize task data
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft OfficeWork with TeamForge documents in Microsoft Office
        Open a document from TeamForge
        Save a document to TeamForge
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
        Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Add or modify moderators
          Moderate a discussion forum using email
          Approve a forum post
          Reject a forum message
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
          Stop moderating a forum
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Add Wiki content
        Create a new Wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Check out Subversion code anonymously
      Store your repository SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a TeamForge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
        Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Choose how often to receive email from the discussion forums or mailing lists
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a TeamForge project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      View users and user groups assigned to a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Provide anonymous checkout access to a Subversion repository
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Reduce discussion spam
    Control discussion spam
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in TeamForge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
      Migrate CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
      Migrate CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.1, patch 1
      Troubleshooting tips
      Move MoinMoin to TeamForge
      Move Lab Management to TeamForge
      Install Project Tracker in TeamForge
      Migrate Project Tracker to a New Version
      Customize the home page of your site
    Delegate site admin tasks
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide ready-made roles
      Create a global project role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage projects as a group
      Create a project group
      Edit a project group
      Delete a project group
      Add projects to a project group
      Manage user membership for a project group
      Manage users' access to project groups
        Give a role to project group members
        Give roles to a project group member
        Assign roles to a user group in a project group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role in a project group
        Edit a role in a project group
        Delete a role in a project group
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Find a user's groups
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
      View all roles assigned to a user
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Enable or disable project templates
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Disabling project categorization
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Provide a linked application
        Create a site-wide linked application
        Edit a site-wide linked application
        Enable or disable integrated applications
      Provide an integrated application
        Set up an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application
        Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet TeamForge API
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet TeamForge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest TeamForge API
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.
  CollabNet TeamForge FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
        CEE to TeamForge for project members
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        What is CollabNet TeamForge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is TeamForge?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can be a moderator?
        Who can work with documents?
        Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in TeamForge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in TeamForge
        Can I control which messages get posted to my forum?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        Can I subscribe to a CollabNet TeamForge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
        What is TeamForge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my TeamForge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a TeamForge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a TeamForge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        Are the URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        What is a free-form sub-page?
        What is remote publishing?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global role?
        What is a requestable role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      Are the URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 6.0.2?
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.0
        Overview of tool migration from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 6.0
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and TeamForge 6.0
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 6.0
        How is global data handled during migration?
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Can TeamForge password security support SAS-70 certification requirements?
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a parent project?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a project group?
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    Developer FAQ
      How does CollabNet TeamForge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  CollabNet TeamForge reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Reference information for CollabNet TeamForge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.0 projects
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Audit log
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Announcements
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Discussions
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Documents and Files
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Projects
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Role
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Search
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Version Control
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      User permissions on a CEE and CTF 6.0 site
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Authentication Realms
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Category
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Domain
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for License
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Project and Project Group
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Session
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for Start Page
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for User
        TeamForge 6.0.2 Permissions for User Group
    Reference information for system administrators
      6.0.2 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
        Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        TeamForge configuration variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        Sample integrated application configuration file
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      TeamForge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
      CEE to TeamForge database comparison
        How CEE projects map to TeamForge projects
          HELM_PROJECT table
            PROJECT_ID column
            NAME column
            LICENSE_ID column
            SHORT_DESCRIPTION column
            LONG_DESCRIPTION column
            USE_INDEX column
            STATUS column
            PROFILE column
            TYPE column
            ALIAS_URL column
            MEMBER_POLICY column
            PROPOSED_BY column
            APPROVED_BY column
            MODIFIED column
            IS_PUBLIC column
            LOCKED column
            NAMESPACE_ID column
        How CEE Issue tracker maps to TeamForge tracker
          ATTACHMENTS table
            attach_id column
            issue_id column
            creation_ts column
            description column
            mimetype column
            ispatch column
            filename column
            thedata column
            submitter_id column
          CC table
            issue_id column
            who column
          COMPONENTS table
          DEPENDENCIES table
          FIELDDEFS table
          GROUPS table
            groupid, name, description, isissuegroup, userregexp
          IMPORTED_ISSUES table
            id, imported_issue_id, exported_issue_id, exported_from_host
          ISSUES table
          ISSUES_ACTIVITY table
          ISSUES_X_GROUPS table
            issue_id, groupid
          KEYWORDDEFS table
          KEYWORDS table
          LONGDESCS table
          MILESTONES table
          NAMEDQUERIES table
            userid, name, watchfordiffs, linkinfooter, query
          OPSYS table
          OPSYS_X_PLATFORM table
            opsys_id, platform_id
          PLATFORM table
          PROFILES table
            userid, helm_user_id, emailnoification, disabledtext, myissueslink
          PROFILES_INTERNAL table
          PROILE_X_GROUPS table
            userid, groupid, canbless
          SHADOWLOG table
            id, ts, reflected, command
          SUBCOMPONENTS table
          VERSIONS table
          VOTES table
            who, issue_id, count
          WATCH table
            watcher, watched
        How tables for roles (RBAC) are mapped
          HELM_ROLE table
          HELM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE table
          HAC_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY table
          HELM_USER_ROLE_PROJECT table
          HELM_ACTION table
          HELM_RESOURCE table
            reource_id, project_id, pattern, description
            role_id, action_id, reource_id
        How CEE Announcements maps to TeamForge News
          PICAYUNE_NEWSITEM table
        How CEE groups are mapped to TeamForge
          HELM_USER table
            email, organization, ext_realm_login_name, realm_id, self_select
            last_logged_in, times_logged_in, last_password_change, password_history
          HELM_USERGROUP table
        How CEE Discussions is mapped to TeamForge Discussions
          DSForum table
            restrictWebViewToSubscribedUsers, restrictWebViewToViewPermission, restrictWebSubscriptionToViewPermission
          DSMessage table
          DSMessageBody table
          DSAttachment table
          DSMessageFilter table
            filterId, ownerId, ownerType, filter, filterType
          DSMessageFlag table
            messageId, userId, forumId
          DSThread table
            threadId, rootMessageId, forumId, messageCount, lastPostDate
          Subscription table
          SubscriptionList table
            listId, ownerId, ownerType, createDate, subscribable, cached, digestSubject, digestFrom, digestTo
          VerpMessage table
            verpId, verpDate, recipient, project, domain, userAlias
          VerpProbe table
            probeId, userAlias, probeDate
          DigestQueue table
            digestQueueId, listId, receivedDate, subject, message, contentType, mailHeaders
          BadUserAlias table
            aliasId, alias_, domain, userId
        How CEE's Project Content Editor is mapped in TeamForge
          Top page
            CEE Component Type: Activity table
            CEE Component Type: HTML
            CEE Component Type: Documents
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - single
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - double
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            Project overview
          Sub pages in CEE
          Freeform pages in CEE
          Page and Component properties
  CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.2 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
CollabNet TeamForge 6.0.1 User Guide (for CEE users)
  Moving to Teamforge from CEE
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Move from CEE to Teamforge
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
      Find your user groups
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize task data
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft OfficeWork with Teamforge documents in Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
        Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Add or modify moderators
          Moderate a discussion forum using email
          Approve a forum post
          Reject a forum message
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
          Stop moderating a forum
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Add Wiki content
        Create a new Wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Store your repository SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from Teamforge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Choose how often to receive email from the discussion forums or mailing lists
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a Teamforge project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      View users and user groups assigned to a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Reduce discussion spam
    Control discussion spam
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in Teamforge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Move from CEE to Teamforge
      Migrate CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1, patch 1
      Troubleshooting tips for migration between CollabNet Enterprise Edition and CollabNet Teamforge
      Move MoinMoin to Teamforge
      Move Lab Management to Teamforge
      Install Project Tracker in Teamforge
      Migrate Project Tracker to a New Version
      Customize the home page of your site
    Delegate site admin tasks
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide ready-made roles
      Create a global role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage projects as a group
      Create a project group
      Edit a project group
      Delete a project group
      Add projects to a project group
      Manage user membership for a project group
      Manage users' access to project groups
        Give a role to project group members
        Give roles to a project group member
        Assign roles to a user group in a project group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role in a project group
        Edit a role in a project group
        Delete a role in a project group
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Find a user's groups
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
      View all roles assigned to a user
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Enable or disable project templates
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Disabling project categorization
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Provide a linked application
        Create a site-wide linked application
        Edit a site-wide linked application
        Enable or disable integrated applications
      Provide an integrated application
        Set up an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application
        Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a TeamForge stage box
    Move from CEE to Teamforge
      Back up CEE data
      Set up your Teamforge 6.0.1 box
      Install Teamforge 6.0.1
      Fix the Teamforge 6.0.1 environment
      Transfer projects from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to 6.0.1
      Change email addresses
      Reindex the site
      Change commit logs to commit objects
      Customize the home page of your site
      Migrate special tools
        Move Project Tracker to Teamforge
        Move MoinMoin to Teamforge
        Move Lab Management to Teamforge
      Troubleshooting tips for migration between CollabNet Enterprise Edition and CollabNet Teamforge
    Support users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP integration for the CollabNet Teamforge server
        Set up LDAP for a source control integration server
        Modify the application policy
      Provide Project Tracker in Teamforge
        Install Project Tracker in Teamforge
        Install Project Tracker in Teamforge
        Migrate Project Tracker to a New Version
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Permit big file uploads
      Run the site in a local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Set up an integrated application (command line method)
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Forward emails to user accounts
    Protect your site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up Apache for SSL encryption
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up SSH tunneling
    Maintain your site
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Patch CollabNet Teamforge
        Apply patch 1 to Teamforge 6.0.1
        Apply patch 2 to Teamforge 6.0.1
        Remove patch 2
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Rotate log files
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
    Expand your site
      Set up Subversion on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database
      Provide more than one source control server
    Customize a site
      Install an instance set
      Remove an instance set
    Back up and restore data
      Back up CollabNet Teamforge data
      Restore backed-up CollabNet Teamforge data
      Back up a PostgreSQL database
      Restore a PostgreSQL database
      Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
      Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
      Fail over to another node in the group
      Fail over to a standby server
      Fail over to a remote location
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
  CollabNet Teamforge FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        CEE to Teamforge for project members
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is Teamforge?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can be a moderator?
        Who can work with documents?
        Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in Teamforge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in Teamforge
        Can I control which messages get posted to my forum?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet Teamforge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        Can I subscribe to a CollabNet Teamforge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        Are the URLs in CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        What is a free-form sub-page?
        What is remote publishing?
        How does Teamforge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          How does Teamforge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global role?
        What is a requestable role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      Are the URLs in CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in Teamforge 6.0.1?
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to Teamforge 6.0
        Overview of tool migration from Enterprise Edition to Teamforge 6.0
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and Teamforge 6.0
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        How is global data handled during migration?
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a Teamforge site?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Can Teamforge password security support SAS-70 certification requirements?
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a parent project?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge database?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a project group?
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge database?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my Teamforge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in Teamforge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does Teamforge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is an instance set?
        What is the look project?
        Can I brand a broadcast message?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        What happens when log files get too big?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in Teamforge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I know a service is running?
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in Teamforge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        How do I configure Teamforge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      How does CollabNet Teamforge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  CollabNet Teamforge reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your Teamforge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.0 projects
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Audit log
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Announcements
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Discussions
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Documents and Files
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Projects
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Role
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Search
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Version Control
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      User permissions on a CEE and CTF 6.0 site
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Authentication Realms
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Category
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Domain
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for License
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Project and Project Group
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Session
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Start Page
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for User
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for User Group
    Reference information for system administrators
      6.0.1 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        Teamforge configuration variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        Sample integrated application configuration file
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      Teamforge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
      CEE to Teamforge database comparison
        How CEE projects map to Teamforge projects
          HELM_PROJECT table
            PROJECT_ID column
            NAME column
            LICENSE_ID column
            SHORT_DESCRIPTION column
            LONG_DESCRIPTION column
            USE_INDEX column
            STATUS column
            PROFILE column
            TYPE column
            ALIAS_URL column
            MEMBER_POLICY column
            PROPOSED_BY column
            APPROVED_BY column
            MODIFIED column
            IS_PUBLIC column
            LOCKED column
            NAMESPACE_ID column
        How CEE Issue tracker maps to Teamforge tracker
          ATTACHMENTS table
            attach_id column
            issue_id column
            creation_ts column
            description column
            mimetype column
            ispatch column
            filename column
            thedata column
            submitter_id column
          CC table
            issue_id column
            who column
          COMPONENTS table
          DEPENDENCIES table
          FIELDDEFS table
          GROUPS table
            groupid, name, description, isissuegroup, userregexp
          IMPORTED_ISSUES table
            id, imported_issue_id, exported_issue_id, exported_from_host
          ISSUES table
          ISSUES_ACTIVITY table
          ISSUES_X_GROUPS table
            issue_id, groupid
          KEYWORDDEFS table
          KEYWORDS table
          LONGDESCS table
          MILESTONES table
          NAMEDQUERIES table
            userid, name, watchfordiffs, linkinfooter, query
          OPSYS table
          OPSYS_X_PLATFORM table
            opsys_id, platform_id
          PLATFORM table
          PROFILES table
            userid, helm_user_id, emailnoification, disabledtext, myissueslink
          PROFILES_INTERNAL table
          PROILE_X_GROUPS table
            userid, groupid, canbless
          SHADOWLOG table
            id, ts, reflected, command
          SUBCOMPONENTS table
          VERSIONS table
          VOTES table
            who, issue_id, count
          WATCH table
            watcher, watched
        How tables for roles (RBAC) are mapped
          HELM_ROLE table
          HELM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE table
          HAC_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY table
          HELM_USER_ROLE_PROJECT table
          HELM_ACTION table
          HELM_RESOURCE table
            reource_id, project_id, pattern, description
            role_id, action_id, reource_id
        How CEE Announcements maps to Teamforge News
          PICAYUNE_NEWSITEM table
        How CEE groups are mapped to Teamforge
          HELM_USER table
            email, organization, ext_realm_login_name, realm_id, self_select
            last_logged_in, times_logged_in, last_password_change, password_history
          HELM_USERGROUP table
        How CEE Discussions is mapped to Teamforge Discussions
          DSForum table
            restrictWebViewToSubscribedUsers, restrictWebViewToViewPermission, restrictWebSubscriptionToViewPermission
          DSMessage table
          DSMessageBody table
          DSAttachment table
          DSMessageFilter table
            filterId, ownerId, ownerType, filter, filterType
          DSMessageFlag table
            messageId, userId, forumId
          DSThread table
            threadId, rootMessageId, forumId, messageCount, lastPostDate
          Subscription table
          SubscriptionList table
            listId, ownerId, ownerType, createDate, subscribable, cached, digestSubject, digestFrom, digestTo
          VerpMessage table
            verpId, verpDate, recipient, project, domain, userAlias
          VerpProbe table
            probeId, userAlias, probeDate
          DigestQueue table
            digestQueueId, listId, receivedDate, subject, message, contentType, mailHeaders
          BadUserAlias table
            aliasId, alias_, domain, userId
        How CEE's Project Content Editor is mapped in Teamforge
          Top page
            CEE Component Type: Activity table
            CEE Component Type: HTML
            CEE Component Type: Documents
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - single
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - double
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            Project overview
          Sub pages in CEE
          Freeform pages in CEE
          Page and Component properties
  CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 Release Notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 Patch 1 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 Patch 2 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
  Moving to Teamforge from CEE
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Move from CEE to Teamforge
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
      Find your user groups
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize task data
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft OfficeWork with Teamforge documents in Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a discussion or mailing list
        Subscribe others to a discussion or mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Add or modify moderators
          Moderate a discussion forum using email
          Approve a forum post
          Reject a forum message
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
          Stop moderating a forum
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Add Wiki content
        Create a new Wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Store your repository SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from Teamforge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Choose how often to receive email from the discussion forums or mailing lists
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a Teamforge project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      View users and user groups assigned to a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Reduce discussion spam
    Control discussion spam
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in Teamforge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Move from CEE to Teamforge
      Migrate CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1, patch 1
      Troubleshooting tips for migration between CollabNet Enterprise Edition and CollabNet Teamforge
      Move MoinMoin to Teamforge
      Move Lab Management to Teamforge
      Install Project Tracker in Teamforge
      Migrate Project Tracker to a New Version
      Customize the home page of your site
    Delegate site admin tasks
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide ready-made roles
      Create a global role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage projects as a group
      Create a project group
      Edit a project group
      Delete a project group
      Add projects to a project group
      Manage user membership for a project group
      Manage users' access to project groups
        Give a role to project group members
        Give roles to a project group member
        Assign roles to a user group in a project group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role in a project group
        Edit a role in a project group
        Delete a role in a project group
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Find a user's groups
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
      View all roles assigned to a user
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Enable or disable project templates
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Disabling project categorization
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Provide a linked application
        Create a site-wide linked application
        Edit a site-wide linked application
        Enable or disable integrated applications
      Provide an integrated application
        Set up an integrated application
        Remove an integrated application
        Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a TeamForge stage box
    Move from CEE to Teamforge
      Back up CEE data
      Set up your Teamforge 6.0.1 box
      Install Teamforge 6.0.1
      Fix the Teamforge 6.0.1 environment
      Transfer projects from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to 6.0.1
      Change email addresses
      Reindex the site
      Change commit logs to commit objects
      Customize the home page of your site
      Migrate special tools
        Move Project Tracker to Teamforge
        Move MoinMoin to Teamforge
        Move Lab Management to Teamforge
      Troubleshooting tips for migration between CollabNet Enterprise Edition and CollabNet Teamforge
    Support users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP integration for the CollabNet Teamforge server
        Set up LDAP for a source control integration server
        Modify the application policy
      Provide Project Tracker in Teamforge
        Install Project Tracker in Teamforge
        Install Project Tracker in Teamforge
        Migrate Project Tracker to a New Version
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Permit big file uploads
      Run the site in a local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Set up an integrated application (command line method)
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Forward emails to user accounts
    Protect your site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up Apache for SSL encryption
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up SSH tunneling
    Maintain your site
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Patch CollabNet Teamforge
        Apply patch 1 to Teamforge 6.0.1
        Apply patch 2 to Teamforge 6.0.1
        Remove patch 2
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Rotate log files
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
    Expand your site
      Set up Subversion on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database
      Provide more than one source control server
    Customize a site
      Install an instance set
      Remove an instance set
    Back up and restore data
      Back up CollabNet Teamforge data
      Restore backed-up CollabNet Teamforge data
      Back up a PostgreSQL database
      Restore a PostgreSQL database
      Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
      Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
      Fail over to another node in the group
      Fail over to a standby server
      Fail over to a remote location
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
  CollabNet Teamforge FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        CEE to Teamforge for project members
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is Teamforge?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can be a moderator?
        Who can work with documents?
        Can I specify an alternate email address?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in Teamforge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in Teamforge
        Can I control which messages get posted to my forum?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet Teamforge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        Can I subscribe to a CollabNet Teamforge discussion forum's mailing list through an email?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        Are the URLs in CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        What is a free-form sub-page?
        What is remote publishing?
        How does Teamforge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          How does Teamforge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global role?
        What is a requestable role?
        Can I assign a role to all users of the site at once?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          How does inheritance work for project groups?
          What is a parent project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      Are the URLs in CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in Teamforge 6.0.1?
      Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to Teamforge 6.0
        Overview of tool migration from Enterprise Edition to Teamforge 6.0
        Mapping functionality between Enterprise Edition and Teamforge 6.0
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        How is global data handled during migration?
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a Teamforge site?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        Can Teamforge password security support SAS-70 certification requirements?
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a parent project?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge database?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a project group?
        What is a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge database?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my Teamforge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in Teamforge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does Teamforge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is an instance set?
        What is the look project?
        Can I brand a broadcast message?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        What happens when log files get too big?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in Teamforge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I know a service is running?
