Division of Genomic Sciences Staff

Lita M. Proctor, Ph.D.

Lita M. Proctor
Program Director, Human Microbiome Project
Division of Genome Sciences

Ph.D. State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1991

phone (301) 496-4550
fax (301) 480-2770
e-mail lita.proctor@nih.gov
5635 Fishers Ln
Room 4119, MSC 9305
Rockville, MD 20892-9305

Human Microbiome Project (HMP)

HMP Data Analysis and Coordination Center (DACC)

As Program Director, Dr. Proctor is responsible for coordination of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP). The HMP is a 5-year, trans-NIH Common Fund Initiative to create a community resource for this field. These resources include microbiome-associated microbial genome sequences, phylogenetic and functional gene sequence data from the microbiomes of healthy adults and phylogenetic and functional gene sequence data from the microbiomes of gut, skin and urogenital diseases with a microbiome association. Computational tools for metagenomic data analysis, single cell genomics and novel cultivation approaches as well as ELSI studies in human microbiome research round out the resources for this initiative. Dr. Proctor also manages the HMP computational tools program and the HMP large scale sequencing center grants.

Dr. Proctor joined the Division of Extramural Research in 2010. Prior to this she served as Program Director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Geosciences and the Biosciences Directorates, where she managed microbiological and bioinformatics research programs. She is formally trained in microbial ecology, was a NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in molecular microbial genetics at University of California, Los Angeles and held appointments at Florida State University and University of California, Santa Cruz.

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Posted: October 3, 2011