The NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine

Neural Stem Cell (NSC)

Isolating Dopaminergic Progenitors

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Title Isolating Dopaminergic Progenitors
Date Submitted May 5, 2012
Submitted by - Efthymiou, Anastasia -
Adapted from - Gibco Protocol
Contributors - Efthymiou, Anastasia
Affiliation(s) - NIH CRM - NIAMS – Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology


T-75 Flask


  1. Label all differentiating colonies containing rosettes using a microscope marker.
  2. Using a 200-uL pipette tip pointing to the center of each marked colony, blow off the cells in rosettes.
  3. Use a 10-mL pipette to transfer the detached cell clumps into a 50-mL centrifuge tube.
  4. Note: You can combine the cell clumps from five 100-mm dishes into one 50-mL tube.
  5. Centrifuge the cells for 3 minutes at 200 × g.
  6. Aspirate the supernatant and resuspend the cell clumps in 40 mL of neural expansion medium containing 100 ng/mL FGF-8b and 200 ng/mL SHH.
  7. Transfer the cell clumps to a T-75 flask and place the flask in a 37 C incubator with a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. The rosettes will roll up to form neurospheres after about 1 day in the incubator.
  8. Replace half of the neural expansion medium containing 100 ng/mL FGF-8b and 200 ng/mL SHH with fresh medium every other day.
    Note: Contaminating non-neural cells tend to attach to the flask. When changing the medium, set the flask down at a tilted angle to allow the neurospheres to settle in one corner of the flask. Aspirate half of the neural expansion medium and use a 10-mL pipette to transfer the neurospheres with the rest of the spent neural expansion medium to a fresh T-75 flask. Add 20 mL of pre-warmed fresh neural expansion medium to the flask and incubate in a 37 C incubator with a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2.


Neural expansion medium
Neural Expansion Medium

Component Amount
D-MEM/F-12 96 mL
N-2 Supplement 1 mL
B-27® Supplement 2 mL
Basic FGF Solution 200 µL
Heparin Solution 100 µL



1. Houbo Jiang, Yong Ren, Eunice Y. Yuen, et al. Parkin controls dopamine utilization in human midbrain dopaminergic neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. Nature Communications 3, Article number: 668 (2011).

This page was last modified on October 18, 2012