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in Teamforge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        How do I configure Teamforge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      How does CollabNet Teamforge compare to CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  CollabNet Teamforge reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your Teamforge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.0 projects
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Audit log
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Announcements
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Discussions
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Documents and Files
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Projects
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Role
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Search
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Version Control
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      User permissions on a CEE and CTF 6.0 site
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Authentication Realms
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Category
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Domain
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for License
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Project and Project Group
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Session
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for Start Page
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for User
        Teamforge 6.0.1 Permissions for User Group
    Reference information for system administrators
      6.0.1 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        Teamforge configuration variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        Sample integrated application configuration file
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      Teamforge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
      CEE to Teamforge database comparison
        How CEE projects map to Teamforge projects
          HELM_PROJECT table
            PROJECT_ID column
            NAME column
            LICENSE_ID column
            SHORT_DESCRIPTION column
            LONG_DESCRIPTION column
            USE_INDEX column
            STATUS column
            PROFILE column
            TYPE column
            ALIAS_URL column
            MEMBER_POLICY column
            PROPOSED_BY column
            APPROVED_BY column
            MODIFIED column
            IS_PUBLIC column
            LOCKED column
            NAMESPACE_ID column
        How CEE Issue tracker maps to Teamforge tracker
          ATTACHMENTS table
            attach_id column
            issue_id column
            creation_ts column
            description column
            mimetype column
            ispatch column
            filename column
            thedata column
            submitter_id column
          CC table
            issue_id column
            who column
          COMPONENTS table
          DEPENDENCIES table
          FIELDDEFS table
          GROUPS table
            groupid, name, description, isissuegroup, userregexp
          IMPORTED_ISSUES table
            id, imported_issue_id, exported_issue_id, exported_from_host
          ISSUES table
          ISSUES_ACTIVITY table
          ISSUES_X_GROUPS table
            issue_id, groupid
          KEYWORDDEFS table
          KEYWORDS table
          LONGDESCS table
          MILESTONES table
          NAMEDQUERIES table
            userid, name, watchfordiffs, linkinfooter, query
          OPSYS table
          OPSYS_X_PLATFORM table
            opsys_id, platform_id
          PLATFORM table
          PROFILES table
            userid, helm_user_id, emailnoification, disabledtext, myissueslink
          PROFILES_INTERNAL table
          PROILE_X_GROUPS table
            userid, groupid, canbless
          SHADOWLOG table
            id, ts, reflected, command
          SUBCOMPONENTS table
          VERSIONS table
          VOTES table
            who, issue_id, count
          WATCH table
            watcher, watched
        How tables for roles (RBAC) are mapped
          HELM_ROLE table
          HELM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE table
          HAC_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY table
          HELM_USER_ROLE_PROJECT table
          HELM_ACTION table
          HELM_RESOURCE table
            reource_id, project_id, pattern, description
            role_id, action_id, reource_id
        How CEE Announcements maps to Teamforge News
          PICAYUNE_NEWSITEM table
        How CEE groups are mapped to Teamforge
          HELM_USER table
            email, organization, ext_realm_login_name, realm_id, self_select
            last_logged_in, times_logged_in, last_password_change, password_history
          HELM_USERGROUP table
        How CEE Discussions is mapped to Teamforge Discussions
          DSForum table
            restrictWebViewToSubscribedUsers, restrictWebViewToViewPermission, restrictWebSubscriptionToViewPermission
          DSMessage table
          DSMessageBody table
          DSAttachment table
          DSMessageFilter table
            filterId, ownerId, ownerType, filter, filterType
          DSMessageFlag table
            messageId, userId, forumId
          DSThread table
            threadId, rootMessageId, forumId, messageCount, lastPostDate
          Subscription table
          SubscriptionList table
            listId, ownerId, ownerType, createDate, subscribable, cached, digestSubject, digestFrom, digestTo
          VerpMessage table
            verpId, verpDate, recipient, project, domain, userAlias
          VerpProbe table
            probeId, userAlias, probeDate
          DigestQueue table
            digestQueueId, listId, receivedDate, subject, message, contentType, mailHeaders
          BadUserAlias table
            aliasId, alias_, domain, userId
        How CEE's Project Content Editor is mapped in Teamforge
          Top page
            CEE Component Type: Activity table
            CEE Component Type: HTML
            CEE Component Type: Documents
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - single
            CEE Component Type: Metrics report - double
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            CEE Component Type: Milestones table
            Project overview
          Sub pages in CEE
          Freeform pages in CEE
          Page and Component properties
  CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 Release Notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 Patch 1 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.1 Patch 2 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
CollabNet TeamForge 6.0 User Guide (for CEE Users)
  Moving to Teamforge from CEE
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for CEE Domain Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Plan and track anything
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Add or modify moderators
          Approve a forum post
          Reject a forum message
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
          Stop moderating a forum
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Add Wiki content
        Create a new Wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Store your repository SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from Teamforge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a Teamforge project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for site administrators
    Delegate site administration tasks with site-wide roles
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide uniform access via global roles
      Create a global role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Disabling project categorization
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
      Register an integrated application
      Remove an integrated application
      Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
    Quick Reference Guide for CEE Domain Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
  CollabNet Teamforge FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in SourceForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        How do I change the columns displayed in the tracker list?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can be a moderator?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can I control which messages get posted to my forum?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet Teamforge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in Teamforge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in Teamforge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        Are the URLs in CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 the same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is a project?
          What is a parent project?
        What is a project page?
        What is a freeform sub-page?
        What is remote publishing?
        What is a project page component?
          What's included in a project page component, and how can I use it?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
          What's included in a project template, and how can I use it?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a "Name is Invalid" error when trying to create a project using the createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global role?
        What is a requestable role?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can the query results be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        Can I use Crystal Reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a Teamforge site?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a managed and unmanaged CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a parent project?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why don't all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new accounts as unrestricted by default?
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and unable to be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 database?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my Teamforge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in Teamforge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does Teamforge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in Teamforge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't Teamforge send my outbound mail?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in Teamforge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        How do I configure Teamforge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  CollabNet Teamforge reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your Teamforge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.0 projects
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Audit log
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Announcements
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Discussions
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Documents and Files
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Projects
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Role
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Search
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Version Control
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      User permissions on a CEE and CTF 6.0 site
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Authentication Realms
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Category
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Domain
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for License
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Project and Project Group
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Session
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Start Page
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for User
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for User Group
    Reference information for system administrators
      6.0 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        site-options.conf variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        The patch manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      Teamforge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
  Release notes
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Release Notes
      Added features
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 1 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 2 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 3 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 4 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
  Moving to Teamforge from CEE
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Members moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for Project Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
    Quick Reference Guide for CEE Domain Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Plan and track anything
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Add or modify moderators
          Approve a forum post
          Reject a forum message
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
          Stop moderating a forum
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Add Wiki content
        Create a new Wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Store your repository SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from Teamforge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a Teamforge project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for site administrators
    Delegate site administration tasks with site-wide roles
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide uniform access via global roles
      Create a global role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Disabling project categorization
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
      Register an integrated application
      Remove an integrated application
      Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
    Quick Reference Guide for CEE Domain Administrators moving from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0.
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
  CollabNet Teamforge FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What happens when I post to a moderated discussion forum?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in SourceForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        How do I change the columns displayed in the tracker list?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can be a moderator?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can I control which messages get posted to my forum?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet Teamforge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in Teamforge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in Teamforge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        Are the URLs in CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 the same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is a project?
          What is a parent project?
        What is a project page?
        What is a freeform sub-page?
        What is remote publishing?
        What is a project page component?
          What's included in a project page component, and how can I use it?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
          What's included in a project template, and how can I use it?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a "Name is Invalid" error when trying to create a project using the createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        What is a global role?
        What is a requestable role?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can the query results be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        Can I use Crystal Reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      Migrating tools from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        Migrating projects and categories
        Migrating roles and permissions
        Migrating SCM integrations
        Migrating users and user groups
        Migrating wiki
        Migrating project pages
        Migrating Issue Tracker
        Migrating discussions
        Migrating documents
        Migrating announcements
        Migrating project dashboard
        Migrating remote publishing tool
        Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a Teamforge site?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a managed and unmanaged CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a parent project?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why don't all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a site-wide role?
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        What does it mean to be an additional site administrator?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new accounts as unrestricted by default?
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and unable to be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 database?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my Teamforge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in Teamforge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does Teamforge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in Teamforge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't Teamforge send my outbound mail?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in Teamforge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        How do I configure Teamforge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  CollabNet Teamforge reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your Teamforge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
      User permissions in CEE and CTF 6.0 projects
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Audit log
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Announcements
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Discussions
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Documents and Files
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Issue Tracker/Project Tracker
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Project Dashboard and Tasks
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Projects
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Role
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Resource Patterns
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Search
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Version Control
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Wiki
    Reference information for site administrators
      User permissions on a CEE and CTF 6.0 site
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Authentication Realms
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Category
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Domain
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for License
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Project and Project Group
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Session
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for Start Page
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for User
        CTF 6.0 Permissions for User Group
    Reference information for system administrators
      6.0 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 6.0
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        site-options.conf variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        The patch manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      Teamforge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
  Release notes
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Release Notes
      Added features
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 1 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 2 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 3 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 Patch 4 Release Notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 User Guide
  Get started
    Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
      Join a TeamForge site
      Join a project
      Identify yourself
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Add users to a project
      Create a project page
      Create a tracker
      Create a planning folder
      Set up hardware for your team to use
  Help for project members
    Find project resources
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        View the right tracker columns
        View the right tracker artifacts
        View the right planning folder artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Change multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Search for tasks
        See the right tasks
        Check your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
        Synchronize tasks
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
        Save a document to TeamForge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename a discussion forum
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Create a new Wiki page
        Add Wiki content
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Access CVS with a stored SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a TeamForge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
        Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose monitoring email frequency
      Choose application monitoring email frequency
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project administrators
    Create a TeamForge project
    Build your project web site
      Create a project page
      Create a project page component
      Reorder project page components
      Hide a project page component
      Rename a project page component
      Delete a project page component
      Control access to a project page
      Reorder project pages
      Hide a project page
      Rename a project page
    Set up trackers
      Create a tracker
      Set up tracker data
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Create custom tracker fields
        Configure tracker field values
      Assign a tracker artifact automatically
      Create a tracker workflow
      Set default tracker columns
      Change a tracker
    Organize your project with planning folders
      Create a planning folder
      Update a planning folder
      Manage statuses for a planning folder
      Reorder planning folders
      Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Move a planning folder
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Manage task workflow
      Alert project members about overdue tasks
      Require approval for changing tasks
      Handle a change request
      Indicate task status with colors
      Measure task workloads
      Set the default task calendar
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application into your project
      Remove an integrated application from your project
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in TeamForge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Set up hardware for your team to use
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Manage users
      Create a license key
      Create a new user account
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Change multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
      Add ALM functionality to your site
      Restrict your site to source code functionality
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Stop using project categories
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Move a source code repository
      Connect to a Subversion Edge console
      Discover a Subversion Edge server
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide linked applications for TeamForge projects to use
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
    Provide an integrated app for projects to use
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
      Use Pebble as a sample integrated application
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Add Pebble to a TeamForge project
    Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Import a new host
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Manage profiles
        Add a new profile
        Modify the XML definition for a profile
        Stop using a profile
          Delete a profile
          Disable a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Before installing
      Install TeamForge on dedicated hardware
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge 5.4
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the TeamForge application
        Supply your TeamForge license key
        Troubleshoot your TeamForge installation on Windows
          Reinstall TeamForge on Windows
          Remove components on Windows
      Install an advanced CollabNet TeamForge site Install CollabNet TeamForge
        Set up the environment
        Set up data storage
        Get TeamForge
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet TeamForge site
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Upgrade to CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Plan your installation
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Remove CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge
        Update your site's configuration
        Upgrade your Oracle database
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 application
        Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade on VMware
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 5.4 installation
      Install a different build of the same release
      Install an advanced CollabNet TeamForge site Install CollabNet TeamForge
        Set up the environment
        Set up data storage
        Get TeamForge
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
          Choose where your online help comes from
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet TeamForge site
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Upgrade on a new box
        Set up hardware
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Remove CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
        Get TeamForge
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 application
        Finish your upgrade
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet TeamForge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
        Turn off LDAP authentication
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Permit big file uploads
      Allow searching of archive files
      Send notifications in the local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Provide a Perforce source control server
    Grow your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Set up source control on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
      Provide more than one source control server
    Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Set up SSL for a Windows TeamForge site
      Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up SSH tunneling
    Maintain your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Patch CollabNet TeamForge
        Apply a patch
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Upgrade Subversion
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Customize a site
        Install an instance set
        Remove an instance set
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the logging level on your site
      Change the location of a log file
      Archive log files
        Archive logs automatically
        Archive logs manually
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Limit the size of document attachments
      Back up and restore CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data with NetApp
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data with NetApp
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet TeamForge API
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet TeamForge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest TeamForge API
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Prepare an integrated app
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Add the TeamForge button bar to your integrated application
      Internationalize your integrated application
  TeamForge 5.4 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is TeamForge?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What fields can I use in a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet TeamForge?
        What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in TeamForge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
        Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
        Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in TeamForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in TeamForge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
        What is TeamForge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my TeamForge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a TeamForge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a TeamForge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the TeamForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid TeamForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
          Do I need an advanced TeamForge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
          Minimum ports
        How does TeamForge manage security?
          How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
          Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I upgrade to TeamForge 5.4 on a new box?
        Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is an instance set?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        What happens when log files get too big?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I know a service is running?
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
        How do I back up TeamForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  TeamForge 5.4 reference guide
    Project member reference
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      The Project Dashboard page
    Reference information
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
    System administrator reference
      5.4 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        TeamForge configuration variables
        Integrated application deployment descriptor
        Sample integrated application configuration file
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Developer reference
      TeamForge services available via SOAP
        The project categorization service
        The CollabNet service
        The discussions service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The file release service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The planning folder service
        The role-based access control service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Lab Management API methods
  TeamForge 5.4 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    Patch 1 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known Issues
    Patch 2 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known Issues
  Get started
    Quick start: Working on a TeamForge project
      Join a TeamForge site
      Join a project
      Identify yourself
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Quick start: Managing a TeamForge project
      Create a TeamForge project
      Add users to a project
      Create a project page
      Create a tracker
      Create a planning folder
      Set up hardware for your team to use
  Help for project members
    Find project resources
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        View the right tracker columns
        View the right tracker artifacts
        View the right planning folder artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Change multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Search for tasks
        See the right tasks
        Check your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet TeamForge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet TeamForge
        Synchronize tasks
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a TeamForge document in Microsoft Office
        Save a document to TeamForge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename a discussion forum
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Create a new Wiki page
        Add Wiki content
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Access CVS with a stored SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a TeamForge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a TeamForge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
        Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose monitoring email frequency
      Choose application monitoring email frequency
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project administrators
    Create a TeamForge project
    Build your project web site
      Create a project page
      Create a project page component
      Reorder project page components
      Hide a project page component
      Rename a project page component
      Delete a project page component
      Control access to a project page
      Reorder project pages
      Hide a project page
      Rename a project page
    Set up trackers
      Create a tracker
      Set up tracker data
        Enable or disable fields
        Require users to complete a tracker artifact field
        Create custom tracker fields
        Configure tracker field values
      Assign a tracker artifact automatically
      Create a tracker workflow
      Set default tracker columns
      Change a tracker
    Organize your project with planning folders
      Create a planning folder
      Update a planning folder
      Manage statuses for a planning folder
      Reorder planning folders
      Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Move a planning folder
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Manage task workflow
      Alert project members about overdue tasks
      Require approval for changing tasks
      Handle a change request
      Indicate task status with colors
      Measure task workloads
      Set the default task calendar
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application into your project
      Remove an integrated application from your project
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in TeamForge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Set up hardware for your team to use
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Manage users
      Create a license key
      Create a new user account
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Change multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
      Add ALM functionality to your site
      Restrict your site to source code functionality
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Stop using project categories
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Move a source code repository
      Connect to a Subversion Edge console
      Discover a Subversion Edge server
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet TeamForge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide linked applications for TeamForge projects to use
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
    Provide an integrated app for projects to use
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
      Use Pebble as a sample integrated application
        Install Pebble
        Integrate Pebble into your TeamForge site
        Add Pebble to a TeamForge project
    Add a custom event handler to your TeamForge site
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Import a new host
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Manage profiles
        Add a new profile
        Modify the XML definition for a profile
        Stop using a profile
          Delete a profile
          Disable a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Before installing
      Install TeamForge on dedicated hardware
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge 5.4
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the TeamForge application
        Supply your TeamForge license key
        Troubleshoot your TeamForge installation on Windows
          Reinstall TeamForge on Windows
          Remove components on Windows
      Install an advanced CollabNet TeamForge site Install CollabNet TeamForge
        Set up the environment
        Set up data storage
        Get TeamForge
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet TeamForge site
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Upgrade to CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Plan your installation
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Remove CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge
        Update your site's configuration
        Upgrade your Oracle database
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 application
        Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade on VMware
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 5.4 installation
      Install a different build of the same release
      Install an advanced CollabNet TeamForge site Install CollabNet TeamForge
        Set up the environment
        Set up data storage
        Get TeamForge
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
          Choose where your online help comes from
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet TeamForge site
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Upgrade on a new box
        Set up hardware
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Remove CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
        Get TeamForge
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 application
        Finish your upgrade
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet TeamForge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
        Turn off LDAP authentication
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Permit big file uploads
      Allow searching of archive files
      Send notifications in the local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Provide a Perforce source control server
    Grow your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Set up source control on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
      Provide more than one source control server
    Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Set up SSL for a Windows TeamForge site
      Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up SSH tunneling
    Maintain your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Patch CollabNet TeamForge
        Apply a patch
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Upgrade Subversion
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Customize a site
        Install an instance set
        Remove an instance set
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the logging level on your site
      Change the location of a log file
      Archive log files
        Archive logs automatically
        Archive logs manually
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Limit the size of document attachments
      Back up and restore CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data with NetApp
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data with NetApp
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet TeamForge API
      Get started with the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet TeamForge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest TeamForge API
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Prepare an integrated app
      Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
      Add the TeamForge button bar to your integrated application
      Internationalize your integrated application
  TeamForge 5.4 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is TeamForge?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet TeamForge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What fields can I use in a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet TeamForge?
        What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of TeamForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in TeamForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in TeamForge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge?
        Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
        Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in TeamForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in TeamForge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      TeamForge Lab Management FAQ
        What is TeamForge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my TeamForge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a TeamForge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a TeamForge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          What is velocity?
          What is a story point?
          How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from a capacity chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
          What does the status of a planning folder mean?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get 'Name is Invalid' error when trying to create a project using createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the TeamForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        What's the difference between a TeamForge site in ALM mode and a TeamForge site in SCM mode?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        How do TeamForge licenses work?
        What happens when my site license expires?
        How do I determine which version of TeamForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the TeamForge DTD?
        Can TeamForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a TeamForge site?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        What is an integrated application?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
        What happens when I have too many users for the available TeamForge licenses?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I remove the build and test link from TeamForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my TeamForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default TeamForge images?
          How does TeamForge use stylesheets?
          How does TeamForge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid TeamForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting TeamForge?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that TeamForge supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
      Can I control user access to an integrated application?
      How does an integrated application interact with other TeamForge tools?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
          Do I need an advanced TeamForge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
          Minimum ports
        How does TeamForge manage security?
          How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
          Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I upgrade to TeamForge 5.4 on a new box?
        Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is an instance set?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
        Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        What happens when log files get too big?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I know a service is running?
