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Family Nutrition & Fitness Program

FIT FAMILIES              
The Family Based Nutrition & Fitness Program

What is Fit Families?
This program is designed to help children live a healthier lifestyle.  It is geared toward school-aged children, but it is open to any family wanting to learn more about healthy eating and increasing physical activity.  The program also focuses on the participant’s parents who want to learn a new healthy lifestyle for the whole family.

Why Do We Need This Program?
Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States as well as around the world.  This is not only affecting our adult population, but is being mirrored in our youth.  Over the past 3 decades the prevalence of childhood obesity has doubled for 2-5 year olds and 12-19 year olds and tripled for 6-11 year olds. 

This is seen in both boys and girls, all ethnic groups, all 50 states, and in many developed countries and the numbers appear to be rising. Nine million American children over 6 years old are considered obese and 60% of children age 5-10 years have one heart disease risk factor.

Approximately 17% of children and adolescence being considered obese.  As a result, one in four children will develop diabetes in their youth.  This not only affects their health but also their self esteem.

What Ages are the Children Who Participate?
The ages of our enrolled participants range from 7-12 years, but we encourage younger and older siblings to join in on the activity and education.

How Long is the Program?
Fit Families is a five week program, which meets every Thursday from 3:30-5:00 pm.  Each session covers a new topic for both the parents and the children.

At each session, the parents will be educated on different topics while their children participate in physical activity and interactive education.  We also offer cooking demonstrations during our visits!
Session one: Choosing Beverages
Session two: The Importance of Breakfast
Session three: Smart Fast Food Dining
Session four: Label reading and Portion Control
Session five: Healthy Snacks
Each session contains organized physical activity and a snack.

Where is the Program Held?
Fit Families is a collaboration of Nutrition Care Division and Picerne Military Housing.  Sessions rotate around Fort Bragg at Picerne’s Recreation Centers.  Call 907-7387 for location information.

How do I get My Child Enrolled?
For enrollment, please call the Nutrition Clinic at 907-7387.  You do not need a referral from your physician prior to calling.

Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle.......

1.  Place limits on TV, computer games, and other sedentary pursuits
2.  Encourage physical activities - 1+ hours a day
3.  Make physical activity a family affair -Take hikes, ride bikes together, go to the park
4.  Plan birthdays around fun activities rather that at fast food restaurants
5.  Encourage the habit of eating at meal times and limiting snacking
6.  Avoid eating in front of the TV - it conditions people to eat when they watch TV
7.  Eat most meals at home.  Restaurants serve too much for adults let alone children
8.  Pack lunches -- with planning they can be much healthier that what they might buy at school
9.  Provide wholesome meals and snacks that your child enjoys while introducing new foods
10.  Emphasize rewards for healthy eating
11.  Explain that you eat healthfully because you value good health