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Department of Social Work (DSW) Treatment Groups

To register, please call (910) 907-7869 

Post Partum Empowerment Group
To provide treatment and support for women experiencing depressive symptoms before or after childbirth.

Date:  Wednesdays
Hours:  0900 - 1030
Location:  DSW Joel Health Clinic Conference Room

Couples Conflict Resolution Groups
A one-time, 1 1/2 hour session offered by DSW for couples who could benefit from learning new skills to help them resolve their conflicts.

Date:  Mondays       1500 - 1630                  
         Wednesdays  1300 - 1430
         Location:  WAMC DSW 3rd Floor

         Fridays           1400 - 1530
         Location:  DSW DIV MH - RHC Bldg C-1722

Anger Management Groups
Teaches ways to appropriately manage anger and consciously refrain from using violence.

Date:  Mondays  1000 - 1130
          Location: DSW Clark 
         Tuesdays  1315 - 1445
          Fridays     1000 - 1130
          Location:  DSW DIV MH -- RHC Bldg C-1722

          Wednesdays  1030 - Noon
                             1430 - 1600
                             Location:  DSW Joel

Operation Enduring Relationship: Enhancing Couples' Communication
This group is designed for couples who desire to improve effective communication skills.

Date:  Thursdays  1400 - 1530
Location:  DSW Clark Health Clinic

Stress Management Group
This group provides a forum for participants to discuss issues related to managing stress by utilizing solution focused and basic cognitive behavioral interventions.

Date:  Fridays  1300 - 1430
Location:  DSW DIV MH - RHC Bldg C-1722

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children Group
Psycho-educational group for parents that have participated in domestic violence.

Date:  2nd & 3rd Wednesdays of each month  1300 - 1500
Location:  DSW DIV MH - RHC Bldg C-1722

DADS 101
A program for first-time fathers.

Date:  Last Tuesdays of the month  1300 -1500
Location: WAMC DSW, 3rd Floor

Combat Stress Group
A support group for Soldiers coping with the loss of a battle buddy, a family member, a friend's suicide or the loss of a relationship.

Date:  Wednesdays  1330 - 1500
Location:  WAMC DSW, 3rd Floor

Women's Group
A psycho-educational / support group for individuals who have been involved in domestic violence or feel that they are in an abusive relationship.

Date:  Fridays   1030 - Noon
Location:  WAMC DSW, 3rd Floor

Marching to Change Treatment Program
Assists and supports Soldiers and adult family members to manage anger and stress, making necessary changes in themselves and in their relationships to promote nonviolence.

Introduction Group:
Date:  Mondays  1300 - 1430
Location:  WAMC DSW, 3rd Floor

Date:  Tuesdays  1500 - 1630
Location:  US Army Reserve Center, Lewis Rd off Butner Rd.

 Click here for Social Work Treatment Groups Flyer