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
        How do I back up TeamForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  TeamForge 5.4 reference guide
    Project member reference
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Project admin reference
      The Project Dashboard page
    Reference information
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
    System administrator reference
      5.4 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        TeamForge configuration variables
        Integrated application deployment descriptor
        Sample integrated application configuration file
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Developer reference
      TeamForge services available via SOAP
        The project categorization service
        The CollabNet service
        The discussions service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The file release service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The planning folder service
        The role-based access control service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Lab Management API methods
  TeamForge 5.4 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    Patch 1 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known Issues
    Patch 2 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known Issues
Administrating TeamForge 5.4 on Red Hat
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Before installing
      Install TeamForge on dedicated hardware
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge 5.4
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the TeamForge application
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Install an advanced CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet TeamForge site
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Upgrade to CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Plan your installation
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Remove CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge
        Update your site's configuration
        Upgrade your Oracle database
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 application
        Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade on VMware
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 5.4 installation
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet TeamForge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
        Turn off LDAP authentication
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Permit big file uploads
      Allow searching of archive files
      Send notifications in the local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Provide a Perforce source control server
    Grow your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Set up source control on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
    Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
    Maintain your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Patch CollabNet TeamForge
        Apply a patch
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Upgrade Subversion
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the logging level on your site
      Change the location of a log file
      Archive log files
        Archive logs automatically
        Archive logs manually
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Limit the size of document attachments
      Back up and restore CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  System administrator reference
    5.4 Platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      The collabnet script
    Log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    Configuration files
      TeamForge configuration variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      Sample integrated application configuration file
      The patch manifest file
  System administrator FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge install?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Which application runs on which server?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
        Minimum ports
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 5.4 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      What happens when log files get too big?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      How do I post a site wide broadcast?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
  TeamForge 5.4 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    Patch 1 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known Issues
    Patch 2 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known Issues
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Before installing
      Install TeamForge on dedicated hardware
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge 5.4
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the TeamForge application
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Install an advanced CollabNet TeamForge site
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet TeamForge site
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Install TeamForge on VMware
        Get CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Configure CollabNet TeamForge
        Supply your TeamForge license key
      Upgrade to CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
        Plan your installation
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Remove CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
        Set up the environment
        Get TeamForge
        Update your site's configuration
        Upgrade your Oracle database
        Install the CollabNet TeamForge 5.4 application
        Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade on VMware
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to remove old TeamForge installation
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version
        Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to finish TeamForge 5.4 installation
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet TeamForge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
        Turn off LDAP authentication
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Permit big file uploads
      Allow searching of archive files
      Send notifications in the local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Provide a Perforce source control server
    Grow your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Set up source control on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet TeamForge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
    Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up SSL for your TeamForge site
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
    Maintain your CollabNet TeamForge installation
      Patch CollabNet TeamForge
        Apply a patch
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Upgrade Subversion
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the logging level on your site
      Change the location of a log file
      Archive log files
        Archive logs automatically
        Archive logs manually
      Raise the logging visibility of selected database requests
      Limit the size of document attachments
      Back up and restore CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet TeamForge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  System administrator reference
    5.4 Platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      The collabnet script
    Log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    Configuration files
      TeamForge configuration variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      Sample integrated application configuration file
      The patch manifest file
  System administrator FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge install?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Which application runs on which server?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
        Minimum ports
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 5.4 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does TeamForge use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      What happens when log files get too big?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      How do I post a site wide broadcast?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
  TeamForge 5.4 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    Patch 1 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known Issues
    Patch 2 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known Issues
Administrating TeamForge 5.4 on Windows
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Before installing
      Install TeamForge
        Set up the environment
        Install the TeamForge application
        Supply your TeamForge license key
        Troubleshoot your TeamForge installation on Windows
          Reinstall TeamForge on Windows
          Remove components on Windows
    Support CollabNet TeamForge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
        Turn off LDAP authentication
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Permit big file uploads
      Allow searching of archive files
      Send notifications in the local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Provide a Perforce source control server
    Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Set up SSL for a Windows TeamForge site
      Protect integrations with SSL
  System administrator reference
    5.4 Platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      The collabnet script
    Log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    Configuration files
      TeamForge configuration variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      Sample integrated application configuration file
      The patch manifest file
  System administrator FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge install?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Which application runs on which server?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
        Minimum ports
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 5.4 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does SFEE use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      What happens when log files get too big?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      How do I post a site wide broadcast?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
  TeamForge 5.4 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    Patch 1 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known Issues
    Patch 2 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known Issues
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet TeamForge site
      Before installing
      Install TeamForge
        Set up the environment
        Install the TeamForge application
        Supply your TeamForge license key
        Troubleshoot your TeamForge installation on Windows
          Reinstall TeamForge on Windows
          Remove components on Windows
    Support CollabNet TeamForge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
        Turn off LDAP authentication
      Integrate an external application into a TeamForge site
      Permit big file uploads
      Allow searching of archive files
      Send notifications in the local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Limit the size of message attachments
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Provide a Perforce source control server
    Protect your CollabNet TeamForge site
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Set up SSL for a Windows TeamForge site
      Protect integrations with SSL
  System administrator reference
    5.4 Platform information
      Hardware requirements for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      Supported software for CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      The collabnet script
    Log files
      JBoss logs
      Oracle logging
      SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
      Email logs
      Search logs
      Project Build Library audit log
      Profile audit log
      User Audit Log
      Host audit log
      Project audit log
    Configuration files
      TeamForge configuration variables
      Integrated application deployment descriptor
      Sample integrated application configuration file
      The patch manifest file
  System administrator FAQ
    General questions about using TeamForge
      What does it take to install CollabNet TeamForge ?
        Do I need an advanced TeamForge install?
        How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet TeamForge site?
        Which application runs on which server?
        How does TeamForge handle third-party applications?
        Minimum ports
      How does TeamForge manage security?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
        What user activities are tracked?
        How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
        Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What security tools come with CollabNet TeamForge ?
        What is a CERT advisory?
      Should I upgrade to TeamForge 5.4 on a new box?
      Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
      Should I move my source control application to its own server?
      What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
      Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
      What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
      Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
    Concepts and terms in TeamForge
      What does it mean to run CollabNet TeamForge on a virtual machine?
      What is a patch?
      What is the look project?
      What wiki engine does SFEE use?
      Does CollabNet TeamForge support merge tracking?
      What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      What is the vamessages.log used for?
      How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
    Common errors in TeamForge
      Why won't my CollabNet TeamForge virtual machine installation start?
      Why does my CollabNet TeamForge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      What happens when log files get too big?
      Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
      Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
      Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
      After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
      How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
      Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
      Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
      JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
      Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
      Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
      Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
      Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
      Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
      Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
      Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
      Why would some users not get email?
      What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
      Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
      When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
      Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
      Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
    TeamForge roles and permissions
      How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
      Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
      Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Why can't Oracle connect to my TeamForge installation?
      Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
    Tasks in TeamForge
      How do I post a site wide broadcast?
      How do I enable post-commit logging?
      How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
      How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
      How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
      How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
      How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
      How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
      How do I back up TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing CVS repository into TeamForge?
      How do I move an existing SVN repository into TeamForge?
      Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
      How do I make TeamForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      How do I capture the output of "top" command?
    Managing email in TeamForge
      How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
      How can I check if port 25 is open?
      How do I set up a local alias via James?
      How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
      Does TeamForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
  TeamForge 5.4 release notes
    Added features
    Resolved issues
    Known Issues
    Patch 1 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known Issues
    Patch 2 release notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known Issues
CollabNet TeamForge 5.3 User Guide
  Get started
    Quick start: Working on a Teamforge project
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Identify yourself
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Quick start: Managing a Teamforge project
      Create a Teamforge project
      Add users to a project
      Create a project page
      Create a tracker
      Create a planning folder
      Set up hardware for your team to use
  Help for project members
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Change multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create custom tracker fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Check your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize tasks
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename a discussion forum
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Create a new Wiki page
        Add Wiki content
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      Get the code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Access CVS with a stored SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from Teamforge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose monitoring email frequency
      Choose application monitoring email frequency
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project administrators
    Create a Teamforge project
    Build your project web site
      Create a project page
      Create a project page component
      Reorder project page components
      Hide a project page component
      Rename a project page component
      Delete a project page component
      Control access to a project page
      Reorder project pages
      Hide a project page
      Rename a project page
    Set up a tracker
      Create a tracker
      Set up tracker data
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create custom tracker fields
        Configure tracker field values
      Assign a tracker artifact automatically
      Create a tracker workflow
      Change a tracker
    Plan your project
      Create a planning folder
      Update a planning folder
      Reorder planning folders
      Move a planning folder
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in Teamforge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Set up hardware for your team to use
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Stop using project categories
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Install Teamforge on dedicated hardware
        Set up hardware for CollabNet Teamforge
        Get Teamforge 5.3
        Specify host and domain names
        Configure your site
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Install an advanced CollabNet Teamforge site
        Set up hardware
        Get CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet Teamforge site
        Supply your Teamforge license key
        Supply your CollabNet Teamforge license key as a text file
      Install Teamforge on VMware
        Get CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Configure CollabNet Teamforge
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Upgrade to CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Upgrade on the same box
          Back up CollabNet Teamforge 5.2 data
          Remove CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
          Get Teamforge
          Prepare the environment for installing Teamforge
          Install the CollabNet Teamforge 5.3 application
          Finish your upgrade
        Upgrade on a new box
          Set up hardware
          Get Teamforge
          Back up CollabNet Teamforge 5.2 data
          Install the CollabNet Teamforge 5.3 application
          Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade to Teamforge 5.3 on VMware
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet Teamforge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP integration for the CollabNet Teamforge server
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Permit big file uploads
      Run the site in a local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
    Grow your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Set up source control on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database
    Protect your CollabNet Teamforge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up Apache for SSL encryption
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
    Maintain your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Upgrade Subversion
      Patch CollabNet Teamforge
        Apply patch 1 to Teamforge 5.3
        Apply patch 1 without a network connection
        Remove patch 1
        Apply patch 2 to Teamforge 5.3
        Apply patch 2 without a network connection
        Remove patch 2 on Red Hat 4 or CentOS 4
        Remove patch 2 on Red Hat 5 or CentOS 5
        Troubleshoot patches
          I did not remove Apache, and now my install is failing. What can I do?
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Back up and restore CollabNet Teamforge data
        Back up CollabNet Teamforge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet Teamforge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
  Teamforge 5.3 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is Teamforge?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in SourceForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        How do I change the columns displayed in the tracker list?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet Teamforge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
      Managing documents in Teamforge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in Teamforge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does Teamforge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          How does Teamforge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a Teamforge site?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open on my Teamforge server?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my Teamforge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in Teamforge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does Teamforge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        ERROR: postgres version is not available in yum server.
        Why don't help links in Teamforge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in Teamforge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        How do I configure Teamforge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  Teamforge 5.3 reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      Teamforge search terms
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your Teamforge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
    Reference information for system administrators
      5.3 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        Teamforge configuration variables
        The patch manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      Teamforge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
  Teamforge 5.3 release notes
    What's in CollabNet Teamforge 5.3?
      Highlights of CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    What's in CollabNet Teamforge 5.3, Patch 1?
      Resolved issues
      Added features
      Known Issues
    What's in CollabNet Teamforge 5.3, Patch 2?
  Get started
    Quick start: Working on a Teamforge project
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Identify yourself
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Quick start: Managing a Teamforge project
      Create a Teamforge project
      Add users to a project
      Create a project page
      Create a tracker
      Create a planning folder
      Set up hardware for your team to use
  Help for project members
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Change multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create custom tracker fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Check your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize tasks
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename a discussion forum
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Create a new Wiki page
        Add Wiki content
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      Get the code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Access CVS with a stored SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from Teamforge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose monitoring email frequency
      Choose application monitoring email frequency
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project administrators
    Create a Teamforge project
    Build your project web site
      Create a project page
      Create a project page component
      Reorder project page components
      Hide a project page component
      Rename a project page component
      Delete a project page component
      Control access to a project page
      Reorder project pages
      Hide a project page
      Rename a project page
    Set up a tracker
      Create a tracker
      Set up tracker data
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create custom tracker fields
        Configure tracker field values
      Assign a tracker artifact automatically
      Create a tracker workflow
      Change a tracker
    Plan your project
      Create a planning folder
      Update a planning folder
      Reorder planning folders
      Move a planning folder
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in Teamforge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Set up hardware for your team to use
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for product owners
    Define the scope of your project
    Monitor project output
  Help for site administrators
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Stop using project categories
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Install Teamforge on dedicated hardware
        Set up hardware for CollabNet Teamforge
        Get Teamforge 5.3
        Specify host and domain names
        Configure your site
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Install an advanced CollabNet Teamforge site
        Set up hardware
        Get CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Configure your site
          Specify host and domain names
          Set basic database options
          Set up email
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Start your new CollabNet Teamforge site
        Supply your Teamforge license key
        Supply your CollabNet Teamforge license key as a text file
      Install Teamforge on VMware
        Get CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Configure CollabNet Teamforge
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Upgrade to CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Upgrade on the same box
          Back up CollabNet Teamforge 5.2 data
          Remove CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
          Get Teamforge
          Prepare the environment for installing Teamforge
          Install the CollabNet Teamforge 5.3 application
          Finish your upgrade
        Upgrade on a new box
          Set up hardware
          Get Teamforge
          Back up CollabNet Teamforge 5.2 data
          Install the CollabNet Teamforge 5.3 application
          Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade to Teamforge 5.3 on VMware
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet Teamforge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP integration for the CollabNet Teamforge server
        Set up LDAP for a CVS integration server
        Modify the application policy
      Install project templates
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Permit big file uploads
      Run the site in a local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
    Grow your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Set up source control on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database
    Protect your CollabNet Teamforge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up Apache for SSL encryption
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
    Maintain your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Upgrade Subversion
      Patch CollabNet Teamforge
        Apply patch 1 to Teamforge 5.3
        Apply patch 1 without a network connection
        Remove patch 1
        Apply patch 2 to Teamforge 5.3
        Apply patch 2 without a network connection
        Remove patch 2 on Red Hat 4 or CentOS 4
        Remove patch 2 on Red Hat 5 or CentOS 5
        Troubleshoot patches
          I did not remove Apache, and now my install is failing. What can I do?
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Rebuild runtime without the install directory
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Back up and restore CollabNet Teamforge data
        Back up CollabNet Teamforge data
        Restore backed-up CollabNet Teamforge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
  Teamforge 5.3 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is Teamforge?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in SourceForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        How do I change the columns displayed in the tracker list?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How can I stay informed about events on my CollabNet Teamforge site?
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
      Managing documents in Teamforge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in Teamforge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        How does Teamforge support dynamic planning?
          What is a planning folder?
          Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
          How does Teamforge automatically sum up effort estimates?
          How do you measure "effort?"
          What are all these charts about?
            What can I learn from a burndown chart?
            What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
            What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
          What is a feature tree?
          What is an iteration?
          What is a product owner?
          What is a project administrator?
          What is an agile project team?
          Who can access project planning information?
        What is a project page component?
          What is a project page component for?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
        What is in a project template?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        Can the query result be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
        Can I use crystal reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        What resources can be searched on a Teamforge site?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a "managed" and "unmanaged" CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Not all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field. Why is that?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new user accounts as "unrestricted?"
        Why is a user restricted and cannot be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in Teamforge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using Teamforge
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open on my Teamforge server?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition (SFEE) manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my Teamforge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in Teamforge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does Teamforge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in Teamforge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in Teamforge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        ERROR: postgres version is not available in yum server.
        Why don't help links in Teamforge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for my email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
      Teamforge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in Teamforge
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after CSFE installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in Teamforge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in Teamforge
        How do I configure Teamforge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into Teamforge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  Teamforge 5.3 reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      Teamforge search terms
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your Teamforge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
    Reference information for system administrators
      5.3 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        Teamforge configuration variables
        The patch manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      Teamforge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
  Teamforge 5.3 release notes
    What's in CollabNet Teamforge 5.3?
      Highlights of CollabNet Teamforge 5.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    What's in CollabNet Teamforge 5.3, Patch 1?
      Resolved issues
      Added features
      Known Issues
    What's in CollabNet Teamforge 5.3, Patch 2?
CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 User Guide
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize tasks
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Create a new Wiki page
        Add Wiki content
        Generate a table of contents for a wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Access CVS with a stored SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a TeamForge project
    Plan an agile development project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in Teamforge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for site administrators
    Delegate site administration tasks with site-wide roles
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide uniform access via global roles
      Create a global role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Stop using project categories
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
      Register an integrated application
      Remove an integrated application
      Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Install a CollabNet Teamforge site
        Set up hardware for CollabNet Teamforge
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Configure your CollabNet Teamforge site
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Install an advanced CollabNet Teamforge site Install CollabNet Teamforge
        Set up hardware for CollabNet Teamforge Set up hardware for an advanced CollabNet Teamforge installation
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Configure your CollabNet Teamforge site
        Set up data storage
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Set up a PostgreSQL database
        Start your new Teamforge site
        Supply your Teamforge license key
        Supply your CollabNet Teamforge license key as a text file
      Install CollabNet Teamforge without Internet access
      Install CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Configure CollabNet Teamforge
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Upgrade a CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise 5.1 site to CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
        Uninstall CollabNet Teamforge 5.1
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Get the CollabNet Teamforge update package
        Set up data storage
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade a CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise 5.1 site to CollabNet Teamforge 5.2 on a virtual machine
        Get the CollabNet Teamforge upgrade package
        Update CollabNet Teamforge
        Start CollabNet Teamforge
      Upgrade to Teamforge without Internet access
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet Teamforge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP integration for the CollabNet Teamforge server
        Set up LDAP for a source control integration server
        Modify the application policy
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Permit big file uploads
      Run the site in a local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Configure Project Tracker in TeamForge
      Start and stop Project Tracker
    Grow your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Set up Subversion on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
      Provide more than one source control server
    Protect your CollabNet Teamforge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up Apache for SSL encryption
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up SSH tunneling
    Maintain your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Upgrade Subversion
      Patch CollabNet Teamforge
        Apply a patch
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade or downgrade
        Roll back 5.2 patch 3 (Special procedure)
        Remove a patch
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Customize a site
        Install an instance set
        Remove an instance set
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Archive log files
        Archive logs automatically
        Archive logs manually
      Back up and restore CollabNet Teamforge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
        Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
        Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
        Fail over to another node in the group
        Fail over to a standby server
        Fail over to a remote location
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
  TeamForge 5.2 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in SourceForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        How do I change the columns displayed in the tracker list?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in TeamForge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in TeamForge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        What is remote publishing?
        What is a project page component?
          What's included in a project page component, and how can I use it?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
          What's included in a project template, and how can I use it?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a "Name is Invalid" error when trying to create a project using the createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query results be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use Crystal Reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a managed and unmanaged CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Why don't all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new accounts as unrestricted by default?
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and unable to be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 database?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open on my Teamforge server?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is an instance set?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        What happens when log files get too big?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I know a service is running?
