Archive for the ‘Meetings/Events’ Category

Improving Homology Modeling

While the Protein Data Bank includes nearly 88,000 protein structures that were determined experimentally, there are millions more proteins whose structures are unknown. Comparative or homology modeling offers a powerful approach for leveraging solved structures to reveal important biological details about the others. Two efforts, both funded through the Protein Structure Initiative, are evaluating the [...]

Filed under: Funding Opportunities, Meetings/Events, Structural Biology

Advisory Council Meeting

The next meeting of our Advisory Council is later this week. For more information on Council activities, see these previous Feedback Loop posts: The Advisory Council’s Critical Roles, an overview of the types of input Council members provide to NIGMS “Did Council Fund My Grant?”, a discussion of the Advisory Council’s role in making funding [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, Peer Review

Web Chat Stimulates Student Interest in Cells, Research Careers

Last Friday, we hosted Cell Day–an extremely exciting online interactive chat about the cell. During the event, many members of our scientific staff, including our Acting Director, Judith Greenberg, fielded more than 140 questions from mostly 5th through 12th grade students and teachers across the country. We anticipated some of the questions we’d be asked, [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, Resources

Watch Our 50th Anniversary Scientific Symposium Online

We’re looking forward to a very special event this week—a symposium on the NIH campus marking our 50th anniversary. If you can’t join us in person, you can watch the talks online. The event is on Wednesday, October 17, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Eastern time. NIH Director Francis Collins will lead things off by [...]

Filed under: Director’s Messages, Meetings/Events

NIH-Funded Research on Center Stage at Celebration of Science Event

Most of us—whether we’re making discoveries or funding them—spend our time focused on driving science forward. Occasionally we have the opportunity to revel in the advances that have been made and see firsthand how they change lives. That’s what happened here at NIH a few weekends ago, and it was an absolute delight. FasterCures and [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, NIH

Anniversary Event “Cell”ebrates the Cell

To help increase student interest in cell biology and research careers—as well as to mark our 50th anniversary—we’re hosting an online interactive chat about the cell on Friday, November 2. Middle and high school students, teachers and interested members of the public can submit questions to be answered by NIGMS scientific staff from 10:00 a.m. [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, Resources

Invitation to Structure Determination Technologies Workshop

We welcome structural biologists and biologists engaged in functional investigations that benefit from structural data to participate in our PSI:Biology Technologies Workshop at NIH on December 12, 2012. The workshop will focus on new technologies for high-throughput protein structure determination developed within our Protein Structure Initiative, which is now in a phase called PSI:Biology. Investigators [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, Structural Biology

50 Years of Supporting Chemistry that Enables Biomedical Research

One of our 50th anniversary scientific society symposia took place last month at the American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting  in Philadelphia. The day-long event highlighted the fundamental role of chemistry in biomedical science and demonstrated that NIGMS is a major supporter of the field. Titled “50 Years of NIGMS-Supported Chemistry Enabling Biomedical Research,” the symposium [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events

A Roadmap for Glycoscience

The National Research Council of the National Academies has released a report titled Transforming Glycoscience: A Roadmap for the Future . The report was sponsored by several NIH institutes, including NIGMS, along with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. It was prepared by the Committee on Assessing [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, News, Resources

“Did Council Fund My Grant?”

This is a question we’re often asked shortly after the NIGMS Advisory Council meets in January, May and September. The short answer is: No. Here’s why. As described in a previous post, our Council provides a second level of peer review of applications assigned to NIGMS. It is not a second study section. Instead, the [...]

Filed under: Meetings/Events, Peer Review