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bullet Legal Research Resources

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Legal Research Resources

bulletCenter for Health Law Studies - St. Louis University – The site contains research resources, online publications, health law career information, and degree programs.

bulletDepartment of Health Law, Bioethics and Human Rights - Boston University - The site provides links to health law cases, research resources, publications, and academic programs.

bulletHealth Hippo – This site offers a collection of policy and regulatory materials related to health care. The web site is provided by Findlaw

bulletHealth Law Institute - Dalhousie University – The site includes annual reports and related links

bulletHealth Law and Policy Institute - University of Houston – This site links to Health Pathfinder, a web directory of links for health policy, law, and general health information, research publications, and updated health law news.

bulletHealth Law Research Gateway - A research starting point by Center for Health Law Studies at St. Louis University which includes a primer on health law research on the Web, updated news topics, and links to several health law databases and institutions. The research section allows search by topic. Click on Bioethics for general and specific topics in Bioethics. 

bulletHealthPathfinder – The site contains annotated links from the University of Houston Health Law and Policy Institute's site to web sites pertaining to health law, health policy, and general health.

bullet Law, Medicine and Bioethics Resources – This site is maintained by Dr. Constance Perry, a faculty member at Drexel University. It includes links from other sites from philosophy and bioethics and topics in bioethics. It is arranged in categories, is easy to use, and is broader in coverage than some of the other law school bioethics sites.

bullet New York State Bar Association Health Law Section – The Section’s goals include improvement in health law, regulations and procedure; disseminating educational information relating to the development and practice in these fields, and facilitating service to the public with respect to health law and related issues. The site links to special topics including Bioethics.

bullet University of Minnesota Law School – The site includes a health law resource bibliography and a list of bioethics resources. The bibliography is a listing rather than URLs.

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Last updated: 5/19/11 11:08 AM

5/19/11 11:08 AM