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after SourceForge installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  TeamForge 5.2 reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
    Reference information for site administrators
    Reference information for system administrators
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
      5.2 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
        Packages required for 32-bit Red Hat 4
        Packages required for 64-bit Red Hat 4
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        site-options.conf variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      TeamForge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
  CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Release Notes
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Release Notes
      Highlights of CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 1 Release Notes
      Added features in Patch 1
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known issues in Patch 1
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 2 Release Notes
      Added features in Patch 2
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known issues in Patch 2
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 3 Release Notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 3
      Known issues in Patch 3
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 4 Release Notes
      Added features in Patch 4
      Resolved issues in Patch 4
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 5 Release Notes
  Help for project members
    Get started
      Join a Teamforge site
      Join a project
      Request a role in a project
      Get the code
      Find a forum
      Catch up on project news
      Find project resources
    Plan and track anything
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Find tracker artifacts
        Display tracker artifact information
        Filter tracker artifacts
        Search a tracker
          Search for tracker artifacts
          Find your own artifacts
          Save a search for tracker artifacts
          Share a saved tracker search
          Run a saved search
          Remove a saved search
      Create a tracker artifact
      Create a tracker artifact by email
      Update a tracker artifact
      Edit a tracker artifact by email
      Edit multiple artifacts
      Move a tracker artifact
      Associate tracker artifacts with other items
        Associate a tracker artifact with a document, task, integrated application object, or forum
        Associate a tracker artifact with a file release
        Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Set up a tracker
        Create a tracker
        Enable or disable fields
        Make tracker fields required or optional
        Create user-defined fields
        Configure tracker field values
        Assign a tracker artifact automatically
        Change a tracker
      Create a tracker workflow
      Export tracker artifacts
    Work on tasks
      Create a task
      Edit a task
      Find tasks
        Filter tasks
        Search for tasks
        Viewing your assigned tasks
        Update task status
      Schedule a task before or after another task
      View task dependencies
      Associate a task with other items
      Manage tasks
        Copy a task
        Move a task
        Report on tasks
      Organize tasks
        Create a task folder
        Rename a task folder
        Reorder task folders
        Delete a task folder
      Manage task workflow
        Alert project members about overdue tasks
        Require approval for changing tasks
        Handle a change request
        Indicate task status with colors
        Measure task workloads
        Set the default task calendar
      Manage tasks in Microsoft Project
        Install the Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project
        Log in to CollabNet Teamforge
        Create tasks from Microsoft Project
        Import tasks in one direction
        Assign a resource when there is no match in CollabNet Teamforge
        Synchronize tasks
        Synchronize task data with
        Synchronize with a different task folder
    Document your work
      Find and view a document
        Go to a document
        Search for a document
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update a document
        Change the active document version
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
      Get a document reviewed
        Start a document review
        Read review responses
        Edit review details
        Send a reminder email
        Close a document review
      Review a document
      Associate a document with other items
      Manage documents
        Copy a document
        Move a document
        Delete a document
      Organize documents
        Create a document folder
        Rename a document folder
        Move a document folder
        Reorder document folders
        Delete a document folder
      Work with documents from Microsoft Office
        Install the Document Manager Add-in for Microsoft Office
        Open a document from Teamforge
        Save a document to Teamforge
        Update a document
    Communicate with project members
      Participate in discussions and mailing lists
        Create a forum topic
        Search for posts
        Reply to a forum message
        Subscribe to a mailing list
        Post to a forum by email
        Associate forum messages with other items
        Administer forums and mailing lists
          Create a discussion forum
          Rename or edit a discussion forum
          Delete a forum message
          Delete a forum topic
      Share project news
        Post a news item
        Delete a news item
        Edit a news item
      Contribute to the project wiki
        Start a Wiki
        Create a new Wiki page
        Add Wiki content
        Generate a table of contents for a wiki page
        Search a wiki
    Manage source code
      View code commits
      Associate code commits with other items
        Associate code with other items while committing
        Create associations with code that is already committed
      Create a source code repository
      Access CVS with a stored SSH key
    Provision hardware
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Teamforge Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Teamforge Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on Teamforge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to Teamforge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside Teamforge Lab Management
        Reach a Teamforge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within Teamforge Lab Management
      Release a host
      Allocate a host from a cloud
    Build and test your software
      Upload to a CollabNet File Release
        Upload a file to a CollabNet release
        Publish promoted builds to a CollabNet release
      Upload to CollabNet Documents
        Upload a file to a CollabNet document application
      Generate and update CollabNet Tracker artifacts
        Set up a build to generate CollabNet tracker artifacts
      Upload to the Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
        Get a Lab Management API key
        Upload build results to a Lab Management Project Build Library
    Release products
      Download a release
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update files in a release
      Delete files from a release
      Update release attributes
      Change a package's name or description
      Associate a release with other items
      Delete a package
      Delete a release
    Watch for changes
      Sort emails from TeamForge automatically
      Monitor an item
      Monitor many items
      Monitor an application
      Monitor discussion forums as RSS feed
      Monitor project news as RSS feed
      What am I monitoring?
      Who is monitoring this item?
      Choose how often to receive email from the site as a whole
      Choose how often to get emails from specific applications
      Monitor an item for someone else
  Help for project managers
    Create a TeamForge project
    Plan an agile development project
    Build your project web site
      Assemble your project web site
        Create a project page
        Create a project page component
        Reorder project page components
        Hide a project page component
        Rename a project page component
        Edit a project page component
        Delete a project page component
        Control access to a project page
        Reorder project pages
        Hide a project page
        Rename a project page
      Hand-code your project web site
        Create a custom project home page
        Access your publishing repository
    Report on project activity
      Report on tracker artifacts
      Save a report template
      Run a report
      Export report results
      Delete a report template
    Control project access
      Control access by user role
        Give roles to a project member
        Give a role to multiple project members
        Handle a role request from a project member
        Assign a global role on request
        Assign roles to a user group
        Assign user groups to a role
        Create a role
        Create a project administrator role
        Change a role
      Control access by project type
      Control access by user class
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Control access to source code
      Show or hide an application
    Manage project membership
      Add users to a project
      Remove a user from a project
      Handle a request for project membership
      Handle a request to leave a project
    Create a project template
    Categorize a project
    Make other applications available to project members
      Link an external application
      Change a linked application
      Reorder linked applications
      Integrate an external application
      Remove an integrated application
    Require a wiki version comment
    Provide build and test services
      Install the CollabNet plugin
        Install Hudson and the Build & Test plugin
        Install the Build & Test plugin on your Hudson server
      Connect to your Build & Test server
      Upgrade the CollabNet plugin on your Hudson server
      Authenticate and authorize users in Hudson
        Authenticate users in Hudson
        Authorize users at the site level
        Authorize users at the project level
        Assign project-level Hudson roles in Teamforge
      Configure global CollabNet settings
    Provision hardware for project members
      Make Lab Management available to your team
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
  Help for site administrators
    Delegate site administration tasks with site-wide roles
      Create additional site administrators
      Modify the additional site administrators privileges
      Make selected users additional site administrators
      Give project-independent access for project tools
    Provide uniform access via global roles
      Create a global role
      Modify a global role
      Delete a global role
    Manage users
      Create a new user account
      Create multiple user accounts
      Create a user group
      Add a user to a user group
      Find a user
      Edit a user account
      Acting on multiple user accounts
      Reset the admin account password
    Support projects
      Create a new project
      Approve a new project
      Rename a project
      Delete a project
      Lock or unlock a project
      Update a project template
      Require documents to be associated with artifacts
      Manage project categories
        Add a project category
        Edit a project category
        Move a project category
        Delete a project category
        Stop using project categories
      Add a parent project to your project
      Separate a subproject from its parent project
    Provide source control services
      Integrate a source code server
      Approve a source control repository request
      Approve an unmanaged CVS server access request
      Edit SCM integration details
      Integrate an unmanaged CVS repository with CollabNet Teamforge
        Create a loginfo trigger file
        Create a modified verifymsg trigger file
    Change your site's look and feel
      Customize anything on your site
      Customize the home page of your site
      Customize the home page of projects
      Change your site's outgoing emails
    Provide external applications
      Create a site-wide linked application
      Edit a site-wide linked application
      Register an integrated application
      Remove an integrated application
      Set site-level permissions for an integrated application
    Monitor your site
      Check your server's status
      Check your site's configuration
      Read your site's logs
      Get build information
    Keep your site secure
      Set password requirements
      Prevent cross-site scripting (XSS)
    Support hardware provisioning
      Set up a new Teamforge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Add and remove profiles
        Add a new profile
        Stop using a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
  Help for system administrators
    Set up a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Install a CollabNet Teamforge site
        Set up hardware for CollabNet Teamforge
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Configure your CollabNet Teamforge site
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Install an advanced CollabNet Teamforge site Install CollabNet Teamforge
        Set up hardware for CollabNet Teamforge Set up hardware for an advanced CollabNet Teamforge installation
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Configure your CollabNet Teamforge site
        Set up data storage
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site
          Set up a PostgreSQL database
          Set up an Oracle database
        Set up a PostgreSQL database
        Start your new Teamforge site
        Supply your Teamforge license key
        Supply your CollabNet Teamforge license key as a text file
      Install CollabNet Teamforge without Internet access
      Install CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Configure CollabNet Teamforge
        Supply your Teamforge license key
      Upgrade a CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise 5.1 site to CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
        Uninstall CollabNet Teamforge 5.1
        Get CollabNet Teamforge
        Get the CollabNet Teamforge update package
        Set up data storage
        Install the CollabNet Teamforge application
        Finish your upgrade
      Upgrade a CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise 5.1 site to CollabNet Teamforge 5.2 on a virtual machine
        Get the CollabNet Teamforge upgrade package
        Update CollabNet Teamforge
        Start CollabNet Teamforge
      Upgrade to Teamforge without Internet access
      Install a different build of the same release
    Support CollabNet Teamforge users
      Authenticate users with LDAP
        Set up LDAP integration for the CollabNet Teamforge server
        Set up LDAP for a source control integration server
        Modify the application policy
      Let users see what's in a project template
      Permit big file uploads
      Run the site in a local language
      Choose where your online help comes from
      Configure Project Tracker in TeamForge
      Start and stop Project Tracker
    Grow your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Set up Subversion on its own server
      Set up the database for your CollabNet Teamforge site on a separate server
        Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
        Set up an Oracle database on its own server
      Set up a PostgreSQL database on its own server
      Provide more than one source control server
    Protect your CollabNet Teamforge site
      Set up SELinux
      Protect Apache with SSL
        Set up Apache for SSL encryption
        Generate Apache SSL certificates
        Prevent HTTPS cracking
      Protect integrations with SSL
      Set up SSH tunneling
    Maintain your CollabNet Teamforge installation
      Monitor services on your site
      Get information about a CollabNet Teamforge site
      Upgrade Subversion
      Patch CollabNet Teamforge
        Apply a patch
        Apply a patch without a network connection
        Revert a patch upgrade or downgrade
        Roll back 5.2 patch 3 (Special procedure)
        Remove a patch
        Troubleshoot patches
          Can't install patch
          Patch installation fails
      Customize a site
        Install an instance set
        Remove an instance set
      Specify DNS servers
      Optimize PostgreSQL with vacuum
      Change the location of a log file
      Archive log files
        Archive logs automatically
        Archive logs manually
      Back up and restore CollabNet Teamforge data
        Back up a PostgreSQL database
        Restore a PostgreSQL database
        Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
        Back up CollabNet Teamforge data with NetApp
        Fail over to another node in the group
        Fail over to a standby server
        Fail over to a remote location
  Help for application developers
    Use the CollabNet Teamforge API
      Get started with the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API
      Send commit data to CollabNet Teamforge via SOAP
      Update an application to the latest Teamforge API
    Use the Teamforge Lab Management API
  TeamForge 5.2 FAQ
    Project member FAQ
      Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        What's the best way to search the CollabNet User Information Center?
        Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
        What is CollabNet Teamforge?
        What software configuration management tools are available in CollabNet Teamforge ?
        What is CollabNet Build and Test?
        What is a discussion?
        Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge doing things I don't expect?
        How can I access the native install version of SourceForge? I can only find the VMWare version.
        How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
        What is the file size limit on uploads or attachments in SourceForge?
        Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
        How do I change the columns displayed in the tracker list?
        Can I assign an artifact or task to a group of users?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge support documents?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is change management?
        What is a document in CollabNet Teamforge?
        What is a discussion?
        What is a release?
        What is a tracker?
        What is a task dependency?
        What is tracker workflow?
        What is an association?
        What is an activity table component?
        What is a project page component?
        What is a wiki component?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why can't I synchronize between Microsoft Project and CollabNet Teamforge?
        How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
        Why don't I see all tracker fields when attempting to export the report?
        I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
        Synchronizing my project plan, why do I get the error "Unable to check for pending changes"?
        Why is SourceForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
        Why can't I cut and paste project pages?
        I deleted the email that verifies my CVS password. How can I retrieve my password?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        Which role is assigned to me?
        Can I request a role?
        How do user roles work?
        Do I have to use the administrator-given password always?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Who can work with documents?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can I move a discussion to another project?
        Can I associate objects of different projects?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        What kind of objects can I create reports on?
          How do I save a report so I can run it again later?
        Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
        How do I create an artifact via email?
        How can I change the display order of the fields in my tracker?
        I don't need the priority and assigned-to fields, how do I get rid of them?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
        How do I remove a news item?
        How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
      Managing documents in TeamForge
        Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
        Can I force files to be downloaded, rather than opened in the browser?
        Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in SourceForge?
        Can I link to documents outside of SourceForge?
        Can I lock a document in SourceForge?
        Does SourceForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
        Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
        What document types are supported in SourceForge?
        Why doesn"t an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded?
      Managing forums in TeamForge
        How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
        How do I create a new forum topic?
        How do I find the email address for a forum?
        How do I remove a user from a discussion?
        How do I post a reply to a forum topic?
        I can see the message I posted to a discussion in the web UI, but I didn't receive any of the responses via email. Why is this?
        Why are some of the discussions threaded?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        Why would I attach things to a wiki?
        How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?
        How do I edit the wiki home page?
        I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up?
      Teamforge Lab Management FAQ
        What is Teamforge Lab Management?
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my Teamforge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a Teamforge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a Teamforge Lab Management password?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Project administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How is a project template structured?
        Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
        Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
        What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
        How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What is a project?
        What is a project page?
        What is remote publishing?
        What is a project page component?
          What's included in a project page component, and how can I use it?
          What is a text component?
          What is a documents component?
          What is a news component?
          What is a Tracker Search Results component?
          What is a project statistics component?
          What is a wiki component?
          What is an activity table component?
          What is a subprojects component?
        What is a linked application?
        What is a project template?
          What's included in a project template, and how can I use it?
        What is report generation?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a "Name is Invalid" error when trying to create a project using the createProject() method via the SOAP API?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do user roles work?
        Who can access an application?
        Who can access source code?
        Who can access a project?
          Who should I allow into my project?
          How does inheritance work?
          Can I block a user's access to source code?
          Who can see a project page?
          Who can see a project page component?
          Who can access project planning information?
        Does the project owner receive a mail when a discussion forum is started in his project?
        Do project owners get automatically subscribed to the discussion forum started by another member?
        Is the discussion forum creator subscribed by default?
        When a discussion forum is set up, do all members receive a notification mail?
        Who is an owner of the subcomponent?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        How can I make the project pages invisible for any user who is authorized to see the project?
        How do I give read-only anonymous access to cvs/svn repository?
        Why do I see the project home page though I lack the necessary permission?
        As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        Can the query results be listed without the issue id?
        Can the result of the query be personalized?
        How do I edit the predefined data in the various fields in the issue tracker?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
        Can I use Crystal Reports to extract information from the SourceForge database?
        How can I force files to download to the desktop?
      Lab Management administration FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Site administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
        How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
        How do Teamforge licenses work?
        How do I determine which version of SourceForge is currently running?
        Where can I download the SourceForge DTD?
        Can SourceForge accept email for more than one domain?
        Can I block project data from public search engines?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        J2EE Architecture and security
        What's the difference between a managed and unmanaged CVS server?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        How do I look up audit log?
        What is an integrated application?
          What is in the integrated application's configuration file?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
        Why don't all my team members appear in the "assigned to" field?
        Why does my Hudson job fail with the following error: ERROR: svn: authentication cancelled org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: svn: authentication cancelled?
        How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
        Why are the dynamic images that SourceForge creates broken?
        Why can't I commit to the repository?
        Why does startup fail or produce errors?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        What does it mean to be a site administrator?
        How do site administrator roles work?
        What is a user group?
          Can I create a user group?
        Can I ensure that only site admins can create projects?
        How do I require approval for new user accounts?
        Can I disable creation of user accounts?
        Can I create new accounts as unrestricted by default?
        How can I prevent users from creating their own account?
        Why is a user restricted and unable to be changed?
        Why don't I have access to the "Reported in Release" information in my artifact?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I post a site-wide broadcast message?
        How do I remove the build and test link from SourceForge pages?
        How do I remove the OCN link from my SourceForge instance?
        What elements of a site can I customize?
          What is the look project?
          Can I substitute my own images for the default Teamforge images?
          How does Teamforge use stylesheets?
          How does Teamforge use Velocity templates?
          Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize?
          Can I customize my site's email notifications?
          Can I use my own custom JavaScript on my site?
          Can I customize the web interface?
          Can I add my own links to the top menu bar?
        How do I create a local backup of a remote SVN repository?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I send email from a specific sender address instead of the member address?
        How do I create new values in the "Reported in Release" field?
        How do I create a parent/child artifact?
        How can I enforce strong passwords?
        How can I remove logs and deleted items that are more than 14 days old to free up disk space?
        How do I configure the user session timeout?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I rebulid SourceForge search indexes?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        Can I limit the number of characters for fields in a tracker?
        Can I query the CollabNet Teamforge 6.0 database?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        I have made changes to the James config, how can I enable them without restarting SFEE?
        Why am I getting an error about NoEmailShouldEverBeSentToNoBody@localhost?
      Managing wikis in TeamForge
        How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
        How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
        What is the complete wiki syntax that SFEE supports?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      Lab Management site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    System administrator FAQ
      General questions about using TeamForge
        What does it take to install CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is the recommended installation method for SourceForge?
          Do I need an advanced Teamforge install?
          How many servers do I need to run a CollabNet Teamforge site?
          Which application runs on which server?
          How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition handle third-party applications?
          Which ports should I keep open on my Teamforge server?
        How does SourceForge Enterprise Edition manage security?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect data access?
          What user activities are tracked?
          How does CollabNet Teamforge help protect my data?
          Does Teamforge work with LDAP?
          J2EE Architecture and security
          What security tools come with CollabNet Teamforge ?
          What is a CERT advisory?
        Should I move my TeamForge database to its own server?
        Should I move my source control application to its own server?
        Is it possible to change artifact prefixes in TeamForge?
        What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
        Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
        How does TeamForge handle multiple redundant LDAP servers?
        Does SourceForge licensing have any dependencies on IP address of server?
        Who is responsible for applying OS updates to the underlying VMware image?
      Concepts and terms in TeamForge
        What does it mean to run CollabNet Teamforge on a virtual machine?
        What is a patch?
        What is an instance set?
        What is the look project?
        What wiki engine does SFEE use?
        Does CollabNet Teamforge support merge tracking?
        What is a private IP address and what are the private IP ranges?
        What is the vamessages.log used for?
        How do I use the SourceForge updater to manage backups of old versions of SourceForge?
      Common errors in TeamForge
        Why won't my CollabNet Teamforge virtual machine installation start?
        Why does my CollabNet Teamforge site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        What happens when log files get too big?
        Why does my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise site show a different time than the host machine it is running on?
        Why won't my CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise virtual machine installation start?
        Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
        After switching to ADS authentification, why did the Create button disappear from the user admin section?
        How can I solve the PSQLException when starting the app server after changing my DB server IP address?
        Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
        Why is the password and login shell changed for users on my cvs/svn server?
        JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
        Why don't help links in TeamForge work after upgrade from SourceForge Enterprise 4.4?
        Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
        Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
        Due to firewall restrictions I cannot send email from James. How can I resolve this?
        Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
        Why does the SOAP service show "could not connect" on the Server Status page when everything else appears to work?
        Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
        Why would some users not get email?
        What does the "psql: could not connect to the server: No such file or directory" error message mean?
        Why do I get a proxy timeout when I try to view certain SCM pages?
        When using SourceForge Explorer version 4.4 SP1 to connect to SourceForge 4.4 SP1, I receive the following error message: "Error - wrong number of arguments".
        Why do I get a URL "not found" or "moved permanently" error after applying a patch/upgrade?
        Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
      TeamForge roles and permissions
        How do I add users to user membership after upgrading from 5.0 to CTF 5.2?
        Can I set permissions so that users can move documents but not delete them?
        Can I grant users permissions to create their own accounts?
        Why can't Oracle connect to my SourceForge installation?
        Why does fail on SourceForge 4.4?
      Tasks in TeamForge
        How do I know a service is running?
        How do I post a site wide broadcast?
        How do I enable post-commit logging?
        How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
        How do I make the monitoring messages be sent from Forge Administrator?
        How can I remove the RHEL test page after SourceForge installation?
