City of Brownsville

Connect Brownsville

To foster economic growth in a city with high levels of unemployment, the City of Brownsville’s Connect Brownsville project proposes to increase public computer access and awareness of the benefits of broadband among residents over the next three years. The project proposes to bolster the town library’s broadband speeds and provide 176 new computers to the library and to deploy a mobile lab in collaboration with Texas Southmost College to make available another 30 laptop computers for residents. The project also expects to deploy five new workstations to the United Way of Southern Cameron County, a key community development organization in the city, and allow community members to benefit from services such as basic math and reading, GED preparation, computer skills training, and English-as-a-second-language classes through the Brownsville Literacy Center.

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NGN crew working on the 260-mile core network North Georgia Network Cooperative, Inc.

Steaming from collaboration among community development professionals, the North Georgia Network...

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