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eRA Commons – How To:
Basic Tasks Step by Step

1. To reset the password Updated

The new password must meet the following standards:

2. To change the password Updated

3. For the SO to affiliate the PI Updated

4. For the SO, AO, or AA to create a new account for someone in his/her organization Updated

5. For editing a Commons account

6. To search for a user to view his or her delegations

The My Delegates screen opens. If applicable, the My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations. If you have no current delegations, the table will indicate ‘No records were returned.’

7. To edit the delegations already assigned to users for your own account

The My Delegates screen opens. The My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations.

8. For the SO (or other administrative user) to delegate authority to a user on behalf of someone else

The My Delegates screen opens. If applicable, the My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations. If you have no current delegations, the table will indicate ‘No records were returned.’

9. To Update your Email Address

10. For the SO (or other administrative user) to revoke authority from a user on behalf of someone else

The My Delegates screen opens. If applicable, the My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations. If you have no current delegations, the table will indicate ‘No records were returned.’

11. To delegate authority to another user (for your own account)

The My Delegates screen opens. If applicable, the My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations. If you have no current delegations, the table will indicate ‘No records were returned.’

12. To revoke authority from another user (for your own account)

The My Delegates screen opens. The My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations.

13. For an SO to delegate authority to the PI to submit the Progress Report

The My Delegates screen opens. If applicable, the My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations. If you have no current delegations, the table will indicate ‘No records were returned.’

14. For an SO to revoke from the PI the authority to submit the Progress Report

The My Delegates screen opens. If applicable, the My Current Delegations area of the screen displays a table of your existing delegations. If you have no current delegations, the table will indicate ‘No records were returned.’

15. For populating Congressional District numbers if in a foreign country

16. For the SO to add the Financial Status Report Role to a profile

17. For the PI and SO to locate the Grants Closeout link

18. For the SO to request a no cost extension

19. For a reviewer to access the Secure Payee Registration System to receive honoraria for their service at a NIH review meeting

20. For a PI to access his/her application's summary statement

21. SO to unaffiliate a PINew

This page last reviewed: March 21, 2012