        How can I find the number of files in a repository without checking it out?
        How do I connect to the Teamforge Postgres database?
        How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
        Can I add custom links to the Quick Links section of the application home page?
        How do I configure the timeout for Apache in TeamForge?
        How do I back up SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing CVS repository into SourceForge?
        How do I move an existing SVN repository into SourceForge?
        Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
        How do I make SourceForge work the same when the IP address of the server changes?
        How do I capture the output of "top" command?
      Managing email in TeamForge
        How do I configure TeamForge to send mail on a specific network adapter in a multi-NIC configuration?
        How can I check if port 25 is open?
        How do I set up a local alias via James?
        How do I configure email notifications of Subversion commits in SourceForge 4.x?
        Does SourceForge support using /etc/aliases for local mail delivery?
    Developer FAQ
      What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
      How can I import tasks into TeamForge Task Manager?
      How do I generate a wiki table of contents?
      What is the SOAP API?
        How does an application interact with CollabNet Teamforge SOAP services?
        Is the CollabNet Teamforge SOAP API backwards-compatible?
      How do I enable Neon debugging in my Subversion client?
      How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
      Can I run other Java applications in the same JBoss instance as CollabNet Team Forge?
      How can I troubleshoot/diagnose Firefox browser issues?
      How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
  TeamForge 5.2 reference guide
    Reference information for project members
      My Page
      The Document Details page
      Wiki syntax
      Wiki editing buttons
      What fields are saved when I synchronize with Microsoft Project?
      Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
    Reference information for CollabNet Teamforge project managers
      The Project Dashboard page
    Reference information for site administrators
    Reference information for system administrators
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
      5.2 Platform information
        Hardware requirements for CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
        Supported software for CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
        Packages required for Red Hat 5
        Packages required for 32-bit Red Hat 4
        Packages required for 64-bit Red Hat 4
        The collabnet script
      Log files
        JBoss logs
        Oracle logging
        SCM (CVS, Subversion, and Perforce) logs
        Email logs
        Search logs
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
      Configuration files
        site-options.conf variables
        c6migrate.conf variables
        The patch manifest file
        The instance set manifest file
        Sample instance manifest file
    Reference information for developers
      TeamForge services available via SOAP
        The CollabNet service
        The role-based access control service
        The project categorization service
        The document service
        The file storage service
        The discussions service
        The integration data service
        The news service
        The project pages service
        The file release service
        The software configuration management (SCM) service
        The tasks service
        The tracker service
        The wiki service
        Example integration script
      Context-specific objects for manipulating Velocity pages
        FORM [FormTool]
        LINK [LinkTool]
        MESSAGE [MessageTool]
        STRING [StringTool]
        TEXTPARSER [TextParserTool]
      Context-specific object members
        PAGE_INFO [PageInformationTool]
        GLOBAL [GlobalTool]
      Lab Management API methods
  CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Release Notes
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Release Notes
      Highlights of CollabNet Teamforge 5.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 1 Release Notes
      Added features in Patch 1
      Resolved issues in Patch 1
      Known issues in Patch 1
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 2 Release Notes
      Added features in Patch 2
      Resolved issues in Patch 2
      Known issues in Patch 2
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 3 Release Notes
      Resolved issues in Patch 3
      Known issues in Patch 3
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 4 Release Notes
      Added features in Patch 4
      Resolved issues in Patch 4
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2 Patch 5 Release Notes
CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Outlook Edition
  What is CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Outlook Edition?
  Get started
    Add a TeamForge site
    Connect using a proxy
    Install server certificate
    Log Desktop operations
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Set up Favorites
    Work with your favorite projects
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a TeamForge tracker artifact
      Create an artifact from an Outlook item
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Attach a file to a tracker artifact
      Attach an Outlook item to an artifact
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Update data as you plan
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
      Upload an Outlook attachment to a release
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Download a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
      Work with Microsoft Office documents
      Export a document folder tree
      Change the active document version
    Work with source code
      Browse a Subversion repository
      Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
      Customize Subversion repository connections
      Merge tracker artifact and task changes
    See an item's association tree
    Schedule a meeting
    Create mail
    Export query results
    Monitor an item
    Administer a project
  Frequently Asked Questions
    What can I learn from Query charts?
    What terms and wildcards can I use to narrow my search?
    Is the Desktop enabled for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
        What is a feature tree?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What does the status of a planning folder mean?
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
  Reference information
    The Site Explorer
    The Workspace
      The Favorites pane
      The Planning Editor
      The Artifact Editor
  What is CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Outlook Edition?
  Get started
    Add a TeamForge site
    Connect using a proxy
    Install server certificate
    Log Desktop operations
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Set up Favorites
    Work with your favorite projects
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a TeamForge tracker artifact
      Create an artifact from an Outlook item
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Attach a file to a tracker artifact
      Attach an Outlook item to an artifact
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Update data as you plan
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
      Upload an Outlook attachment to a release
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Download a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
      Work with Microsoft Office documents
      Export a document folder tree
      Change the active document version
    Work with source code
      Browse a Subversion repository
      Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
      Customize Subversion repository connections
      Merge tracker artifact and task changes
    See an item's association tree
    Schedule a meeting
    Create mail
    Export query results
    Monitor an item
    Administer a project
  Frequently Asked Questions
    What can I learn from Query charts?
    What terms and wildcards can I use to narrow my search?
    Is the Desktop enabled for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
        What is a feature tree?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What does the status of a planning folder mean?
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
  Reference information
    The Site Explorer
    The Workspace
      The Favorites pane
      The Planning Editor
      The Artifact Editor
CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Windows Edition
  Get started
    Add a CollabNet site
    Set up Favorites
    Customize your Start Page
    Work directly with file system files
    Find project resources
    Connect using a proxy
    Install server certificate
    Log Desktop operations
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Add a TeamForge site
    Work with your favorite projects
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a TeamForge tracker artifact
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Attach a file to a tracker artifact
      Attach email from Microsoft Outlook
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Download a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
      Work with Microsoft Office documents
      Export a document folder tree
      Change the active document version
    See an item's association tree
    Export query results
    Monitor an item
    Administer a project
  Work with TeamForge connectors
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector site
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping from a template
        The Mapping Rules Editor
        Edit a field mapping
        Templatize a field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Work with CollabNet Lab Management
    Get a Lab Management API key
    Add a Lab Management site
    Configure an external client
    View host details
  Work with source code
    Browse a Subversion repository
    Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
    Customize Subversion repository connections
    Merge tracker artifact and task changes
  Work with Codesion
    Add a Codesion site
    Add a Codesion project
    Add a Codesion service
  Work with Subversion Edge
  Work with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    Add a CollabNet Enterprise Edition site
    Work with Issue Tracker
      Find Issue Tracker issues
      Create an issue
      Edit an issue
      Make an issue depend on another issue
      Add attachments to an issue
      Associate an issue with a code commit
    Work with Project Tracker
      Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Create a Project Tracker artifact
      Relate a Project Tracker artifact to another artifact
      Associate a Project Tracker artifact with a code commit
      Work with attachments to a Project Tracker artifact
  Frequently Asked Questions
    What can I learn from Query charts?
    What terms and wildcards can I use to narrow my search?
    Why am I not able to see TortoiseSVN options in the File System Explorer?
    Is the Desktop enabled for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
    Can I store my recent Desktop activities?
    What is Changeset Merge?
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
        What is a feature tree?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What does the status of a planning folder mean?
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
    TeamForge connector concepts
      What is the CollabNet Connector Framework?
      How do I pause synchronization?
      TeamForge - Quality Center Connector concepts
        Why synchronize?
      TeamForge - ScrumWorks Pro Connector concepts
        What artifacts are synchronized?
        How are SWP Tasks synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How are SWP Product Backlog Items synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How is SWP MetaData synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        Why do the user and resync user need to be dedicated connector users?
        Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    Lab Management concepts
      What is CollabNet Lab Management?
      What does the Lab Management integration provide?
      What is the Lab Management Domain?
      What is the Lab Management Manager?
      What is a Client Node?
      What is a Lab Management host?
      What are Lab Management user roles?
      What is a Lab Management project?
      What is a Lab Management profile?
      How does tunneling work?
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition concepts
      What is Project Tracker?
      How do I manage Project Tracker artifacts?
      How do I search for Project Tracker artifacts?
      What is Issue Tracker?
  Reference information
    The Site Explorer
    The Favorites pane
    The Artifact Editor
    The Planning Editor
    Field mapping between CollabNet TeamForge and Quality Center
    ScrumWorks Pro - TeamForge integration reference
      Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Product Backlog Item and TeamForge Tracker
      Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Task and TeamForge Tracker
      Limitations of the connector
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition reference
      Issue Tracker attributes
      Issue Tracker fields for queries
  Release information
  Get started
    Add a CollabNet site
    Set up Favorites
    Customize your Start Page
    Work directly with file system files
    Find project resources
    Connect using a proxy
    Install server certificate
    Log Desktop operations
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Add a TeamForge site
    Work with your favorite projects
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a TeamForge tracker artifact
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Attach a file to a tracker artifact
      Attach email from Microsoft Outlook
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Download a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
      Work with Microsoft Office documents
      Export a document folder tree
      Change the active document version
    See an item's association tree
    Export query results
    Monitor an item
    Administer a project
  Work with TeamForge connectors
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector site
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping from a template
        The Mapping Rules Editor
        Edit a field mapping
        Templatize a field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Work with CollabNet Lab Management
    Get a Lab Management API key
    Add a Lab Management site
    Configure an external client
    View host details
  Work with source code
    Browse a Subversion repository
    Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
    Customize Subversion repository connections
    Merge tracker artifact and task changes
  Work with Codesion
    Add a Codesion site
    Add a Codesion project
    Add a Codesion service
  Work with Subversion Edge
  Work with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    Add a CollabNet Enterprise Edition site
    Work with Issue Tracker
      Find Issue Tracker issues
      Create an issue
      Edit an issue
      Make an issue depend on another issue
      Add attachments to an issue
      Associate an issue with a code commit
    Work with Project Tracker
      Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Create a Project Tracker artifact
      Relate a Project Tracker artifact to another artifact
      Associate a Project Tracker artifact with a code commit
      Work with attachments to a Project Tracker artifact
  Frequently Asked Questions
    What can I learn from Query charts?
    What terms and wildcards can I use to narrow my search?
    Why am I not able to see TortoiseSVN options in the File System Explorer?
    Is the Desktop enabled for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
    Can I store my recent Desktop activities?
    What is Changeset Merge?
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
        What is a feature tree?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What does the status of a planning folder mean?
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
    TeamForge connector concepts
      What is the CollabNet Connector Framework?
      How do I pause synchronization?
      TeamForge - Quality Center Connector concepts
        Why synchronize?
      TeamForge - ScrumWorks Pro Connector concepts
        What artifacts are synchronized?
        How are SWP Tasks synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How are SWP Product Backlog Items synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How is SWP MetaData synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        Why do the user and resync user need to be dedicated connector users?
        Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    Lab Management concepts
      What is CollabNet Lab Management?
      What does the Lab Management integration provide?
      What is the Lab Management Domain?
      What is the Lab Management Manager?
      What is a Client Node?
      What is a Lab Management host?
      What are Lab Management user roles?
      What is a Lab Management project?
      What is a Lab Management profile?
      How does tunneling work?
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition concepts
      What is Project Tracker?
      How do I manage Project Tracker artifacts?
      How do I search for Project Tracker artifacts?
      What is Issue Tracker?
  Reference information
    The Site Explorer
    The Favorites pane
    The Artifact Editor
    The Planning Editor
    Field mapping between CollabNet TeamForge and Quality Center
    ScrumWorks Pro - TeamForge integration reference
      Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Product Backlog Item and TeamForge Tracker
      Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Task and TeamForge Tracker
      Limitations of the connector
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition reference
      Issue Tracker attributes
      Issue Tracker fields for queries
  Release information
CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition
  Get started
    Open the CollabNet perspective
    Get TeamForge connector functionality in your Desktop
    Add a CollabNet site
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Add a new site
    Customize the CollabNet Sites view
      Work with your favorite projects
      Work with your favorite tools
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a tracker artifact
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Delete a tracker association
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What is a feature tree?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Delete a task association
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
    See an item's association tree
    Export data
  Work with TeamForge connectors
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping from a template
        Templatize a field mapping
        Edit a field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Work with CollabNet Lab Management
    Get a Lab Management API key
    Add a Lab Management Manager site
    Provision Lab Management hosts
    Add an external SSH client
    Add an external RDP client
    Add a tunnel
    Manage tunnels
  Work with Codesion
    Add a Codesion site
    Add a Codesion project
  Work with Subversion Edge
  Work with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    Add a new site
    Work with Issue Tracker
      Find Issue Tracker issues
      Create an issue
      Add an attachment
      Link to other issues
      Access comments within an issue
    Work with Project Tracker
      Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Create an artifact
      Add an attachment
      Link to other artifacts
      Track Subversion commits
  Work with CollabNet community sites
    Add a site to the openCollabNet view
    Add a pre-configured CollabNet community site
  Use Mylyn for your tasks
    Set up a task repository
    Create a TeamForge task list
    Create a CollabNet Enterprise tracker task list
  Perform a changeset merge
  Frequently Asked Questions
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
    TeamForge connector concepts
      What is the CollabNet Connector Framework?
      How do I pause synchronization?
      TeamForge - Quality Center Connector concepts
        Why synchronize?
      TeamForge - ScrumWorks Pro Connector concepts
        What artifacts are synchronized?
        How are SWP Tasks synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How are SWP Product Backlog Items synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How is SWP MetaData synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        Why do the user and resync user need to be dedicated connector users?
        Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    Lab Management concepts
      What is CollabNet Lab Management?
      What does the Lab Management integration provide?
      What is the Lab Management Domain?
      What is the Lab Management Manager?
      What is a Client Node?
      What is a Lab Management host?
      What are Lab Management user roles?
      What is a Lab Management project?
      What is a Lab Management profile?
      How does tunneling work?
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition concepts
      What is Project Tracker?
      How do I manage Project Tracker artifacts?
      How do I search for Project Tracker artifacts?
      What is Issue Tracker?
    What are the CollabNet perspective and views?
    What is Changeset Merge?
    What is the supported Subversion version?
    Do I need to have Mylyn installed to use the CollabNet Desktop plugins for Project Tracker or Issue Tracker?
    I've installed CollabNet Desktop but can't see any of the Mylyn features. What gives?
    Why do artifact attributes still show up in my Project Tracker Mylyn editor after the project admin hides or removes them?
    When I press the Validate button I get this message: "Your project is valid, but this server might not be compatible with your version of mylyn. You are running CollabNet API version 1.2.0. CollabNet server is running 1.1.0". What does it mean?
    Why do artifact attributes still show up in my Project Tracker Mylyn editor after the project admin hides or removes them?
    When I press the Validate button I get this message: "Your project is valid, but this server might not be compatible with your version of mylyn. You are running CollabNet API version 1.2.0. CollabNet server is running 1.1.0". What does it mean?
    Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
    Does CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition work with MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.6.0?
    Does the CollabNet Desktop for Eclipse support client certificates for authorization to TeamForge?
    Where can I find more information about the changes in the release?
  Reference information
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition reference
      Issue Tracker attributes
      Issue Tracker fields for queries
  Get started
    Open the CollabNet perspective
    Get TeamForge connector functionality in your Desktop
    Add a CollabNet site
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Add a new site
    Customize the CollabNet Sites view
      Work with your favorite projects
      Work with your favorite tools
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a tracker artifact
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Delete a tracker association
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What is a feature tree?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Delete a task association
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
    See an item's association tree
    Export data
  Work with TeamForge connectors
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping from a template
        Templatize a field mapping
        Edit a field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Work with CollabNet Lab Management
    Get a Lab Management API key
    Add a Lab Management Manager site
    Provision Lab Management hosts
    Add an external SSH client
    Add an external RDP client
    Add a tunnel
    Manage tunnels
  Work with Codesion
    Add a Codesion site
    Add a Codesion project
  Work with Subversion Edge
  Work with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    Add a new site
    Work with Issue Tracker
      Find Issue Tracker issues
      Create an issue
      Add an attachment
      Link to other issues
      Access comments within an issue
    Work with Project Tracker
      Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Create an artifact
      Add an attachment
      Link to other artifacts
      Track Subversion commits
  Work with CollabNet community sites
    Add a site to the openCollabNet view
    Add a pre-configured CollabNet community site
  Use Mylyn for your tasks
    Set up a task repository
    Create a TeamForge task list
    Create a CollabNet Enterprise tracker task list
  Perform a changeset merge
  Frequently Asked Questions
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
    TeamForge connector concepts
      What is the CollabNet Connector Framework?
      How do I pause synchronization?
      TeamForge - Quality Center Connector concepts
        Why synchronize?
      TeamForge - ScrumWorks Pro Connector concepts
        What artifacts are synchronized?
        How are SWP Tasks synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How are SWP Product Backlog Items synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        How is SWP MetaData synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
        Why do the user and resync user need to be dedicated connector users?
        Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    Lab Management concepts
      What is CollabNet Lab Management?
      What does the Lab Management integration provide?
      What is the Lab Management Domain?
      What is the Lab Management Manager?
      What is a Client Node?
      What is a Lab Management host?
      What are Lab Management user roles?
      What is a Lab Management project?
      What is a Lab Management profile?
      How does tunneling work?
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition concepts
      What is Project Tracker?
      How do I manage Project Tracker artifacts?
      How do I search for Project Tracker artifacts?
      What is Issue Tracker?
    What are the CollabNet perspective and views?
    What is Changeset Merge?
    What is the supported Subversion version?
    Do I need to have Mylyn installed to use the CollabNet Desktop plugins for Project Tracker or Issue Tracker?
    I've installed CollabNet Desktop but can't see any of the Mylyn features. What gives?
    Why do artifact attributes still show up in my Project Tracker Mylyn editor after the project admin hides or removes them?
    When I press the Validate button I get this message: "Your project is valid, but this server might not be compatible with your version of mylyn. You are running CollabNet API version 1.2.0. CollabNet server is running 1.1.0". What does it mean?
    Why do artifact attributes still show up in my Project Tracker Mylyn editor after the project admin hides or removes them?
    When I press the Validate button I get this message: "Your project is valid, but this server might not be compatible with your version of mylyn. You are running CollabNet API version 1.2.0. CollabNet server is running 1.1.0". What does it mean?
    Where do I configure my client proxy settings?
    Does CollabNet Desktop - Eclipse Edition work with MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.6.0?
    Does the CollabNet Desktop for Eclipse support client certificates for authorization to TeamForge?
    Where can I find more information about the changes in the release?
  Reference information
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition reference
      Issue Tracker attributes
      Issue Tracker fields for queries
CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Visual Studio Edition
  Get started
    Add a CollabNet site
    Install server certificate
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Add a TeamForge site
    Work with your favorite projects
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a TeamForge tracker artifact
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Attach a file to a tracker artifact
      Attach email from Microsoft Outlook
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Update data as you plan
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Download a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
      Work with Microsoft Office documents
      Export a document folder tree
      Change the active document version
    See an item's association tree
    Monitor an item
    Administer a project
  Work with CollabNet Lab Management
    Get a Lab Management API key
    Add a Lab Management site
    Configure an external client
    View host details
  Work with source code
    Browse a Subversion repository
    Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
    Customize Subversion repository connections
    Integrate an issue tracker with your solution
      Connect to an issue tracker
      Associate an issue with a commit
      Update issue status when you commit
      Open an issue while viewing history
    Associate a defect or artifact in AnkhSVN's log message editor
    Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
    Merge tracker artifact and task changes
  Work with Codesion
    Add a Codesion site
    Add a Codesion project
    Add a Codesion service
  Work with Subversion Edge
  Work with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    Add a CollabNet Enterprise Edition site
    Work with Issue Tracker
      Find Issue Tracker issues
      Create an issue
      Edit an issue
      Make an issue depend on another issue
      Add attachments to an issue
      Associate an issue with a code commit
    Work with Project Tracker
      Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Create a Project Tracker artifact
      Relate a Project Tracker artifact to another artifact
      Associate a Project Tracker artifact with a code commit
      Work with attachments to a Project Tracker artifact
  Work with CollabNet community sites
    Search a CollabNet community site
    Add a pre-configured CollabNet community site
  Frequently Asked Questions
    Is the Desktop enabled for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
    What is Changeset Merge?
