Genomic Resources

Note: This list provides links to research resources that may be of interest to genetic epidemiologists conducting cancer research, but is not exhaustive. Within each section, the resources are listed in alphabetical order.

If you have suggestions for additional resources to add, please contact Carolyn Hutter, Ph.D., a Program Director in the Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program's Host Susceptibility Factors Branch.

Genomic Datasets for Cancer Research: Datasets and Access Policy

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Cancer Genome and Somatic Mutation Information

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Genotyping and Sequencing Centers

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Genome Browsers and Map Viewers

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Databases and Catalogues of Genetic Variation

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Toolkits for Harmonizing or Generating Standardized Measures for Phenotypes and Exposures

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Analysis Tools

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Catalogues and Databases of Relationships Between Genotypes and Phenotypes

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Tools for Predicting Impact of Amino Acid Substitutions

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Literature and Knowledge Base Resources

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NCI/NIH Sponsored Networks and Programs

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Last Updated: 06 Dec 2012

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health