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
        What is a feature tree?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What does the status of a planning folder mean?
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition concepts
      What is Project Tracker?
      How do I manage Project Tracker artifacts?
      How do I search for Project Tracker artifacts?
      What is Issue Tracker?
    Lab Management concepts
      What is CollabNet Lab Management?
      What does the Lab Management integration provide?
      What is the Lab Management Domain?
      What is the Lab Management Manager?
      What is a Client Node?
      What is a Lab Management host?
      What are Lab Management user roles?
      What is a Lab Management project?
      What is a Lab Management profile?
      How does tunneling work?
  Reference information
    The Site Explorer
    The Artifact Editor
    The Planning Editor
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition reference
      Issue Tracker attributes
      Issue Tracker fields for queries
  Release information
  Get started
    Add a CollabNet site
    Install server certificate
  Work with CollabNet TeamForge
    Add a TeamForge site
    Work with your favorite projects
    Track your work
      Create a tracker query
      Share tracker query settings
        Export query settings
        Import a query
      Create a TeamForge tracker artifact
      Associate a tracker artifact with other items
      Associate a tracker artifact with a code commit
      Make a tracker artifact depend on another artifact
      Attach a file to a tracker artifact
      Attach email from Microsoft Outlook
      Reorder trackers
    Plan and monitor your project
      Define the scope of your project
      Organize your project with planning folders
        Create a planning folder
        Update a planning folder
        Reorder planning folders
        Move a planning folder
        Reorder the contents of a planning folder
      Estimate effort for agile development
      Manage your sprint with the planning board
        Configure the planning board
        Use the planning board
      Manage tasks with the agile task board
        Configure the task board
        Use the task board
      Schedule work on an artifact
      Update data as you plan
      Monitor project output
      Monitor project progress
    Release products
      Create a package
      Create a release
      Add files to a release
      Update release attributes
    Work on tasks
      Add a task query
      Create a task folder
      Create a task
      Associate a task with other items
      Make a task depend on another task
    Document your work
      Create a document folder
      Create a document
      Download a document
      Edit a document
        Update document data
        Lock a document
        Unlock a document
        Associate a document with other items
      Work with Microsoft Office documents
      Export a document folder tree
      Change the active document version
    See an item's association tree
    Monitor an item
    Administer a project
  Work with CollabNet Lab Management
    Get a Lab Management API key
    Add a Lab Management site
    Configure an external client
    View host details
  Work with source code
    Browse a Subversion repository
    Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
    Customize Subversion repository connections
    Integrate an issue tracker with your solution
      Connect to an issue tracker
      Associate an issue with a commit
      Update issue status when you commit
      Open an issue while viewing history
    Associate a defect or artifact in AnkhSVN's log message editor
    Customize the Subversion URL at the project or site level
    Merge tracker artifact and task changes
  Work with Codesion
    Add a Codesion site
    Add a Codesion project
    Add a Codesion service
  Work with Subversion Edge
  Work with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    Add a CollabNet Enterprise Edition site
    Work with Issue Tracker
      Find Issue Tracker issues
      Create an issue
      Edit an issue
      Make an issue depend on another issue
      Add attachments to an issue
      Associate an issue with a code commit
    Work with Project Tracker
      Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Create a Project Tracker artifact
      Relate a Project Tracker artifact to another artifact
      Associate a Project Tracker artifact with a code commit
      Work with attachments to a Project Tracker artifact
  Work with CollabNet community sites
    Search a CollabNet community site
    Add a pre-configured CollabNet community site
  Frequently Asked Questions
    Is the Desktop enabled for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
    What is Changeset Merge?
    CollabNet TeamForge concepts
      How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
        What is a planning folder?
        Why can't I move these artifacts into this planning folder?
        What is velocity?
        What is a story point?
        How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
        How do you measure "effort?"
        What are all these charts about?
          What can I learn from a burndown chart?
          What can I learn from a capacity chart?
          What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
          What can I learn from an Open vs. Closed chart?
        What is a feature tree?
        What is an iteration?
        What is a product owner?
        What is a project administrator?
        What is an agile project team?
        What does the status of a planning folder mean?
      What is a tracker?
      What is a task?
      What is a document?
      What is a release?
      What's the difference between an ALM user license and an SCM user license?
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition concepts
      What is Project Tracker?
      How do I manage Project Tracker artifacts?
      How do I search for Project Tracker artifacts?
      What is Issue Tracker?
    Lab Management concepts
      What is CollabNet Lab Management?
      What does the Lab Management integration provide?
      What is the Lab Management Domain?
      What is the Lab Management Manager?
      What is a Client Node?
      What is a Lab Management host?
      What are Lab Management user roles?
      What is a Lab Management project?
      What is a Lab Management profile?
      How does tunneling work?
  Reference information
    The Site Explorer
    The Artifact Editor
    The Planning Editor
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition reference
      Issue Tracker attributes
      Issue Tracker fields for queries
  Release information
CollabNet Subversion Edge User Guide
  Set up CollabNet Subversion Edge
    Install Subversion Edge
      Install Subversion Edge on Windows
      Install Subversion Edge on Linux
      Install Subversion Edge on Solaris
    Configure the server
      Configure general server settings
      Configure authentication settings
      Configure a proxy server
      Configure the mail server
      Configure log settings
    Upgrade Subversion Edge
      Update Subversion Edge from the console
      Upgrade Subversion Edge manually
  Manage repositories
    Create a repository
    Connect an existing repository
    Define repository access rules
    Schedule repository backups
    Dump a repository
    Load a repository
    Verify repository data
    Create a repository template
    Manage hook scripts
    Monitor the disk space used by a repository
    Delete a repository
  Manage users
    Create a user account
    Edit a user account
    Edit a role
  Set up Subversion Edge as a TeamForge server
    Convert to a TeamForge SCM integration server
    Get the TeamForge Integration API Key
    Import TeamForge's self-signed SSL certificate
    Convert to standalone mode
    Why replicate?
    Convert to a replica server in TeamForge
    Update TeamForge account for replica mode
    Update replica retry settings
    Convert to standalone mode
  Extend Subversion Edge with the CollabNet cloud
    What is a cloud backup?
    Schedule a cloud backup
    Access a cloud backup
    Restore a repository from a cloud backup
  Maintain your Subversion Edge site
    Configure server monitoring
    Monitor server health
    Monitor server logs
    Monitor jobs
  CollabNet Subversion Edge FAQ
    Can I use the web console with my custom Apache configuration?
    On Linux, can I run the Apache/Subversion server on port 80/443?
    How can I set up the Subversion Apache server to start automatically on reboot?
    When I try to browse repositories I am getting an Internal Server Error. How do I fix this?
    How do I migrate from my existing Subversion installation to Subversion Edge?
    Troubleshoot Linux install
    Replication - limitations
      Do replicas support Subversion locks?
    Subversion FAQ
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7.x client with my TeamForge 6.1.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge to version 1.7.x?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7.x on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7.x?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7.x?
  Subversion Edge REST API
    Repository Hook Scripts API
    Logging API
    Repository API
    Repository Template API
    Secure Port API
    User API
    User Roles API
    Supported software
    Subversion Edge components
    Status icons for replica jobs
   CollabNet Subversion Edge Release Notes
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.2.2
      Features and enhancements
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.2.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.2
      Features and enhancements
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.1.2
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.1.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.1.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.0.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.0.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.3.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.2.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.2.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.1.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.1.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.0.1
      Added features
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.0.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.1.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.0.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.0.0
      Highlights of Subversion Edge 1.0.0
      Known Issues
  Set up CollabNet Subversion Edge
    Install Subversion Edge
      Install Subversion Edge on Windows
      Install Subversion Edge on Linux
      Install Subversion Edge on Solaris
    Configure the server
      Configure general server settings
      Configure authentication settings
      Configure a proxy server
      Configure the mail server
      Configure log settings
    Upgrade Subversion Edge
      Update Subversion Edge from the console
      Upgrade Subversion Edge manually
  Manage repositories
    Create a repository
    Connect an existing repository
    Define repository access rules
    Schedule repository backups
    Dump a repository
    Load a repository
    Verify repository data
    Create a repository template
    Manage hook scripts
    Monitor the disk space used by a repository
    Delete a repository
  Manage users
    Create a user account
    Edit a user account
    Edit a role
  Set up Subversion Edge as a TeamForge server
    Convert to a TeamForge SCM integration server
    Get the TeamForge Integration API Key
    Import TeamForge's self-signed SSL certificate
    Convert to standalone mode
    Why replicate?
    Convert to a replica server in TeamForge
    Update TeamForge account for replica mode
    Update replica retry settings
    Convert to standalone mode
  Extend Subversion Edge with the CollabNet cloud
    What is a cloud backup?
    Schedule a cloud backup
    Access a cloud backup
    Restore a repository from a cloud backup
  Maintain your Subversion Edge site
    Configure server monitoring
    Monitor server health
    Monitor server logs
    Monitor jobs
  CollabNet Subversion Edge FAQ
    Can I use the web console with my custom Apache configuration?
    On Linux, can I run the Apache/Subversion server on port 80/443?
    How can I set up the Subversion Apache server to start automatically on reboot?
    When I try to browse repositories I am getting an Internal Server Error. How do I fix this?
    How do I migrate from my existing Subversion installation to Subversion Edge?
    Troubleshoot Linux install
    Replication - limitations
      Do replicas support Subversion locks?
    Subversion FAQ
      Using Subversion with TeamForge
        Can I use a Subversion 1.7.x client with my TeamForge 6.1.1 server?
        Can I upgrade the Subversion server installed by TeamForge to version 1.7.x?
        I have a Subversion Edge server connected to TeamForge as an integration server. Can I install Subversion 1.7.x on my Subversion Edge server?
        Are there any other upgrades I need to consider when upgrading my server to Subversion 1.7.x?
        I have connected a Subversion Edge server to my TeamForge server as a replica server. Can I upgrade this server to Subversion 1.7.x?
  Subversion Edge REST API
    Repository Hook Scripts API
    Logging API
    Repository API
    Repository Template API
    Secure Port API
    User API
    User Roles API
    Supported software
    Subversion Edge components
    Status icons for replica jobs
   CollabNet Subversion Edge Release Notes
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.2.2
      Features and enhancements
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.2.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.2
      Features and enhancements
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.1.2
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.1.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.1.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.0.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 3.0.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.3.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.2.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.2.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.1.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.1.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.0.1
      Added features
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 2.0.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.1.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.0.1
      Resolved issues
     CollabNet Subversion Edge 1.0.0
      Highlights of Subversion Edge 1.0.0
      Known Issues
CollabNet Connector Framework - HP Quality Center Connector Guide
  What is the CollabNet Connector Framework?
  Things to do before you start using the connector
  How is the TeamForge connector (2.0) different from the 1.5.1 version?
  Set up the connector (CCF 1.5.1)
    Install the connector framework
    Register the connector with Quality Center 11
    Install the Eclipse user interface
    Copy the sample scenarios
    Rename the Log4j configuration file
    Start the database
    Configure the Quality Center - TeamForge tracker connector
      Add a connector landscape
      Secure passwords (optional)
      Configure connector properties
      Set up project mappings
      Configure a proxy server (optional)
      Define field mappings
        Map fields graphically
        Map fields using an editor
        Set a default field mapping template
      Specify log and email settings
    Configure the Quality Center - Project Tracker connector
      Add a connector landscape
      Secure passwords (optional)
      Configure connector properties
      Set up project mappings
      Configure a proxy server (optional)
      Define field mappings
        Map fields graphically
        Map fields using an editor
        Set a default field mapping template
      Specify log and email settings
    Start connector services
    Start synchronizing artifacts
  Set up the TeamForge connector (2.x)
  Manage hospital artifacts
    View hospital artifacts
    Work with a failed artifact
    Delete a hospital artifact
  Monitor status
  Work with identity mappings
    Edit identity mappings
    View inconsistencies in identity mappings
  Control actions by role
    Create a role
    Switch to a different role
  Work with CCF 1.5.1 from a remote system
  Upgrade the connector
    Migrate to the TeamForge connector (2.0)
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.1
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.0
    Upgrade to CCF 1.4.2
    Upgrade to CCF 1.3.0
    Upgrade to CCF 1.2.1
    Upgrade to CCF 1.2
  Reference information
    Connector roles in TeamForge
    Field mapping between CollabNet TeamForge and Quality Center
    Field mapping between CollabNet Project Tracker and Quality Center
  Best Practices, Frequently Asked Questions and more
    Why synchronize?
    How are artifacts and defects synchronized?
    How are artifacts and requirements synchronized?
    What are the connector requirements for HP Quality Center?
    What are the CCF perspective and views?
    What is the central database?
    Can I install the CCF GUI without Internet access?
    What are artifact conflicts and how are they handled?
    What is the artifact hospital?
    How do I back up the connector?
    How do I pause synchronization?
    Where can I find the logs?
    How do I handle failed artifacts?
    How is setting up the connector for Project Tracker in CollabNet Enterprise Edition different from setting it up for Project Tracker in TeamForge?
    Can I use the same CCF GUI for both ScrumWorks Pro and Quality Center integrations with TeamForge?
  Release Notes
    TeamForge Connector 2.0
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.5.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.5.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.4.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.3.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.2.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.1.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Tracker Connector for HP Quality Center 4.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Tracker Connector for HP Quality Center 4.0
      Added features
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.0
      Added Features
      Known issues
  What is the CollabNet Connector Framework?
  Things to do before you start using the connector
  How is the TeamForge connector (2.0) different from the 1.5.1 version?
  Set up the connector (CCF 1.5.1)
    Install the connector framework
    Register the connector with Quality Center 11
    Install the Eclipse user interface
    Copy the sample scenarios
    Rename the Log4j configuration file
    Start the database
    Configure the Quality Center - TeamForge tracker connector
      Add a connector landscape
      Secure passwords (optional)
      Configure connector properties
      Set up project mappings
      Configure a proxy server (optional)
      Define field mappings
        Map fields graphically
        Map fields using an editor
        Set a default field mapping template
      Specify log and email settings
    Configure the Quality Center - Project Tracker connector
      Add a connector landscape
      Secure passwords (optional)
      Configure connector properties
      Set up project mappings
      Configure a proxy server (optional)
      Define field mappings
        Map fields graphically
        Map fields using an editor
        Set a default field mapping template
      Specify log and email settings
    Start connector services
    Start synchronizing artifacts
  Set up the TeamForge connector (2.x)
  Manage hospital artifacts
    View hospital artifacts
    Work with a failed artifact
    Delete a hospital artifact
  Monitor status
  Work with identity mappings
    Edit identity mappings
    View inconsistencies in identity mappings
  Control actions by role
    Create a role
    Switch to a different role
  Work with CCF 1.5.1 from a remote system
  Upgrade the connector
    Migrate to the TeamForge connector (2.0)
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.1
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.0
    Upgrade to CCF 1.4.2
    Upgrade to CCF 1.3.0
    Upgrade to CCF 1.2.1
    Upgrade to CCF 1.2
  Reference information
    Connector roles in TeamForge
    Field mapping between CollabNet TeamForge and Quality Center
    Field mapping between CollabNet Project Tracker and Quality Center
  Best Practices, Frequently Asked Questions and more
    Why synchronize?
    How are artifacts and defects synchronized?
    How are artifacts and requirements synchronized?
    What are the connector requirements for HP Quality Center?
    What are the CCF perspective and views?
    What is the central database?
    Can I install the CCF GUI without Internet access?
    What are artifact conflicts and how are they handled?
    What is the artifact hospital?
    How do I back up the connector?
    How do I pause synchronization?
    Where can I find the logs?
    How do I handle failed artifacts?
    How is setting up the connector for Project Tracker in CollabNet Enterprise Edition different from setting it up for Project Tracker in TeamForge?
    Can I use the same CCF GUI for both ScrumWorks Pro and Quality Center integrations with TeamForge?
  Release Notes
    TeamForge Connector 2.0
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.5.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.5.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.4.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.3.0
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.2.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.1.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Tracker Connector for HP Quality Center 4.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known issues
     CollabNet Tracker Connector for HP Quality Center 4.0
      Added features
      Known issues
     CollabNet Connector Framework 1.0
      Added Features
      Known issues
CollabNet ScrumWorks Pro - TeamForge Integration - Quick Start Guide
  What is the CollabNet ScrumWorks Pro – TeamForge integration?
  How is the TeamForge connector (2.0) different from the 1.5.1 version?
  Set up the Scrumworks Pro - TeamForge integration (version 1.5.1)
    Install the connector framework
    Install the Eclipse user interface
    Copy the sample scenarios
    Rename the Log4j configuration file
    Start the database
    Configure the integration
      Add a connector landscape
      Configure connector properties
      Set up project mappings
      Configure security settings
      Configure a proxy server (optional)
      Specify log and email settings
    Start connector services
    Start synchronizing artifacts
  Set up the TeamForge connector (2.x)
  Upgrade trackers to the TeamForge 5.4 layout
  Upgrade the connector framework
    Migrate to the TeamForge connector (2.0)
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.1
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.0
  Set up the Eclipse user interface for remote access
    Install the Eclipse user interface
    Import self-signed SSL certificates
    Connect using SSH
       Generate an SSH key pair
       Set up an SSH tunnel
    Add a connector landscape
    Configure connector properties
    Set up project mappings
    Start synchronizing artifacts
  ScrumWorks Pro - TeamForge integration reference
    Connector roles in TeamForge
    Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Product Backlog Item and TeamForge Tracker
    Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Task and TeamForge Tracker
    Limitations of the connector
  Best Practices, Frequently Asked Questions and more
    What are the connector requirements for TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    What artifacts are synchronized?
    How are SWP Product Backlog Items synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
    How are SWP Tasks synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
    How is SWP MetaData synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
    What are the CCF perspective and views?
    What is the central database?
    What are artifact conflicts and how are they handled?
    What is the artifact hospital?
    Where can I find the logs?
    How do I back up the connector?
    How do I pause synchronization?
    How do I handle failed artifacts?
    Why do the user and resync user need to be dedicated connector users?
    Why do you need a connector user and a resync user?
    Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    Can I use the same CCF GUI for both ScrumWorks Pro and Quality Center integrations with TeamForge?
    How do I uninstall the connector?
  Release Notes
    TeamForge Connector 2.0
    Version 1.5.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Limitations of the connector
    Version 1.5
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Limitations of the connector
    Version 1.4.0
      Limitations of the connector
  What is the CollabNet ScrumWorks Pro – TeamForge integration?
  How is the TeamForge connector (2.0) different from the 1.5.1 version?
  Set up the Scrumworks Pro - TeamForge integration (version 1.5.1)
    Install the connector framework
    Install the Eclipse user interface
    Copy the sample scenarios
    Rename the Log4j configuration file
    Start the database
    Configure the integration
      Add a connector landscape
      Configure connector properties
      Set up project mappings
      Configure security settings
      Configure a proxy server (optional)
      Specify log and email settings
    Start connector services
    Start synchronizing artifacts
  Set up the TeamForge connector (2.x)
  Upgrade trackers to the TeamForge 5.4 layout
  Upgrade the connector framework
    Migrate to the TeamForge connector (2.0)
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.1
    Upgrade to CCF 1.5.0
  Set up the Eclipse user interface for remote access
    Install the Eclipse user interface
    Import self-signed SSL certificates
    Connect using SSH
       Generate an SSH key pair
       Set up an SSH tunnel
    Add a connector landscape
    Configure connector properties
    Set up project mappings
    Start synchronizing artifacts
  ScrumWorks Pro - TeamForge integration reference
    Connector roles in TeamForge
    Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Product Backlog Item and TeamForge Tracker
    Mapping for ScrumWorks Pro Task and TeamForge Tracker
    Limitations of the connector
  Best Practices, Frequently Asked Questions and more
    What are the connector requirements for TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    What artifacts are synchronized?
    How are SWP Product Backlog Items synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
    How are SWP Tasks synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
    How is SWP MetaData synchronized with TeamForge artifacts?
    What are the CCF perspective and views?
    What is the central database?
    What are artifact conflicts and how are they handled?
    What is the artifact hospital?
    Where can I find the logs?
    How do I back up the connector?
    How do I pause synchronization?
    How do I handle failed artifacts?
    Why do the user and resync user need to be dedicated connector users?
    Why do you need a connector user and a resync user?
    Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?
    Can I use the same CCF GUI for both ScrumWorks Pro and Quality Center integrations with TeamForge?
    How do I uninstall the connector?
  Release Notes
    TeamForge Connector 2.0
    Version 1.5.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Limitations of the connector
    Version 1.5
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Limitations of the connector
    Version 1.4.0
      Limitations of the connector
TeamForge Connector Guide
  Set up the TeamForge connector
    Install the TeamForge connector server
    Configure the connector server
    Run as a service
      Run as a Windows service
      Run as a Linux service
    Register the connector with Quality Center 11
    Define the connector scenario
      Create a connector scenario (HP Quality Center)
      Create a connector scenario (ScrumWorks Pro)
    Work with the connector
  Set up a separate dummy service
    Run the dummy service (TeamForge connector distribution)
    Run the dummy service (Quick install)
  Import TeamForge's self-signed SSL certificate
  Use the CollabNet Desktop for Windows
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector site
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping
        Templatize a field mapping
        Edit an active field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
        Use graphical mapping
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Use the CollabNet Desktop for Eclipse
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping
        Templatize a field mapping
        Edit an active field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
        Use graphical mapping
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Use the TeamForge web interface
    What connector functionality can you access in the web interface?
    HP Quality Center connector
      Configure connector properties
      Work with repository mappings
      Manage field mapping templates
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Configure connector properties
      Work with repository mappings
  Upgrade the TeamForge connector
    Migrate to TeamForge connector 2.0
    Upgrade to TeamForge connector 2.1
  Back up and restore data
    Back up the connector
    Restore the connector
  Frequently asked questions
  Reference information
    Configuration settings
    TeamForge connector API
    CollabNet Connector Framework wiki
      How to get started
      Things to do before getting started
      Best practices
      Graphical mapping (with Altova MapForce)
      Resynching new artifacts
      Advanced user documentation
      Technical documentation
    TeamForge connector wiki
      Graphical mapping (with built-in editor)
      Runtime configuration properties
      config2.xml properties
    How to use mapping rules - blog post
    Advanced usage of the graphical mapping feature - blog post
  Release highlights
    TeamForge connector 2.1
     TeamForge connector 2.0
  Set up the TeamForge connector
    Install the TeamForge connector server
    Configure the connector server
    Run as a service
      Run as a Windows service
      Run as a Linux service
    Register the connector with Quality Center 11
    Define the connector scenario
      Create a connector scenario (HP Quality Center)
      Create a connector scenario (ScrumWorks Pro)
    Work with the connector
  Set up a separate dummy service
    Run the dummy service (TeamForge connector distribution)
    Run the dummy service (Quick install)
  Import TeamForge's self-signed SSL certificate
  Use the CollabNet Desktop for Windows
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector site
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping
        Templatize a field mapping
        Edit an active field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
        Use graphical mapping
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Use the CollabNet Desktop for Eclipse
    What connector functionality can you access in your Desktop?
    Add a TeamForge connector
    Configure connector properties
    HP Quality Center connector
      Add a repository mapping
      Field mappings
        Create a field mapping
        Templatize a field mapping
        Edit an active field mapping
        Switch the active field mapping
        Export a field mapping template
        Import a field mapping template
        Use graphical mapping
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Add a repository mapping
    Synchronize artifacts
    View log files
    Examine identity mappings
    Manage failed connector shipments
    Monitor connector status
  Use the TeamForge web interface
    What connector functionality can you access in the web interface?
    HP Quality Center connector
      Configure connector properties
      Work with repository mappings
      Manage field mapping templates
    ScrumWorks Pro connector
      Configure connector properties
      Work with repository mappings
  Upgrade the TeamForge connector
    Migrate to TeamForge connector 2.0
    Upgrade to TeamForge connector 2.1
  Back up and restore data
    Back up the connector
    Restore the connector
  Frequently asked questions
  Reference information
    Configuration settings
    TeamForge connector API
    CollabNet Connector Framework wiki
      How to get started
      Things to do before getting started
      Best practices
      Graphical mapping (with Altova MapForce)
      Resynching new artifacts
      Advanced user documentation
      Technical documentation
    TeamForge connector wiki
      Graphical mapping (with built-in editor)
      Runtime configuration properties
      config2.xml properties
    How to use mapping rules - blog post
    Advanced usage of the graphical mapping feature - blog post
  Release highlights
    TeamForge connector 2.1
     TeamForge connector 2.0
TeamForge Git integration 7.0.1
  TeamForge Git integration
  Set up the TeamForge Git integration
    Requirements for the TeamForge Git integration
    Install the TeamForge Git integration
    Upgrade the TeamForge Git integration
    Reconfigure the TeamForge Git integration
    Uninstall the TeamForge Git integration
  Work with Gerrit
    Add Gerrit as a linked application
    Control the code review policy
      Mandatory review
      Optional review
      Default review
      Custom review
      Code review policies: mappings
      Notes on customizing your code review policy
      Set up a code review process for TeamForge Git repositories
      Gerrit Code Review policies FAQ
      Gerrit Code Review workflow FAQ
      Gerrit Code Review slide deck
    Add a TeamForge user to Gerrit Administrators
    Update Git repository access rights in Gerrit
    Manage Gerrit access rights outside TeamForge
    Managing branch-level permissions in Git
    Set up Code Search for the TeamForge Git integration
    History protection
      Enable history protection
      History protection reports
      History protection FAQ
      History protection - slide deck
      Comparison with Git reflog
    Gerrit configuration
      Memory settings
      sshd settings
      Database settings
      log4j settings
  Integration with Jenkins
  TeamForge Git integration: FAQ
    Install FAQ
    Post-install FAQ
    General usage FAQ
    Upgrade and Uninstall FAQ
    Technical concepts FAQ
  TeamForge Git integration reference
    Gerrit directory structure, connectivity and more
    TeamForge Git integration with the CollabNet Desktops
    TeamForge Git integration archives
      Mappings between TeamForge and Gerrit
  Release notes
    TeamForge Git integration 7.0.1
      Fixed issues
    TeamForge Git integration 7.0.0
      New features
      Fixed issues
  TeamForge Git integration
  Set up the TeamForge Git integration
    Requirements for the TeamForge Git integration
    Install the TeamForge Git integration
    Upgrade the TeamForge Git integration
    Reconfigure the TeamForge Git integration
    Uninstall the TeamForge Git integration
  Work with Gerrit
    Add Gerrit as a linked application
    Control the code review policy
      Mandatory review
      Optional review
      Default review
      Custom review
      Code review policies: mappings
      Notes on customizing your code review policy
      Set up a code review process for TeamForge Git repositories
      Gerrit Code Review policies FAQ
      Gerrit Code Review workflow FAQ
      Gerrit Code Review slide deck
    Add a TeamForge user to Gerrit Administrators
    Update Git repository access rights in Gerrit
    Manage Gerrit access rights outside TeamForge
    Managing branch-level permissions in Git
    Set up Code Search for the TeamForge Git integration
    History protection
      Enable history protection
      History protection reports
      History protection FAQ
      History protection - slide deck
      Comparison with Git reflog
    Gerrit configuration
      Memory settings
      sshd settings
      Database settings
      log4j settings
  Integration with Jenkins
  TeamForge Git integration: FAQ
    Install FAQ
    Post-install FAQ
    General usage FAQ
    Upgrade and Uninstall FAQ
    Technical concepts FAQ
  TeamForge Git integration reference
    Gerrit directory structure, connectivity and more
    TeamForge Git integration with the CollabNet Desktops
    TeamForge Git integration archives
      Mappings between TeamForge and Gerrit
  Release notes
    TeamForge Git integration 7.0.1
      Fixed issues
    TeamForge Git integration 7.0.0
      New features
      Fixed issues
CollabNet Lab Management
  CollabNet Lab Management
  Lab Management User Guide
    Help for project members
      Get an account on this system
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Create a profile from a host
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
        Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
      Allocate a host from a cloud
      Access an Ubuntu desktop
      Project member FAQ
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my TeamForge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a TeamForge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a TeamForge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Help for project administrators
      Set up hardware for your team to use
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
      Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
        Install the Lab Management Cloud plugin
        Configure the Lab Management Cloud plugin
        Run a job on a Lab Management host
      Project administrator FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Help for site administrators
      Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Manage profiles
        Add a profile to the domain
        Modify the XML definition for a profile
        Stop using a profile
          Delete a profile
          Disable a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
      Site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Lab Management reference
      Log files
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
  Lab Management Administration Guide
      Lab Management concepts
         Lab Management Domain
         Client nodes
        Lab Management Users and Roles
       Lab Management components
      Requirements for the Lab Management Manager server
       Lab Management Network requirements
    Install the Lab Management domain
      Decide on a Lab Management deployment scenario
        Direct-Access deployment
        Isolated-Access deployment of Lab Management
        Mixed-Access deployment
       Note design considerations for allocating a subnet
      Collect network deployment information
      Determine the arrangement of the Infrastructure nodes
      Set up the Lab Management Manager node
        Prepare a host to be a Lab Management Manager node
        Create the Manager node
        Customize the site configuration file
        Run the installer
        Allow access to the main site from Lab Management
      Create the Primary Active Directory server
      Create the Secondary Active Directory server (Optional)
      Create Solaris SPARC Bootserver (Optional)
      Create the Windows Deployment Services server (Optional)
    Integrate Lab Management with CollabNet TeamForge
      Manage users
        Create a user in Lab Management
        Change Lab Management password
        Lock out users from projects
        Lock out users from the site
      Configure a TeamForge instance for Lab Management
    Integrate Lab Management with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Manage users
        Create a user in Lab Management
        Change Lab Management password
        Lock out users from projects
        Lock out users from the site
      Configure a CEE instance for Lab Management
        Set up roles in CEE
        Set up users in CEE
        Set up permissions in CEE
        Set up projects in CEE
    Set up the hardware for Lab Management client nodes
      Set up HP ProLiant DLxxx Series and BLxxx Series Blade servers
        Set up the Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) firmware
        Configure BIOS settings
        Prepare an HP iLO/RILO system for Lab Management
        Workaround for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
      Set up Sun Microsystems SPARC servers using ALOM/RSC
        Upgrade OBP firmware
        Configure OBP settings for Lab Management
        Configure ALOM settings for Lab Management
      Set up PXE-Based x86/x86_64 servers with APC79xx manageable PDU
        Configure BIOS settings
      Register hardware in Lab Management
      Add projects and profiles
        Add a project to the domain
        Add a profile to the domain
        Assign a profile to a project
      Add a client node to the Lab Management domain
    Upgrade Lab Management
    System administrator tasks on the Manager node
      Manage jobs
    Miscellaneous tasks
      Create a Windows Server 2003 image
      Configure an ESX server as an unmanaged node
      Add Windows images to the WDS server
        Add Windows install and boot images using the GUI
        Add Windows install and boot images using WDSUTIL
    Lab Management administration FAQ
      Naming conventions for your Lab Management installation
      Integration with TeamForge or CEE
         Does a user deleted in TeamForge or CEE get deleted from Lab Management?
         How do projects work in Lab Management?
         How do roles and permissions work in Lab Management?
         What is the performance impact of Lab Management onTeamForge?
         What is the performance impact of Lab Management on CEE?
         Is Lab Management compatible with TeamForge or CEE upgrades?
         Can Lab Management be branded like CEE?
    Lab Management administration reference
      Hardware requirements for client nodes
      Software requirements for client nodes
      Lab Management Pre-deployment checklist
  Release Notes
    Lab Management Release Notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.5.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.5
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.4.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.4.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.4
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.4
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.3
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.1
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.2.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CUBiT 2.1 Release notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CUBiT 2.0 Release Notes
    CUBiT 1.5 Release notes
  CollabNet Lab Management
  Lab Management User Guide
    Help for project members
      Get an account on this system
      What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
      Find an available host to use
      Allocate yourself a Lab Management machine
      Compare profiles or profile versions
      Create a profile from a host
      Rebuild a system
      Log into a Lab Management system
        Log into a UNIX system
        Log into a Windows system
        Set up a tunnel with PuTTY
        Set up a VNC server on TeamForge Lab Management
        Connect to a VNC server from your desktop
      Transfer files in and out of the system
        Transfer files with WebDAV
          Connect to WebDAV with Windows Explorer on Windows XP
          Connect to WebDAV with Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP
          Connecting to WebDAV with Mac OS X
          Connect to WebDAV with Nautilus on Linux
        Transfer files with SFTP
        Connect to TeamForge Lab Management with Windows Remote Desktop
      Find a build
      Connect to network services outside TeamForge Lab Management
        Reach a TeamForge Lab Management server from the outside
        Reach outside destinations from within TeamForge Lab Management
      Allocate a host from a cloud
      Access an Ubuntu desktop
      Project member FAQ
        How do files get in and out of the system?
        How can I improve response time on my TeamForge Lab Management box?
        How is installing software on a TeamForge Lab Management system different from installing on my own machine?
        What happens when I change a TeamForge Lab Management password?
        What is the Project Build Library?
          What is in the project build library?
        What is the profile library?
          What can I find out about a profile?
          How do I select a profile?
          What types of comparisons can I do?
          What kinds of diffs can I get?
        What is a cloud in Lab Management?
          Is my system down?
          Why are my credentials rejected?
          Why is my system unstable?
          Why is my system slow?
          How can I speed up downloads from the Project Build Library?
          Can I check a directory every night and only download new files or files that have changed?
        What Lab Management systems are assigned to me?
        How do users get their hands on a build?
        How do I get files out of the Project Build Library?
        Can I delete files and directories from the build library?
    Help for project administrators
      Set up hardware for your team to use
      Reallocate a system
      Edit a project
      Dictate which profiles can be used in your project
      Deliver a build
        Get the PBL upload client
        Upload a file
        Change the description of a file
        Move a file
      Allow clouds in a project
      Provision a Continuous Integration server from a cloud
        Install the Lab Management Cloud plugin
        Configure the Lab Management Cloud plugin
        Run a job on a Lab Management host
      Project administrator FAQ
        How are my project systems being utilized?
        Who controls which profiles can be used in a project?
        What is involved in administrating profiles?
        Can I get more systems for my project?
        What is the correct procedure for modifying a hosted Lab Manager profile?
    Help for site administrators
      Set up a new TeamForge Lab Management project
      Move hosts from one project to another
      Forward a port
      Stop port forwarding
      Set up host URL mapping
      Stop URL mapping
      Delete a project
      Undelete a project
      Expand your domain with virtual guests
        Create a virtual guest
        Migrate a virtual guest
        Delete a virtual guest
      Manage profiles
        Add a profile to the domain
        Modify the XML definition for a profile
        Stop using a profile
          Delete a profile
          Disable a profile
        Enable a profile
      Administer clouds
        Add a new cloud
        Add a cloud host
        Define a host type
        Delete a cloud
      Site administrator FAQ
        What is an audit log?
        What happens when I move a machine between projects?
        What is port forwarding?
        What is host URL mapping?
        How does host URL mapping compare with port forwarding?
        Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
        How are virtual guests different from physical machines?
        What is involved in migrating a virtual guest?
        What's a good way to read log information?
        How are systems in my domain being utilized?
    Use the TeamForge Lab Management API
    Lab Management reference
      Log files
        Project Build Library audit log
        Profile audit log
        User Audit Log
        Host audit log
        Project audit log
  Lab Management Administration Guide
      Lab Management concepts
         Lab Management Domain
         Client nodes
        Lab Management Users and Roles
       Lab Management components
      Requirements for the Lab Management Manager server
       Lab Management Network requirements
    Install the Lab Management domain
      Decide on a Lab Management deployment scenario
        Direct-Access deployment
        Isolated-Access deployment of Lab Management
        Mixed-Access deployment
       Note design considerations for allocating a subnet
      Collect network deployment information
      Determine the arrangement of the Infrastructure nodes
      Set up the Lab Management Manager node
        Prepare a host to be a Lab Management Manager node
        Create the Manager node
        Customize the site configuration file
        Run the installer
        Allow access to the main site from Lab Management
      Create the Primary Active Directory server
      Create the Secondary Active Directory server (Optional)
      Create Solaris SPARC Bootserver (Optional)
      Create the Windows Deployment Services server (Optional)
    Integrate Lab Management with CollabNet TeamForge
      Manage users
        Create a user in Lab Management
        Change Lab Management password
        Lock out users from projects
        Lock out users from the site
      Configure a TeamForge instance for Lab Management
    Integrate Lab Management with CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Manage users
        Create a user in Lab Management
        Change Lab Management password
        Lock out users from projects
        Lock out users from the site
      Configure a CEE instance for Lab Management
        Set up roles in CEE
        Set up users in CEE
        Set up permissions in CEE
        Set up projects in CEE
    Set up the hardware for Lab Management client nodes
      Set up HP ProLiant DLxxx Series and BLxxx Series Blade servers
        Set up the Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) firmware
        Configure BIOS settings
        Prepare an HP iLO/RILO system for Lab Management
        Workaround for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
      Set up Sun Microsystems SPARC servers using ALOM/RSC
        Upgrade OBP firmware
        Configure OBP settings for Lab Management
        Configure ALOM settings for Lab Management
      Set up PXE-Based x86/x86_64 servers with APC79xx manageable PDU
        Configure BIOS settings
      Register hardware in Lab Management
      Add projects and profiles
        Add a project to the domain
        Add a profile to the domain
        Assign a profile to a project
      Add a client node to the Lab Management domain
    Upgrade Lab Management
    System administrator tasks on the Manager node
      Manage jobs
    Miscellaneous tasks
      Create a Windows Server 2003 image
      Configure an ESX server as an unmanaged node
      Add Windows images to the WDS server
        Add Windows install and boot images using the GUI
        Add Windows install and boot images using WDSUTIL
    Lab Management administration FAQ
      Naming conventions for your Lab Management installation
      Integration with TeamForge or CEE
         Does a user deleted in TeamForge or CEE get deleted from Lab Management?
         How do projects work in Lab Management?
         How do roles and permissions work in Lab Management?
         What is the performance impact of Lab Management onTeamForge?
         What is the performance impact of Lab Management on CEE?
         Is Lab Management compatible with TeamForge or CEE upgrades?
         Can Lab Management be branded like CEE?
    Lab Management administration reference
      Hardware requirements for client nodes
      Software requirements for client nodes
      Lab Management Pre-deployment checklist
  Release Notes
    Lab Management Release Notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.5.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.5
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.4.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.4.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.4
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.4
      Resolved issues
      Upgrade notes
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.3
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3.1
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.3
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.2.1
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CollabNet Lab Management 2.2
      Added features
      Resolved issues
      Known Issues
    CUBiT 2.1 Release notes
      Added features
      Resolved issues
    CUBiT 2.0 Release Notes
    CUBiT 1.5 Release notes
CollabNet Enterprise Edition Release Notes
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.3
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.3
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.2
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.2
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.2.1
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0(Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2(Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2 (Korean)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Korean)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.5
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.5 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.5 (Korean)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.5
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.5.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.5
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.1.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.1.0
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.0.1
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.3
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.3
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.2
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.2
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.2.1
      CollabNet Enterprise Edition
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.1.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0(Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 5.0.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2(Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.2 (Korean)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Korean)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.5.1 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.5
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.5 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.5 (Korean)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.1.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0 (Chinese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0 (Japanese)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 4.0 (Korean)
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.5
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.5.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.5
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.1.1
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition (Patch)
    CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.1.0
  CollabNet Enterprise Edition 3.0.1
CollabNet Enterprise Edition Administrator Guide
    About CollabNet
    Domain administration basics
    Getting support
  Supporting domain users
    Managing User Access to Projects
      Roles and permissions
      Adding users to the domain
      Editing user account information
      Locked user accounts
      Deleting User accounts
      Allowing guest users
      Viewing user sessions
      Viewing and filtering user lists
    Managing multiple users
      About user groups
      Creating user groups
      Editing user groups
      Assigning roles and permissions to user groups
    Supporting user languages
      About language preferences
      Defining language preferences
  Supporting project owners
    Providing Project Templates
      Creating templates for a project
      About the file
      Creating and enabling a template
      Importing a template
    Project groups
      About project groups
      Creating project groups
      Editing project groups
      Adding users to project groups
    Project categories
      About project categories
      Creating categories
      Editing categories
      Adding users to categories
      Managing user roles in categories
    Administrating Project Tracker
      About global artifact types
      Defining global artifact types
      About global attributes
       Configuring a user attribute
      Ordering list elements in attributes
      About global queries
      About user roles and permissions in Project Tracker
      Accepting user contributions
      Hiding artifact types
    Licensing projects
      About licenses
      Creating a license
      Deleting a license
  Customizing your domain
    Controlling content and language
    Adding content with snippets
    Controlling look and feel
    Branding files
    Modifying files
    Using the CollabNet stylesheets
  Administration pages
    The Domain Options page
    The Community Tab
  Administering the site
    Acronyms and specialized terms
    Installing CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Installation requirements
      Configuring DNS
      Running the installer
      Customizing your install
      Starting and stopping CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Sample site-options.conf
      Installer log files
    Authenticating users with SSL and x.509 certificates
      Site options that control SSL
      Setting up SSL with server authentication
      Setting up SSL with x.509 authentication
      Turning off SSL
    Patching CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      About patches
      Installing a patch
      Rolling back a patch
      The patch manifest file
    Backing up CollabNet Enterprise Edition data onsite
      Backing up MySQL database data
      Backing up Subversion data
      Backing up application data
    Monitoring CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Monitoring the JVM and MySQL processes
      Monitoring Project Tracker
      Monitoring the indexer
      Monitoring the reporting service
    Reference information about CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      CEE 4.5.2 configuration files
      CEE 4.5.2 log files
    About CollabNet
    Domain administration basics
    Getting support
  Supporting domain users
    Managing User Access to Projects
      Roles and permissions
      Adding users to the domain
      Editing user account information
      Locked user accounts
      Deleting User accounts
      Allowing guest users
      Viewing user sessions
      Viewing and filtering user lists
    Managing multiple users
      About user groups
      Creating user groups
      Editing user groups
      Assigning roles and permissions to user groups
    Supporting user languages
      About language preferences
      Defining language preferences
  Supporting project owners
    Providing Project Templates
      Creating templates for a project
      About the file
      Creating and enabling a template
      Importing a template
    Project groups
      About project groups
      Creating project groups
      Editing project groups
      Adding users to project groups
    Project categories
      About project categories
      Creating categories
      Editing categories
      Adding users to categories
      Managing user roles in categories
    Administrating Project Tracker
      About global artifact types
      Defining global artifact types
      About global attributes
       Configuring a user attribute
      Ordering list elements in attributes
      About global queries
      About user roles and permissions in Project Tracker
      Accepting user contributions
      Hiding artifact types
    Licensing projects
      About licenses
      Creating a license
      Deleting a license
  Customizing your domain
    Controlling content and language
    Adding content with snippets
    Controlling look and feel
    Branding files
    Modifying files
    Using the CollabNet stylesheets
  Administration pages
    The Domain Options page
    The Community Tab
  Administering the site
    Acronyms and specialized terms
    Installing CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Installation requirements
      Configuring DNS
      Running the installer
      Customizing your install
      Starting and stopping CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Sample site-options.conf
      Installer log files
    Authenticating users with SSL and x.509 certificates
      Site options that control SSL
      Setting up SSL with server authentication
      Setting up SSL with x.509 authentication
      Turning off SSL
    Patching CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      About patches
      Installing a patch
      Rolling back a patch
      The patch manifest file
    Backing up CollabNet Enterprise Edition data onsite
      Backing up MySQL database data
      Backing up Subversion data
      Backing up application data
    Monitoring CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      Monitoring the JVM and MySQL processes
      Monitoring Project Tracker
      Monitoring the indexer
      Monitoring the reporting service
    Reference information about CollabNet Enterprise Edition
      CEE 4.5.2 configuration files
      CEE 4.5.2 log files
Downloadable help
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      TeamForge 6.1 User Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      TeamForge 6.2 User Guide
      TeamForge 6.2 System Administrator Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      TeamForge 6.1.1 User Guide
      TeamForge 6.1.1 System Administrator Guide (CentOS)
      TeamForge 6.1.1 System Administrator Guide (Red Hat)
      TeamForge 6.1.1 System Administrator Guide (SuSE)
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      TeamForge 6.1 User Guide
      TeamForge 6.1 System Administrator Guide (CentOS)
      TeamForge 6.1 System Administrator Guide (Red Hat)
      TeamForge 6.1 System Administrator Guide (SuSE)
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      TeamForge 5.4 User Guide
      TeamForge 5.4 Project Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.4 Site Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.4 System Administrator Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
      TeamForge 5.3 User Guide
      TeamForge 5.3 Project Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.3 Site Administrator Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2
      TeamForge 5.2 User Guide
      TeamForge 5.2 Project Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.2 Site Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.2 System Administrator Guide
    CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Windows Edition User Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      TeamForge 6.1 User Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.2
      TeamForge 6.2 User Guide
      TeamForge 6.2 System Administrator Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.1.1
      TeamForge 6.1.1 User Guide
      TeamForge 6.1.1 System Administrator Guide (CentOS)
      TeamForge 6.1.1 System Administrator Guide (Red Hat)
      TeamForge 6.1.1 System Administrator Guide (SuSE)
    CollabNet TeamForge 6.1
      TeamForge 6.1 User Guide
      TeamForge 6.1 System Administrator Guide (CentOS)
      TeamForge 6.1 System Administrator Guide (Red Hat)
      TeamForge 6.1 System Administrator Guide (SuSE)
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.4
      TeamForge 5.4 User Guide
      TeamForge 5.4 Project Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.4 Site Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.4 System Administrator Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.3
      TeamForge 5.3 User Guide
      TeamForge 5.3 Project Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.3 Site Administrator Guide
    CollabNet TeamForge 5.2
      TeamForge 5.2 User Guide
      TeamForge 5.2 Project Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.2 Site Administrator Guide
      TeamForge 5.2 System Administrator Guide
    CollabNet Desktop - Microsoft Windows Edition User Guide
  Overview of AnkhSVN
  Background knowledge
    What is AnkSVN?
    What is the Repository Explorer?
    What is the Working Copy Explorer?
    What is the Pending Changes view?
      What is the Local File Changes view?
      What is the Issues view?
      What is the Recent Changes view?
      What is the Conflicts and Merges view?
  Get started
    Install AnkhSVN
    Enable AnkhSVN for source control
    Connect a project to AnkhSVN
    Add a solution to a repository
    Explore a repository
    Add your working copy to the Working Copy Explorer
  Version control operations
    Check out a solution
      Open a solution from Subversion
      Check out from the Repository Explorer
    Update your working copy
    Perform a Subversion operation from Pending Changes
    Commit your changes
      Commit your changes
      Check in a new item
    Get and release locks
      Lock an item
      Unlock an item
    Undo changes
    Revert an item to a specific revision
    Find out who made what changes to a line
    Branch, tag and merge changes
      Create a branch or tag
      Switch to a branch
      Merge changes
    Compare differences
    View revision history
    Create and apply patches
      Create a patch
      Apply a patch
    Add an item to a changelist
    Add a Subversion property
    Clean up the working copy
    Integrate an issue tracker
      Connect to an issue tracker
      Associate an issue with a commit
      Update issue status when you commit
      Open an issue while viewing history
  Configure an external tool
  Overview of AnkhSVN
  Background knowledge
    What is AnkSVN?
    What is the Repository Explorer?
    What is the Working Copy Explorer?
    What is the Pending Changes view?
      What is the Local File Changes view?
      What is the Issues view?
      What is the Recent Changes view?
      What is the Conflicts and Merges view?
  Get started
    Install AnkhSVN
    Enable AnkhSVN for source control
    Connect a project to AnkhSVN
    Add a solution to a repository
    Explore a repository
    Add your working copy to the Working Copy Explorer
  Version control operations
    Check out a solution
      Open a solution from Subversion
      Check out from the Repository Explorer
    Update your working copy
    Perform a Subversion operation from Pending Changes
    Commit your changes
      Commit your changes
      Check in a new item
    Get and release locks
      Lock an item
      Unlock an item
    Undo changes
    Revert an item to a specific revision
    Find out who made what changes to a line
    Branch, tag and merge changes
      Create a branch or tag
      Switch to a branch
      Merge changes
    Compare differences
    View revision history
    Create and apply patches
      Create a patch
      Apply a patch
    Add an item to a changelist
    Add a Subversion property
    Clean up the working copy
    Integrate an issue tracker
      Connect to an issue tracker
      Associate an issue with a commit
      Update issue status when you commit
      Open an issue while viewing history
  Configure an external tool
CollabNet Build and Test
CollabNet Release Notes
  Release notes index
  Release notes index
Project Tracker
  Organize your work with Project Tracker
    Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Run a simple query
      Run a simple query with user info
      Run a simple query using the URL
      Search for artifacts by their artifact ID
      Run an advanced query
      Run an advanced query to find a user
      Query multiple projects
      Query for a change in an attribute's value
      Configure the display of query results
      Save a query
      Managing saved queries
      Automate queries with wget
      Automate queries with cURL
    Work with Project Tracker artifacts
      Create an artifact
      Copy an artifact
      Modify multiple artifacts
      Set an artifact identifier
      Create dependencies among artifacts
      Associate users with artifacts
        Set user attributes
        Change a user's association with an artifact
        Change user associations in multiple artifacts
        Associate multiple artifacts with a user
        Remove user associations from an artifact
        Remove user associations from multiple artifacts
      Export artifacts as XML
      Import artifacts from XML
      Attach files to an artifact
      Replace an attachment in an artifact
      Comment on duplicate artifacts
      Create an artifact template
      Use an artifact template
    Automate exports with wget
    Report on Project Tracker activity
      Report on user activities
      Add or remove artifact types in your report
      Create reports by date
      Customize your report headings
      Export a saved report
      View reports on the web
      Reuse a report
  Run your project with Project Tracker
    Add a global query to a project
    Add a global query to a project automatically
    Create a filter-based dependency rule
    Create an action-based dependency rule
    Create a "make required" action
    Create a "set a value" action
    Find an action-based rule
    Edit an action based rule
    Add a new global artifact type to a project
    Use Project Tracker in your TeamForge project
  Support projects with Project Tracker
    Provide global artifact types and attributes
      Define a global artifact type
      Remove a global artifact type
      Define a global attribute
      Delete a global attribute
      Modify a global attribute
      Define a global user attribute
      Define a global query
      Define global project defaults
    Install Project Tracker in TeamForge
    Configure Project Tracker in TeamForge
    Handle user submissions
    Modify an attribute group
    Modify a user attribute
    Move an attribute between attribute groups
    Modify an artifact type
    Send automatic email notifications
    Check for duplicate artifacts
    Find an action-based rule
    Manage Project Tracker workflow
      Create a global state model
      Define transitions between attribute options
      Edit the state model
      Associate a role with a state model for the whole site
      Associate a role with a state model at the project level
      Associate a state attribute with a global artifact type
      Create a state attribute
      Delete state attributes
      Copy a state attribute
      Lock a state attribute
    Move Project Tracker data around
      Export Project Tracker data as XML
      Import XML data into Project Tracker
  Frequently asked questions about Project Tracker
    User FAQ
      What is a Project Tracker artifact?
      What is a global artifact type?
      What can I do with an artifact?
      What kind of information should I put in an artifact?
      How do I handle duplicate artifacts?
      What happens when my artifact depends on another artifact?
      Why would I use an artifact template?
      How do attachments work?
      What is an attribute?
      What is a global attribute?
      What is a user attribute?
      What is the difference between a global attribute and a user attribute?
      What is a state attribute?
      How does search work?
      How is Project Tracker search different from other popular search tools?
      What kinds of queries can I use?
      What operators does the Project Tracker search tool take?
      Can I query more than one project at the same time?
      What is a global query?
      Why won't my Project Tracker query run?
      What Project Tracker data can I report on?
      What does it mean for a user to be associated with an artifact?
      How should I handle user submissions?
      What happens when I export artifacts from my project?
      What determines what a project member can do in Project Tracker?
      What should a data export script look like?
      What happens when I import artifacts into my project?
      What is a Project Tracker namespace?
      What is an activity signature?
      Is Project Tracker a collaboration tool or a work tracking tool?
    Project manager FAQ
      Is Project Tracker a collaboration tool or a work tracking tool?
      What is a dependent attribute?
      What actions can an action-based dependency rule do?
      Can I assign the same target attribute to different values of the same conditional attribute?
    Domain administrator FAQ
      What is involved in administrating Project Tracker?
      What is an artifact type?
      What is an artifact type? (proj admin version)
      What can I do with artifact types?
      How do I avoid creating duplicate artifacts?
      How can I enforce the workflow I've designed?
      How does XML import work?
  Reference information about Project Tracker
    Project Tracker Artifact XML Format
    Project Tracker screens
  Organize your work with Project Tracker
    Find Project Tracker artifacts
      Run a simple query
      Run a simple query with user info
      Run a simple query using the URL
      Search for artifacts by their artifact ID
      Run an advanced query
      Run an advanced query to find a user
      Query multiple projects
      Query for a change in an attribute's value
      Configure the display of query results
      Save a query
      Managing saved queries
      Automate queries with wget
      Automate queries with cURL
    Work with Project Tracker artifacts
      Create an artifact
      Copy an artifact
      Modify multiple artifacts
      Set an artifact identifier
      Create dependencies among artifacts
      Associate users with artifacts
        Set user attributes
        Change a user's association with an artifact
        Change user associations in multiple artifacts
        Associate multiple artifacts with a user
        Remove user associations from an artifact
        Remove user associations from multiple artifacts
      Export artifacts as XML
      Import artifacts from XML
      Attach files to an artifact
      Replace an attachment in an artifact
      Comment on duplicate artifacts
      Create an artifact template
      Use an artifact template
    Automate exports with wget
    Report on Project Tracker activity
      Report on user activities
      Add or remove artifact types in your report
      Create reports by date
      Customize your report headings
      Export a saved report
      View reports on the web
      Reuse a report
  Run your project with Project Tracker
    Add a global query to a project
    Add a global query to a project automatically
    Create a filter-based dependency rule
    Create an action-based dependency rule
    Create a "make required" action
    Create a "set a value" action
    Find an action-based rule
    Edit an action based rule
    Add a new global artifact type to a project
    Use Project Tracker in your TeamForge project
  Support projects with Project Tracker
    Provide global artifact types and attributes
      Define a global artifact type
      Remove a global artifact type
      Define a global attribute
      Delete a global attribute
      Modify a global attribute
      Define a global user attribute
      Define a global query
      Define global project defaults
    Install Project Tracker in TeamForge
    Configure Project Tracker in TeamForge
    Handle user submissions
    Modify an attribute group
    Modify a user attribute
    Move an attribute between attribute groups
    Modify an artifact type
    Send automatic email notifications
    Check for duplicate artifacts
    Find an action-based rule
    Manage Project Tracker workflow
      Create a global state model
      Define transitions between attribute options
      Edit the state model
      Associate a role with a state model for the whole site
      Associate a role with a state model at the project level
      Associate a state attribute with a global artifact type
      Create a state attribute
      Delete state attributes
      Copy a state attribute
      Lock a state attribute
    Move Project Tracker data around
      Export Project Tracker data as XML
      Import XML data into Project Tracker
  Frequently asked questions about Project Tracker
    User FAQ
      What is a Project Tracker artifact?
      What is a global artifact type?
      What can I do with an artifact?
      What kind of information should I put in an artifact?
      How do I handle duplicate artifacts?
      What happens when my artifact depends on another artifact?
      Why would I use an artifact template?
      How do attachments work?
      What is an attribute?
      What is a global attribute?
      What is a user attribute?
      What is the difference between a global attribute and a user attribute?
      What is a state attribute?
      How does search work?
      How is Project Tracker search different from other popular search tools?
      What kinds of queries can I use?
      What operators does the Project Tracker search tool take?
      Can I query more than one project at the same time?
      What is a global query?
      Why won't my Project Tracker query run?
      What Project Tracker data can I report on?
      What does it mean for a user to be associated with an artifact?
      How should I handle user submissions?
      What happens when I export artifacts from my project?
      What determines what a project member can do in Project Tracker?
      What should a data export script look like?
      What happens when I import artifacts into my project?
      What is a Project Tracker namespace?
      What is an activity signature?
      Is Project Tracker a collaboration tool or a work tracking tool?
    Project manager FAQ
      Is Project Tracker a collaboration tool or a work tracking tool?
      What is a dependent attribute?
      What actions can an action-based dependency rule do?
      Can I assign the same target attribute to different values of the same conditional attribute?
    Domain administrator FAQ
      What is involved in administrating Project Tracker?
      What is an artifact type?
      What is an artifact type? (proj admin version)
      What can I do with artifact types?
      How do I avoid creating duplicate artifacts?
      How can I enforce the workflow I've designed?
      How does XML import work?
  Reference information about Project Tracker
    Project Tracker Artifact XML Format
    Project Tracker screens
Subclipse - Subversion Eclipse Plugin
  A Quick Start Guide and Reference
  Getting Started
    Creating a New Repository Location
    Import a New Project into a SVN Repository
    Connect an Existing Project with SVN
    Checking out a Project
    Edit, Update, Commit
    Using the Synchronize View
    Creating and Applying Patches
    Maintaining branches
    Repository Exploring Perspective
    Team Synchronizing Perspective
      Annotate View
      Console View
      History View
      Properties View
      Repository View
    Team Menu
      Team Synchronizing Perspective
      Create Patch
      Apply Patch
      History View
      Annotate View
      Properties View
      Set a SVN Property
      Add To Version Control
      Add to svn:ignore
      Configure Branches/Tags
      Edit Conflicts
      Mark Resolved
    Compare menu
    Replace menu
    Other Actions
      Checking out a Project
      Resource Properties tab
      Relocate Repository
    Support for SVN Protocols
  Quick Reference for Command Line Users
  Tips and Tricks
  A Quick Start Guide and Reference
  Getting Started
    Creating a New Repository Location
    Import a New Project into a SVN Repository
    Connect an Existing Project with SVN
    Checking out a Project
    Edit, Update, Commit
    Using the Synchronize View
    Creating and Applying Patches
    Maintaining branches
    Repository Exploring Perspective
    Team Synchronizing Perspective
      Annotate View
      Console View
      History View
      Properties View
      Repository View
    Team Menu
      Team Synchronizing Perspective
      Create Patch
      Apply Patch
      History View
      Annotate View
      Properties View
      Set a SVN Property
      Add To Version Control
      Add to svn:ignore
      Configure Branches/Tags
      Edit Conflicts
      Mark Resolved
    Compare menu
    Replace menu
    Other Actions
      Checking out a Project
      Resource Properties tab
      Relocate Repository
    Support for SVN Protocols
  Quick Reference for Command Line Users
  Tips and Tricks